From traffic to movie star

Chapter 456 It's Spring Again

Chapter 456 It's Spring Again
"The 29-year-old grand slam actor, I ask you if you accept it."

"Ah, ah, Director Wei is amazing."

"Congratulations to Wei Xun for being crowned emperor for the third time!"

In the webcast room, countless netizens frantically swiped their screens.

And when Bai Qianchi read out 'Best Actor Wei Xun', the newsletter was full of cheers, and countless media people had already begun to rush out the draft. It would not be long before the news of Wei Xun's conferment on the throne would be spread. All over the Internet.

In the Great Hall of Beijing City.

Amid thunderous applause, Wei Xun stood up and hugged Yi Heng and Jiang Duzhou beside him, and then walked onto the stage under the watchful eyes of many stars and insiders.

On the stage, Bai Qianchi joked, "Teacher Wei is very handsome tonight. I just heard your fans screaming outside the backstage. I didn't expect handsome to be enough. You still have the strength. You will take the biggest trophy as soon as you come out." gone."

With Wei Xun's current status in the circle, few people dare to tease him in such a peaceful manner.

Whether it was the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast, they all smiled and watched the interaction between the two big names on the stage.

"Teacher Bai is serious. It's just a small achievement. I'm afraid your trophy won't fit in an entire bookshelf." Regarding Bai Qianchi's teasing, Wei Xun said with a smile: "And I'm the one who received the award, and you're the one who presented the award." Yes, it must be that I am not as good as you."

Bai Qianchi laughed outright when he heard the words, and handed him the trophy in his hand: "Look, no wonder he can win the prize, he can talk a lot."

Suddenly there was applause and laughter from the audience.

Everyone knows that they have a good relationship, just teasing each other.

After Wei Xun received the trophy, Bai Qianchi left the stage with a smile and handed over the stage to tonight's actor.

"First of all, I would like to thank the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Film Festival for awarding this award to me, to the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine". I also thank my good friend Jiang Duzhou in the audience, and Shao Bing who is far away in Hollywood. With your support, the current achievements of "The God of Medicine" are possible. Of course, I would like to thank the fans and friends who like "The God of Medicine"."

Holding the trophy in one hand, Wei Xun said with a smile: "Well, I also want to thank my wife for supporting my career. Everyone knows that this year is very special for me. Marriage is a very special year for a man. , It’s like I have a sense of responsibility and mission. Next, whether it’s the film business or my personal life, I will plan more seriously. Finally, I hope that the Chinese film industry will get better and better, thank you everyone.”

After finishing speaking, he bowed slightly, and then stepped off the stage with a smile.

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

Netizens on the Internet are sensitive to discover that Wei Xun is different from usual.

"I feel that after Director Wei got married, he even talked a lot more down-to-earth, and his whole person became more gentle and restrained."

"When he was crowned emperor at the Shanghai Film Festival before, that sharp-edged aura was hidden."

"After all, being married is probably also a kind of responsibility and growth?"

"That's right, from a teenager to a young man, he has been growing up."

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" is definitely the biggest winner at the Beijing Film Festival tonight.

After Wei Xun won the best actor, the best director and best editing were both taken away by "The God of Medicine".

Because Shao Bing didn't come back from Hollywood, Jiang Duzhou took the stage to accept the award instead.

That night, the media's drafts began to be sent overnight, and the next day, the entire network was broadcasting the success of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Of course, the most eye-catching headline belongs to Wei Xun.

Grand Slam actor.

29 is old.

And what's even more exaggerated is that there is also a title of 'ten billion actor'.

These performances are usually not counted, but now that they are listed, it is really shocking.

"Wei Xun became the first actor in the history of the Chinese film industry to win the Grand Slam Best Actor before the age of 30, and the first actor to break 100 billion at the box office. From trophies to box office, there is no comparison!"

"Wei Xunjing City Film Festival has successfully crowned the emperor, the 29-year-old Chinese grand slam actor!"

"The handover between the Grand Slam Best Actor and the Grand Slam Best Actor, Bai Qianchi and Wei Xun were handsome and teased each other on the same stage at the awards ceremony."

"From the ridiculed traffic on the whole network to today's youngest grand slam actor in China, let's count Wei Xun's legendary life in the past nine years."

An awards ceremony at the Beijing Film Festival completely pushed Wei Xun's popularity to its peak at the end of the year.

At the same time, the Chinese box office of "Infernal Affairs" has stabilized at 42 billion, and the subsequent growth has slowed down to the naked eye. The foreign Asian box office has also reached the ceiling after breaking through 10 billion.

However, the global box office of 52 billion Chinese dollars also made "Infernal Affairs" successfully squeezed into the top 50 box office of global movies, becoming the record holder of the highest box office of Asian movies.

It can be said that at the end of this year, "Infernal Affairs" completely made a splash in Asia, and Wei Xun, who played Chen Yongren, became famous in Asia.

Of course, the popularity of "Infernal Affairs" is also related to the terrorist influence of Xiangjiang police and gangster films in Asia decades ago, otherwise it would not have exploded so violently.

December quietly turned the page in the astonishing achievements of "Infernal Affairs".

In January, with the help of Cannes chairman Jean Besson, "Infernal Affairs" was screened in a small area in France. Although the feedback effect was not as good as in Asia, cultural barriers are hard to break after all, and medals are not expected The French box office is nothing more than going through the process of reporting to Cannes.

At the same time, I don't know when it started, a company called 'ByteDance' appeared in the Internet market.

A mobile app called 'Jiji Toutiao' entered the public eye, and then spread like a virus. The most amazing feature of this app is that after installing it, you can earn red envelopes by watching the news. essential softwares'.

Of course, things in the Internet circle have nothing to do with the movie circle.

There are no films released during the Spring Festival this year. Companies such as Dynasty Entertainment and Huaying Media seized the opportunity and began to show their talents.

When it came to the Spring Festival, other companies were busy working overtime, but Medallion Media had a rare early holiday.Of course, Mao Bin's Medal Theater is an exception.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, there was another heavy snowfall in Beijing.

Wei Xun and Chi Tang took their parents and relatives to the villa in No. [-] courtyard of the embassy, ​​and cooked New Year's Eve dinner at home.

The home where there are usually only young couples suddenly became lively and lively.

Of course, when it comes to Chinese New Year, it is inevitable that we will encounter some commonplace problems.

For example, when Wei Xun went to the kitchen to wash fruit, he was blocked by the sink by his mother.Shen Ying glanced at the living room, seeing that no one was paying attention, she quietly closed the kitchen door, and asked, "Did you listen to what I told you last time?"

Wei Xun was a little dazed: "What's the matter?"

"As for the old Chinese doctor your third aunt mentioned, he is really capable." Shen Ying said, "You and Tangtang have lived together for several years, and there has been no movement. repair."

Wei Xun suddenly felt a headache.

Even if you are worth tens of billions, your mother is your mother after all.

If she wants a grandson, you have to give her one.

(End of this chapter)

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