From traffic to movie star

Chapter 457 Next Year Plan

Chapter 457 The next ten-year plan

A common problem of Chinese-style parents is that they urge their children to get married when they are not married, and immediately start urging their children after they are married.

Wei Xun and Chi Tang had only been married for four months, and Shen Ying was already anxious.

It's just that Wei Xun and Chi Tang are very open about the child. If the child does not come, they will wait. Once the child comes, they will definitely accept it.

And in fact, since the two got married, they stopped contraceptive measures very tacitly.

It's been four months now and still nothing.

When going to bed that night, Chi Tang lay in Wei Xun's arms, and said with some depression: "It shouldn't be logical, Xu Yaru got pregnant not long after she got married, and she was due to give birth in two months, how do I feel? nothing."

Obviously, the elders in the family have discussed it well.

Shen Ying was urging Wei Xun, so Chi Sheng probably slapped Chi Tang sideways and asked the child questions.

"Let's go with the flow, there's no need to rush this kind of thing." Wei Xun said with a smile: "Our mother told me today that I know an old Chinese doctor who wants to prescribe some folk remedies for us."

Chi Tang's stomach hurts from laughing.

"Replenish it?" After laughing enough, she poked Wei Xun, and said speechlessly, "You are already able to toss."

Wei Xun quietly wrapped his arms around her waist, hinting: "But didn't you complain about the lack of movement just now? I think I may not have worked hard enough."

"My parents are all living at home tonight, don't make trouble..."

"How can you make a fuss about giving birth to a child? It's a serious matter!"

The two tossed and tossed until after one o'clock in the morning, and Wei Xun carried the limp Chitang to the bathroom to clean up briefly, and then carried him back to the bed.

Chi Tang was so tired that he fell asleep with a tired face.

Wei Xun felt a little insomnia.

Unable to sleep on both sides, he got up and kissed Chitang quietly on the cheek, then put on his nightgown and went to the study next door.

After pushing the door open, the sensor lights in the study automatically turned on, and the curtains slowly opened, revealing the quiet and clear artificial lake view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Wei Xun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows for a while, then sat down at the desk and turned on the computer.

Before he knew it, he had been in this world for a full ten years.

Recalling the experience of the past ten years, I suddenly feel some indescribable emotion. It turns out that it has been so long.

Stimulated by ticket subsidies, China's film industry is rapidly expanding and has become the second largest box office granary in the world.The star studio system has been fully implemented in the entertainment industry, followed by the sky-high salary of stars, the unprecedented prosperity of the traffic market, and the subsequent expansion of the traffic market - the film and television winter.

Of course, there are also economic problems that cannot be ignored, because ticket subsidies stimulate the false box office boom brought about by the expansion of the box office market.

These are the direct elements that trigger the cold winter of film and television, and also represent the official arrival of the post-traffic era.

For Medal Media, it is also a great opportunity and test.

Thinking of this, Wei Xun opened the computer file and entered the following line: the next ten-year plan.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then began to sort out his chaotic thoughts.

1. Accelerate and stimulate the development of Toutiao and Douyin short videos, and pave the way for advance planning for short videos to break into the long video field.

2. Create a Medal Propaganda Department to deal with the impact on panda ticket purchases brought about by the country's ban on ticket compensation policies.

3. Open up a new cultural and entertainment department - variety shows, to offset the subsequent plight of lack of resources for cooperative artists due to the Film and Television Winter Medal.

4. IPs such as "The Great Wilderness", "Fengshen" and "Journey to the West" have stepped up efforts to cultivate, and the TV series "Journey to the West" has begun to be filmed.

5. Continue to stimulate the domestic film market, and move to the film industry's sci-fi blockbusters. "The Wandering Earth" and "Wolf Warrior 2" have drawn up production plans.

6. Medallion Media captured the Asian market, the vanguard marched into Hollywood, and officially launched the two plans of "counter-cultural invasion" and "correctness of yellow-skinned people".

7. Enter Hollywood to reap the box office, capture the blockbuster film market, acquire media newspapers and theaters, and increase the proportion of Chinese people in Hollywood.Self-produced blockbuster film resources, use Hollywood big-name actors to match Chinese movie actors, and force the world to show their faces.Launch the 'Yellow Race Filmmakers Discrimination' parade, and further demand equality in awards...

After writing this, Wei Xun hesitated.

Because the sixth plan can be said to directly infringe on Hollywood's interests and right to speak, once this plan is implemented, Medallion Media will definitely face the collective anger of the entire Hollywood capital, and even the Wall Street consortium that is closely related to Hollywood.

But... so what.

As a time traveler, Wei Xun has countless precious treasures in his mind.

Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Avengers, Transformers, Titanic, Harry Potter, "fast and Furious"……

If such a bunch of commercial films are taken out, even if they are smashed, they can still create a position in Hollywood that belongs to Medal Media.

After the capital has the right to speak, all kinds of award-winning movies should also follow up.

Of course, this will also cause the entire Hollywood to bottom out. It seems easy, but it will be difficult when it is implemented.

But as long as these movies can be successfully produced, even if Medal Media is kicked out of Hollywood in the end, it still has the confidence to fight back here.

This confidence is - Hong Huang and Journey to the West IP.

On Earth, Disney can open theme parks all over the world, which stems from the success of cultural exports.Then, it is not impossible to open the Journey to the West theme park to Hollywood.

When Medal's movies dominate Hollywood and get the right to speak, whatever they make, Hollywood has to watch.

This is cultural export.

Just like Huaxia back then, wasn't it because of what Hollywood filmed and what we watched, that it was captured step by step like this.As for Hollywood not understanding the culture of Journey to the West?Nonsense, which Chinese people are born to understand Marvel?
If Hollywood doesn’t understand, then I will spend ten or 20 years forcing you to understand, and then use our culture to attack and capture your market in a disguised form.

The night is deep.

Sitting in front of the computer, Wei Xun stared blankly at the plan he had typed on the computer screen, feeling hot and fiery inside.

Ten years is only enough for him to complete his previous small goals in this land of China.

The next ten years will be the beginning of a turbulent era in the future. The confrontation in the future will only be more intense, and the predicament that Medal will face will be more dangerous and more difficult.

What's more, the plans he listed cannot be completed in ten long years.

Because it is too large, or too far away.

Thinking about it, anyone in the whole world will think that he is going crazy when he sees his schedule.

But only Wei Xun knew it in his heart, he was sober.

He is looking forward to that day, for which he is willing to do his best and spend the rest of his life fighting and fighting for it.

da da da da da...

Taking a deep breath silently, he stretched out his hand and pressed the delete key on the keyboard. Amidst the crisp keyboard sound, the schedule just now was quickly deleted word by word, leaving only a blank document in the end.

Wei Xun clicked Save, dragged the blank document into the trash can and shredded it, then rubbed his sore eyes, turned off the computer, and walked out of the study.

The sensor light in the study went off automatically, and the curtains were slowly closed.

Wei Xun opened the door and walked into the bedroom, stood in the warm air for a while to get rid of the cold air on his body, then turned over and went to bed quietly.

Chi Tang looked over in a daze, and asked, "What time is it?"

Wei Xun smiled and tucked the quilt up for her: "It's four o'clock in the morning, go on to sleep, be good."

So Chi Tang closed his eyes.

In the darkness, seeing the plain sleeping face of the person next to his pillow, Wei Xun smiled silently, and then closed his eyes.

A good night's dream.

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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