Chapter 5
The recording of "Please Call Me an Actor" started at [-] o'clock in the evening. Wei Xun arrived in the morning, and Chen Rong only came in the evening. In other words, Wei Xun almost sat on the bench in the practice room all day by himself.

But it's not really idle, one day is enough for him to thoroughly understand the book "Mother's Heart Is Like Iron".

The actor's skill is definitely not Gade.

In the practice room, not long after Chen Rong came, an acting instructor named Liu Meiya also came, and said something to Wei Xun in front of the camera, and asked Chen Rong to speak to Wei Xun.

All of this was recorded by a video camera, and it was clearly a show.

Wei Xun knew in his heart that this was done to record the background material, and play it as a small clip when the contestant succeeds or fails in the promotion.

There are always two worlds in front of the stage and behind the scenes. In many cases, what the audience sees is screened.

But Wei Xun didn't get angry, on the contrary he was very cooperative.

Because idiots throw temper in front of the camera.

"Please Call Me an Actor" may be a good program, but there are everyone in the program group, such as Chen Rong, who doesn't hide her backstage at all, who dares to perfunctory even the process, and blatantly tells Wei Xun that she is a resource coffee.

I have to say, this kind of person is very stupid.

I just don't know the origin of this woman named Chen Rong, who dared to be so arrogant.

"Okay, the lines are finished, let's go to make up." After hastily correcting the lines, Chen Rong said: "Wei Xun, look forward to our cooperation in a while."

Wei Xun said with deep meaning: "I am also looking forward to it."

He's not a saint, he was left out all day and had to act like nothing happened in front of the camera.

And for a former actor, it is not easy to teach his co-stars a lesson quietly.

"Then come on." Chen Rong waved her fist with a smirk, and then left.

She is sure that she will be able to advance to the next level this time, and Wei Xun is the stepping stone for her to carry the sedan chair, so she is very confident.

In the entertainment industry, movie actors have the highest status, followed by TV actors. As for traffic idols, they seem to be superficially beautiful, but they really don't have much status.

So Chen Rong didn't even bother to deal with the traffic like Wei Xun's.

After Chen Rong left, Wei Xun went to make up under the leadership of the staff.

While on the way to the toilet, he went to the newsletter to search for Chen Rong's information. He is an [-]th-line movie actor who has only played small roles before. It seems that the resources are very ordinary.

That's a good guess.

Chen Rong must have climbed some backstage recently to come here. After all, variety shows like "Please Call Me an Actor" are not easy for everyone to join.

It is precisely because she used to be a little transparent, but now she has finally climbed to a high branch, that she is so arrogant and domineering.

But no matter what background this woman has, Wei Xun will not be able to swallow his anger this time.

The recording of the first episode of "Please Call Me an Actor" started at [-]:[-] p.m., Wei Xun and Chen Rong were the first to play, and the script was "Mother's Heart Is Like Iron".

Under normal circumstances, the scripts selected by the program group are selected from the classic movies that the mentors have acted in.

And "Mother's Heart Like Iron" is one of the three mentors of "Please Call Me an Actor", the film queen Zhai Qing was the queen's work at that time, the heroine is a strong mother who protects her children.

The scene that Wei Xun and Chen Rong are going to play is that the heroine heard that the man she was working outside died on a construction site, so she took the child and went all the way to arrange the funeral for the man, but she met a pickpocket halfway, took money and ID card They were all stolen.

In Nuo Da's world, orphans and widowed mothers have nowhere to go. At this time, a man who seemed honest and honest came to strike up a conversation and expressed his willingness to help.

The heroine was very grateful to the man, because she had nowhere to go and was afraid of starving the child, so she followed the man back home.

As a result, that night, the strange man bared his fangs and attempted to touch the woman.

The heroine pretends to be pitiful and weak, and finally escapes with the child in her arms when the man's heart softens and hesitates.

In the short 10-minute scene, the main shots are all on the heroine. As for the man who misses the heroine, he is just a hurdle in the heroine's miserable life, not an important role.

Therefore, the selection of this script is actually very biased, which is obviously more beneficial to Chen Rong.

But for Wei Xun, a man who is simple and honest on the surface, but in fact has a restless heart, has a double-faced personality, and the role is full of tension. If he plays it well, he will definitely have the effect of overwhelming the audience.

After all, for the audience, the contrast between before and after acting can cause a big shock.

At nine o'clock, the show starts shooting.

At the recording site of "Please Call Me an Actor", the host and three mentors, the actor Gu Chengxian, the actress Zhai Qing and the veteran actor Sun Kuo are already in place.

After the simple announcement, the information of the two participating actors and the script "Mother's Heart Like Iron" appeared on the big VCR screen.

The audience who participated in the recording of the program began to whisper, one is because this story is not easy to act, it is Zhai Qing's best-selling work, and the other is that the partner actor is actually Wei Xun.

Traffic Wei Xun, a well-known handsome handsome guy, his acting skills are almost nonexistent.

In the tutor seat, actress Zhai Qing covered her mouth with her hand in surprise: "My God, the script is actually this movie, so I'm looking forward to it."

The film star Gu Chengxian next to him said jokingly: "I think Chen Rong, who plays the heroine, should be careful. She will challenge Zhai Qing's queen's work as soon as she comes up. If she plays better than Zhai Qing, Zhai Qing will be angry." She must not be allowed to advance."

The audience in the back laughed out loud.

Zhai Qing also smiled: "Brother Gu, don't make fun of me, but to be honest, I may pay more attention to another character than the heroine, because I think this male character has a double-faced personality. There is a lot of tension, so I am looking forward to the performance of the young actor. I watched the VCR just now, and this actor is called Wei Xun, right? He is a very handsome boy."

Just as men like beautiful women, women also like handsome men.

"It's really handsome. This child's face is naturally suitable for the big screen. It looks good no matter how you shoot it." Sun Kuo, an old drama star, said with a smile: "Okay, let's stop chatting and let the two actors let's start."

Thus, the filming of "Mother's Heart Like Iron" officially started.

The red curtain covering the stage slowly opened, and the heroine played by Chen Rong stumbled along the road with the child in her arms, with an anxious expression on her face: "Why did you lose it, it was still there just now."

She started from the village, went to a small county town to buy a train ticket, and had to take care of the funeral of a man who died unexpectedly while working in a big city thousands of miles away.

However, not long after arriving in the county seat, before arriving at the station, the documents and money bags were stolen by pickpockets.

Chen Rong's acting skills are mediocre, and her appearance on the stage is also because she is reluctant to play ugly. A character who was originally an honest rural woman was played for her as a charming little daughter-in-law.

Zhai Qing, who was sitting in the instructor's seat, frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

Gu Chengxian and Sun Kuo's faces were calm, and they couldn't see anything.

On the stage, Chen Rong realized that she had really lost her ID, and sat on the side of the road in a daze.

In this scene, the heroine's panic and helplessness, as well as the sadness of the man's death, and the fear of the unknown, are so complicated that they are indescribable, but when it comes to Chen Rong, it is so dull that only fear remains.

After a few minutes of the heroine's role, the strange man played by Wei Xun appeared on the stage. Before he showed up, his voice had already been heard.

"Big girl, what happened to you?"

With a simple sentence, the voice is very stable, and the lines are very solid. It is just an opening, and the three instructors in the audience are refreshed.

As if it sounds, is it like that?
Then, a simple-looking young man in old clothes came over, with a curious and kind reminder on his expression: "It's getting dark, it's not safe here at night."

Chen Rong raised her head upon hearing this, and met Wei Xun's dark eyes.

Those eyes were full of kindness and concern. Although the young man looked a little sloppy, he somehow gave people the feeling that he was a good person who could be relied upon for help.

So Chen Rong cried in a hurry: "I... my certificate and money bag have been stolen, and now I have nowhere to go."

There seems to be no problem with the performance of the two of them, but in fact, there is a big problem.

The heroine played by Chen Rong should be a frightened bird at the moment. She is wary and distrustful of strangers' conversation.

However, what she deduces now is her dependence on a strange man.

She was led astray by Wei Xun's acting skills. Being caught in this plot, she completely lost her ability to think for herself, subconsciously thinking that Wei Xun is a good person.

Because Wei Xun played a good man, and his eyes were simple and kind, which made people feel at ease.

Suppression, this is definitely a suppression.

Chen Rong, who was in the middle of the game, might not be able to see it yet, but the three mentors in the mentor's seat looked at each other at this moment, and they all saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

As mentors, they won the Best Actor and Best Actress trophy, so it is natural that they have not seen scenes where actors are suppressed.

But for 1 minute on the stage, with two lines of lines, you can suppress your opponent so hard that you don't even know it. How advanced is this?

What's even more frightening is that Chen Rong hasn't found any problems yet.

Suppressing the drama invisible, quietly leading the opponent astray!
Actress Zhai Qing picked up the actor's information in his hand, bowed his head to browse quickly, and made sure that he read it correctly. This Wei Xun, only 21 years old, is a small traffic, poor acting skills, and has acted in many bad movies.

But the performance on stage now is considered poor acting?
The old drama bones are not so scary!

"Wait and see again, maybe... maybe I'm just thinking too much." Zhai Qing was thinking this way, her gaze stayed on Wei Xun, with curiosity, uncertainty, and a faint expectation that she didn't realize .

(End of this chapter)

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