Chapter 6

"Call Me an Actor" recording site.

Under the watchful eyes of the judges and the audience, Chen Rong and Wei Xun's performance continued.

After hearing what happened to Chen Rong, the strange man decided to help her.

But it's getting dark soon, and the first thing to solve right now is the problem of accommodation.

"The locals in this place are in a group and it's very chaotic. At night, it's even more unsafe." Wei Xun said: "Sister, if you don't mind, you can come to my place to make do with it all night, and I will accompany you to call the police tomorrow."

His eyes were so sincere, not only Chen Rong, but also the three instructors and the audience all had an idea in their hearts.

Go back with him, he's a good man.

So, Chen Rong carried the child back home with Wei Xun.

On the judges' seat, Zhai Qing's eyes became brighter and brighter.

By this time, she had fully understood that this actor named Wei Xun was indeed a capable actor.

The other two tutors, Sun Kuo and Gu Chengxian also began to look down at the actor's profile, amazed in their hearts.

Their eyesight was no worse than Zhai Qing's, so they naturally saw Wei Xun's skills.

From the lines to the micro-expressions, it is solid and smooth, and there is no fault at all.

I thought it was a small amount of traffic to make up the numbers, but I didn't expect to have some skills.

On the stage, the plot reached the most critical moment.

Chen Rong came to Wei Xun's house with the child in her arms. The child was crying in the middle of the night, probably thirsty.

She got up in a hurry to find water for the child. Wei Xun came in with a bowl of water, with a strange expression, and said hoarsely, "The child is thirsty."

At this time, the camera shot a close-up, different from the generosity and kindness on his face during the day, Wei Xun's face at this moment has struggles, greed, and more, excitement that cannot be concealed.

The audience who participated in the recording of the program could not help but exclaim.

From a simple and honest young man to a perverted man who has shown his original shape, the contrast between the front and the back is too great, shocking!
Chen Rong also noticed that something was wrong, and the atmosphere became serious.

She took half a step back, glanced at the crying child on the bed, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, you are a good person, aren't you?"

Wei Xun took a step forward and said with a distorted expression: "What's the use of being a good person? I've been a good person for so long, but I'm so useless that I don't even have a woman."

He was too poor to marry a wife at such an old age, so he thought he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

As a result, I met a silly woman with a child on the road today.

Wei Xun felt that his chance had come.

Anyway, her orphan and widowed mother can't cause much trouble, and even killed a man. As long as he kills her tonight, this woman will be his!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun's eyes became more and more red, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Good and evil are often in a single thought.

In this dark night, the cowardly man who had suffered from the misery of his life finally couldn't resist the restlessness in his heart and walked towards the abyss of crime.

He was scared, but the woman opposite was even more scared than him.

So he subtly felt satisfied, the violence in his heart began to be amplified a little bit, and the hands that were excitedly holding the bowl began to tremble.

The baby's cries grew louder and louder.

Chen Rong knelt down and cried: "Brother, please let me go. My child is still young, so I can't let him be spoiled with me. Let me go, and I will give you a longevity card in the future."

Wei Xun didn't say a word, and walked forward step by step.

Seeing this, Chen Rong hurriedly got up and picked up the child, then said with a ruthless expression: "Don't come here, come again, I will bump my head to death in front of you."

Wei Xun's expression finally changed.

"My man died. I met a thief on the road who stole my things. I finally met a good man, but I didn't expect him to miss my body." Chen Rong cried and asked, "What kind of world is this?"

A woman's tears are the best weapon against a man.

Wei Xun came to his senses after being questioned by her, a little at a loss.

In the final analysis, he is just a poor, wimpy guy, just now he felt guilty and fearful when he came back to his senses.

While he was in a daze, Chen Rong ran away with the child in her arms.

Wei Xun silently watched the back of her leaving, and after a while, stretched out his hand and slapped himself.

The emotions in his eyes were too complicated, he didn't know whether the slap was slapping himself for almost committing a crime just now, or slapping himself to let go of the fat in his mouth.

The picture freezes on Wei Xun's face.

The end of the play, the curtain call.

The audience spontaneously started to applaud, everyone with amazement on their faces.

Applause is the greatest affirmation for an actor.

Chen Rong and Wei Xun stood side by side, bowing to express their gratitude.

Just finished a big play, Chen Rong's hairstyle was messed up, she looked a bit embarrassed, but her expression was very excited.

Because she felt that she acted very well, she had never acted so well in her acting career.

I can't say why, but I got into the drama very quickly anyway, I was very emotional, and when I cried, I really felt it, and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all!

But it seems that Wei Xun's performance is not bad, it's not that bad, it should be that she performed too well, so Wei Xun was brought into the play.

It's cheap for this little traffic.

But that's not the point. The point is that Chen Rong feels that she will definitely be able to advance.

Didn't you see the audience applaud spontaneously? You must be impressed by her acting skills!
Chen Rong is now full of confidence, waiting for the judges and tutors to comment.

Wei Xun next to him was very calm.

Putting on a show, when you cry later, Chen Rong glanced at Wei Xun without a trace, and sneered in her heart.

After the applause ended, Zhai Qing began to comment on the instructor's seat: "Great, really, I think I saw a performance that surprised me. Chen Rong, I saw the shadow of my youth from you, there is a Seriously, the performance was wonderful.”

As a powerful actress, Zhai Qing has a very high opinion of Chen Rong.

Chen Rong narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said humbly: "Thank you, mentor, I still have a lot of room for improvement."

This is just a humble polite remark.

But I didn't expect that Zhai Qing nodded directly, and echoed: "Indeed, compared with Wei Xun next to you, you do have room for improvement. Wei Xun really surprised me, especially the complicated eyes at the end. I was even thinking just now, if Wei Xun had been invited to play against me in this movie, I should have acted better."

As soon as such an evaluation came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Chen Rong's excited expression froze for a moment, and she felt that her eyes were darkened, and she almost couldn't stand still.

Did she hear wrong just now?
Zhai Qing continued: "So, I'm sorry Chen Rong, I choose to vote for Wei Xun."

Chen Rong's face turned pale.

In order to be able to be on this show, she climbed up to the director of the production department of Blu-ray Satellite TV, so she was in the backstage of the practice room before, so she could bully Wei Xun at will.

Thinking about the aggrievedness she suffered in front of that fat, greasy director these days, Chen Rong felt very unwilling.

Whether it can become popular, just watch this show!
She must seize the opportunity to advance, otherwise, all sacrifices will be in vain.

"I respect the professionalism of the judges and mentors, but I'm sorry, I think I'm doing a good job myself." After thinking for a while, Chen Rong glared at Wei Xun, gritted her teeth and said to Zhai Qing: "So, I want to hear from you, the mentor. The reason for eliminating me."

The subtext of this statement is, I am not convinced.

The atmosphere at the scene froze instantly.

Wei Xun spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

The program director group got excited and asked the director to focus the camera on tutor Zhai Qing.

The explosion is coming!

Because the more controversial the show, the more popular it will be!
(End of this chapter)

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