From traffic to movie star

Chapter 51 Death and Madness

Chapter 51 Death and Madness

The day after Wei Xun finished watching "Forensic Chronicle".

On the Internet, film critics criticize him for his bad acting skills are still rampant, and many netizens follow suit and abuse him.

"The cancer in the film industry, the shame of capital's forced push, Wei Xun came to poison the eyes of the audience again after half a year's rest. Counting how many films he has hit the street in the past two years, why are there still investors trying to use traffic to make money?" Take a shortcut?"

"The fan economy cannot support the box office market."

"Although I haven't seen this movie yet, but with Wei Xun, scolding is over."

"Several times of re-cutting and bouncing tickets have made Shao Bing give up "Forensic Chronicle". In the end, in order to look better at the box office, he even went to find Wei Xun. He made it clear that he wanted to attract fans and get back his money!"

"For a 120-minute movie, whenever Wei Xun appears, I can't wait for the theater to release a fast-forward service."

"Poor acting skills are a matter of ability, but relying on the body to attract attention is to lead crooked ways and destroy the atmosphere of the film market. I guess after "Forensic Chronicle" is released, maybe Wei Xun can receive a lot of 'spicy themes' to make money Movie, congratulations to him in advance."

"I heard that the role of Chen Zixing was not Wei Xing, but Zhou Xingchen. Even though Zhou Xingchen has only been in the TV circle, compared to Wei Xun, I think Zhou Xingchen is more suitable for this role."

Although the director of "Forensic Chronicle" is Shao Bing and the starring role is Jiang Duzhou, but this is a movie with a niche subject matter, not much publicity, and the filming is very abusive.

Moreover, the screenings on Saturdays and Sundays are all at midnight, and there are not many theaters in total, and there are only dozens of screenings across the country.

But now... because Wei Xun played the role of Chen Zixing, he was suddenly scolded on the trending searches.

It was as if, overnight, people all over the world read Forensic Chronicle.

If Wei Xun hadn't gone to the cinema to watch the screening last night, he might even feel that he has acted in another bad movie.

It's still a full-blown, bad movie where everyone has been poisoned.

Wei Xun's house.

"Brother Xun, this must have been done by Zhou Xingchen from behind. He made it clear that he was unwilling to let you take away the role of Chen Zixing. Before the movie was officially released, he rushed to step on you."

"Now the whole Internet is criticizing and mocking you, and the rhythm has obviously been brought up by others."

Mao Bin said with a gloomy face: "Combined with his rampant performance in the program "Please Call Me an Actor", no accident, when the program starts broadcasting, you will definitely be cut into a waste to set off him in the later stage. When will we start? Fight back?"

According to what Dynasty Entertainment did before, this is almost a certainty.

Through the acting skills of Wei Xun in "Forensic Chronicle", and then stepping on Wei Xun's position in the program group of "Please Call Me Actor", Zhou Xingchen has completely stabilized his popularity this time. Even if he misses the role of Chen Zixing, Dynasty Entertainment can also replace him He got a new movie.

But... Wei Xun still has a trump card that has not been revealed here. The video evidence collected in his hand is also stored in the computer in the study.

Therefore, the louder the noise on the Internet, the worse Zhou Xingchen's death will be!

Today is Monday, "Forensic Chronicle" has just been screened, and there are two days before "Call Me An Actor" will start broadcasting.

"Fight back? No, we don't have to do anything now."

Wei Xun smiled coldly: "At that time, what Dynasty Entertainment did in the program group of "Please Call Me an Actor" thought it was airtight, and Zhou Xingchen had already decided on me. If that is the case, then we will add fire to him. Make him a little more crazy."

To make it perish, first make it crazy.

When Zhou Xingchen wanted to step on Wei Xun to take the position, he must have never imagined that Wei Xun was also plotting against him.

The identities of the prey and the enemy have already quietly changed!
Hearing Wei Xun's words, Mao Bin took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly: "Brother Xun, once we start taking action today, we will completely confront Dynasty Entertainment."

A super giant company with tens of billions of assets is more terrifying and stronger than Tianguang Media!
Facing such a media giant, it is really hard to sleep.

Wei Xun didn't want to become enemies with Dynasty Entertainment unless it was absolutely necessary, but don't forget that it was Dynasty Entertainment's Zhou Xingchen who showed his sword first!

The enemy's knife has already been slashed, so there is no reason not to fight back!
Wei Xun glanced at Mao Bin: "Are you scared?"

"I've been annoyed by Zhou Xingchen's trash for a long time, how could I be afraid." Mao Bin raised his face when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Xun, wait, I'll start releasing the material now."

In fact, to be honest, Mao Bin was somewhat afraid.

But sometimes, you can't let the other party hang and beat you just because you are afraid.

So next, such a news suddenly spread on the Internet.

It is said that Wei Xun and Zhou Xingchen once had a conflict during the audition for "Forensic Chronicle" because of the role of Chen Zixing. Originally, the investor was sure that it was Zhou Xingchen, but for some reason, Wei Xun suddenly parachuted and squeezed Zhou Xingchen away.

This news has been circulated on the Internet before, so it is not eye-catching.

The eye-catcher is at the back.

Because of this conflict between Zhou Xingchen and Wei Xun, the two met again as PK opponents on the show "Please Call Me an Actor".

This time, Zhou Xingchen blatantly changed Wei Xun's leading actor on the stage of the program group in order to avenge the previously robbed role!
The above news is not groundless, because "Please Call Me an Actor" has released the latest pilot trailer in advance, in which the roles of Wei Xun and Zhou Xingchen were indeed switched midway.

Netizens who were still puzzled by this matter before, because of this breaking news post, immediately made everything clear.

It turned out that Zhou Xingchen snatched Wei Xun's role before retaliating against him, so he forcibly snatched Wei Xun's role in "Please Call Me an Actor".

In this way, I really don't know who to sympathize with.

I can only say that your circle is really chaotic.

Seeing that "Call Me an Actor" will start airing the day after tomorrow, Zhou Xingchen has already started warming up for the screening of "Forensic Chronicle". It was the draft that was snatched by Wei Xun.

Now that the so-called inside information about "Call Me an Actor" suddenly appeared on the Internet, how could Zhou Xingchen not pay attention to it?

So that night, Dynasty Entertainment’s official newsletter platform issued a warning message: It is not true that our actor Zhou Xingchen took the role in "Please Call Me an Actor" on the Internet. For this, our company reserves the right to pursue his legal responsibility.Actor Zhou Xingchen is diligent and pragmatic, and loves acting career. He got the role with his own ability and was recognized. Thank you for your concern.

Later, Zhou Xingchen liked the newsletter.

 ps: Thanks to the seven big bosses of 'Feng Qianmeng', 'Book Friends 20170902091959427', 'Guang Feng Jian Wen', 'Book Friends 20190724124916734', 'Genuine Weathered Stone', 'Luo Jun' for their rewards, it's a waste of money.

(End of this chapter)

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