From traffic to movie star

Chapter 52 Seeking Hammer

Chapter 52 Seeking Hammer
When Wei Xun was scolded on the hot search because of "Forensic Chronicle", Chi Tang and her little sister Xu Yaru sneaked into the CEO's office of Guanchi Group.

Oh, perhaps the word "secretly" is not used properly.

They came in blatantly, and the first secretary of Guanchi Group Secretary Office personally came to open the door and lead the way.

Because Chi Sheng, the boss of Guanchi Group, is Chi Tang's father.

Chi Sheng is busy with business, flying all over the world almost all year round, and his luxurious president's office at the group headquarters has long been Chi Tang's private area.

In Chi Tang's words, it's to get ahead of the female president's addiction.

Entering this office, Chi Tang is the most powerful female boss, and Xu Yaru is her executive subordinate.

Sitting in his father's CEO leather sofa seat, Chi Tang threw a document with Wei Xun's photo on the table, and said with a cold expression: "Within 5 minutes, I want you to find all the information about this man , if you can’t find it, I’ll beat you to death.”


Xu Yaru's original serious expression was broken in an instant, and she couldn't straighten her back with a smile: "No, Chi Tang, why are you such a second-year student? I feel so idiotic every time I act with you in this kind of drama."

Chi Tang said angrily: "Xu Yaru, what time is this? You are still in the mood to joke. Xun Xun has been treated unfairly. I must find a way to save him as soon as possible!"

That's right, the purpose of Chi Tang and Xu Yaru coming to the headquarters of Guanchi Group today is to save Wei Xun who was hacked because of "Forensic Chronicle".

As for why he came to the president's office because of such a trivial matter, Chi Tang's explanation was that it was work.

And work requires the most formal working atmosphere to look professional enough.

After watching the screening of "Forensic Chronicle" yesterday, Xu Yaru was really surprised by the improvement of Wei Xun's acting skills, but Chi Tang was even more exaggerated.

She seemed to have lost her IQ overnight and became a loyal supporter of Wei Xun, commonly known as: brain-dead fan.

This seemed unbelievable to Xu Yaru.

"Chi Tang, you don't really like Wei Xun, do you?" Xu Yaru asked puzzled: "It's just a movie, even if he acts well, it still can't change the fact that he is a traffic star. "

That's why there are so many netizens on the Internet who have not read "Forensic Chronicle", but followed suit and abused Wei Xun.

"What do you like or not, Xu Yaru, you are really superficial!"

Chi Tang condemned: "Yesterday in the movie theater, Wei Xun's acting skills were definitely qualified, but now he is being abused for no reason. What does that mean?"

Xu Yaru asked blankly, "What do you mean?"

"It means that someone is blackmailing him behind his back, especially that guy named Zhou Xingchen, who clearly wants to step on Wei Xun's position."

Chi Tang said: "Of course, it's not important. What's important is that Wei Xun's acting skills suddenly performed supernaturally like a convulsion for some reason. When everyone didn't realize it, I, as an investor, captured it." The shining point and value of him, at this time, it is absolutely possible to invest in him with the minimum cost, and then get the maximum return!"

Xu Yaru was startled: "Invest in him? Invest in whom? Invest in Xunxun? Chi Tang, you are crazy."

"I'm not crazy. I invested in so many projects before, and each project lost money. I thought, it must be the wrong direction of my investment." Chi Tang said with a firm face: "So I decided to change my mind and not invest in the project anymore. , I want to invest in a man."


Xu Yaru once again marveled at the magical brain circuit of the little sister.

But after marveling, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems that since yesterday in the movie theater, Chi Tang has a tendency to praise Wei Xun to the sky. At that time, the movie hadn't started playing yet!

Thinking of this, Xu Yaru's eyes narrowed, and his sharp gaze swept over Chi Tang: "There is something wrong, Chi Tang, you must be hiding something from me."

Chi Tang looked innocent: "Is there anything I can hide from you, Xu Yaru, can you hurry up and get down to business!"

Compared with Chi Tang, who is determined to be an excellent angel investor, Xu Yaru is a computer genius girl with a super-high IQ brain and top-notch hacking skills.

For Xu Yaru, it couldn't be easier to grab Wei Xun's information on the Internet and find out the source of the mastermind behind the scenes.

This is exactly where Chi Tang needs to rely on Xu Yaru.

"I reject."

Xu Yaru snorted softly and said, "Unless you tell the truth about what you are hiding from me!"

This dead girl is getting harder and harder to be fooled.

Chi Tang gritted his teeth secretly, and said with some reluctance: "Yesterday in the movie theater, Xun Xun sat behind us. When you went to the bathroom, I chatted with him and added his contact information."

Xu Yaru's eyes widened suddenly when he heard the words: "No, you said you and..."

"Sister, work is important, okay?"

Chi Tang interrupted Xu Yaru, pressed her on the desk seat, and said, "Calm down first, check the information quickly, and wait for you to find out what you need to check. I will tell you what you want to hear." Tell you."

This trick really works very well.

Xu Yaru, a genius computer girl who is burning with gossip, searched on the computer for a while, and finally, she really found out something amazing!

While Xu Yaru and Chi Tang were working hard, Zhou Xingchen's fans went crazy.

Compared with "Forensic Chronicle", which has only been screened for a few shows, the popularity of the popular variety show "Please Call Me Actor" is definitely at the national level.

First, Dynasty Entertainment issued a warning, and then Zhou Xingchen gave a thumbs up, almost bringing the struggle between Wei Xun and Zhou Xingchen to the fore.

Seeing this statement, Zhou Xingchen's fans first confessed their idol who was hacked, and then flooded into Wei Xun's newsletter platform in large numbers in an organized manner, and began to attack Wei Xun.

Wei Xun is a popular traffic, in fact, Zhou Xingchen's fans can't tear Wei Xun's fans apart.

However, the fans of Zhou Xingchen's family were supported by Dynasty Entertainment, and a large number of sailors were mixed in. There were also traffic fans from other families who didn't like Wei Xun coming to fish in troubled waters, so they couldn't tell the winner or loser for a while.

In the comments of Wei Xun's latest newsletter, many of them were questions from Zhou Xingchen's fans.

"Acting is rubbish, and being a man is rubbish. Zhou Xingchen is not like you."

"It's fine if Zhou Xingchen's male lead role in "Forensic Chronicle" was snatched away by you, but now he dares to beat him up, it's a trick."

"I don't even look at your fifty cents acting with hot eyes, it's funny."

"What evidence do you have to prove that Zhou Xingchen robbed you of the leading actor in "Please Call Me an Actor" and has been hyping it up at my house for several days. May I ask where is the hammer?"

"If you have the ability to slander people, then you will be hammered!"

 ps: Thank you 'Love Shufu' for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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