Ares out of prison

Chapter 113 Sun Kaixuan's Jealousy

Chapter 113 Sun Kaixuan's Jealousy
"You have a really good relationship with her, you are so rude!"

Wang Long quickly shook his head and explained: "No, no! I just want to talk about something!"

Looking at Sun Zihan's dark eyes, Wang Long couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This woman is really suspicious!

Not long after the message was sent, Tang Xiaolin replied:
"I'm filming, what's the matter?"

"Someone bought Suijun online and posted some bad reviews to smear the new product. I would like to ask you to come forward and help clarify."

"Damn! That's all it takes? No problem! One post is enough!"

With her words, Wang Long suddenly seemed to be given a reassurance.

After all, I have seen Tang Xiaolin's charisma before. With her on the scene, what navy can be worth a word from her?

Not long after posting the message, another post was posted on Tang Xiaolin's social platform.

"In view of the false news about the products I endorsed on the Internet before, I, Tang Xiaolin, solemnly declare that the products I endorse have absolutely no quality problems. Fans and friends, please don't be deceived by the trolls!"

As soon as the post was posted, the comments below were almost one-sided.

"Support the goddess! Oppose the navy!"

"The quality of the product that Xiaolin can be invited to endorse is definitely not a problem!"

"I bought another ten sets, for Xiaolin, everyone, get ready!"

The overwhelming praise was like a tide, and immediately covered up the previous bad reviews.

Seeing this scene, Wang Long showed a satisfied smile.

A big star is a big star, a casual sentence can be compared to a huge public relations team!
After Tang Xiaolin spoke, not only the group of trolls on the Internet were overwhelmed, but the sales of skin care products also doubled.

Sun Zihan breathed a sigh of relief as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.

But this incident also reminded her.

Now is the critical moment for new products to be launched, so I must not relax my vigilance, lest someone take advantage of the loopholes.

She took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Xiaolong, it's me, you immediately help me arrange people from the operation department to monitor the market trends in turn, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality!"

Seeing Sun Zihan's ready look, Wang Long stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

"Isn't everything all right? Why are you so nervous?"

"You don't understand. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. It's calm on the surface, but there are countless people trying to stab you behind your back!"

The navy team that suddenly appeared this time is the best proof.

Although Wang Long himself has never been in a shopping mall, he has heard more or less how deep the water is in this circle.

Looking at Sun Zihan's slightly tired face, Wang Long didn't think about being a groom any more, and just stayed by her side silently.

At the same time, in a high-end villa in Beihai, there were also people with heavy hearts.

Sun Kaixuan sat on the bed, looking down at his phone, the more he looked at it, the more angry he became.

"What kind of shit luck did this Sun Zihan have to develop such a product!"

When I woke up in the morning, I saw the news that a big star endorsed a new skin care product.

Out of worship of his idol, he bought a set without hesitation.

But after a closer look, I found that this set of skin care products was actually produced by Sun Zihan's company!

The last time Sun Zihan's family made him lose face in front of Mrs. Sun, Sun Kaixuan has always held a grudge against it.

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge, but I didn't wait for such an opportunity for a long time.

Now Sun Zihan is earning a lot of money relying on such a new product!

This made Sun Kaixuan feel like a cat scratching his heart, itching so badly.

In the afternoon, I finally saw a few bad reviews on the Internet, and I originally posted one.

But I didn't expect Tang Xiaolin to make a statement at this time, and now Sun Zihan's new product has received rave reviews again.

no!I am the most successful person in the Sun family, how can I let a direct descendant of Sun Zihan steal the limelight?
We must think of a way to extinguish this person's arrogance!

Sun Kaixuan thought about it, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, who is it?"

After the call was connected, a cold female voice came from the other end.

A flattering smile suddenly appeared on Sun Kaixuan's face.

"Mr. Zhao, it's me, Sun Kaixuan!"

"Oh! Mr. Sun? You are really a rare visitor. What brought you here today?"

Mr. Zhao on the other end of the phone also spoke in an extremely flattering voice.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to ask you for a favor. You should have heard about the new skin care product that is on the market recently, right?"

"I heard it! Of course I heard it! I was looking for you!"

"Looking for me?" Sun Kaixuan froze for a moment.

"Yes, I heard that the skin care product is produced by your niece's company, I want you to help me, see if you can get me a set!"

Originally, the quality of the product was good, plus there was Tang Xiaolin, a heavyweight spokesperson.

In just two days, skin care products have been sold out, and even pre-orders have become hard to find.

"Mr. Sun? Mr. Sun? Can you hear me? Hello?"

Sun Kaixuan froze on the spot and didn't say a word for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I have something to do right now, so I won't talk about it for now!"

Sun Kaixuan hastily made a perfunctory sound, and hung up the phone hastily.

Originally, I wanted to ask Mr. Zhao to help me to fight against Sun Zihan.

But I didn't expect Mr. Zhao to become a loyal fan of the new product now?
Is this thing really so magical?

Sun Kaixuan didn't believe this evil, so he quickly changed the number and dialed again.

Mr. Liu runs the largest cosmetics company in Beihai, and Sun Zihan's company is nothing compared to him.

"Hey, Mr. Liu, what big business are you busy with recently?"

"Mr. Sun, you came just in time! I'm worried! The new product developed by your sister's company is very popular. I want to cooperate with her, but I really can't find a suitable channel. Can you help me to contact her?" Say?"

"Cooperation? Do you want to buy her company?"

"No, how can I afford it? Now her company's market value is twice that of mine! I want to discuss with her to see if she can buy my company."

A bolt from the blue exploded in Sun Kaixuan's mind.

How long has it been since Sun Zihan's company's market value has surpassed Mr. Liu?

This speed is simply against the sky!

"Mr. Sun, can you help me with this?"

"This...Let's talk about it later, if possible, I will notify you!"

After saying this, Sun Kaixuan hastily hung up the phone without waiting for Mr. Liu to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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