Ares out of prison

Chapter 114 Liu Juan's Courtesy

Chapter 114 Liu Juan's Courtesy

Another busy day.

Since the launch of the new product, Sun Zihan has been working almost continuously in the company every day, and he can't even squeeze out a break.

I just went to the production department to check the production progress in the morning, and I had to go to the sales department to check the sales situation in the afternoon.

Even when it's off-duty time, I still have to deal with those investors who come here admiringly.

It can be said that Sun Zihan has been running the company for so many years, and this is the first time he feels such a lot of work pressure!

At first, she thought that Long Fei could help her, but she was so busy that she was dizzy, and there was still a lot of work at hand, let alone helping herself!

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that Sun Zihan finally barely finished his day's work.

When he dragged his tired body out of the company gate, he happened to see a blue BMW parked by the side of the road.

Wang Long lowered the electric window and smiled at Sun Zihan.

But Sun Zihan gave him a blank stare.

"What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?" Wang Long asked with concern after she got into the car.

"I'm ashamed to say it. I know that the company has a lot of things to do recently, so you don't say anything to help me!"

Hearing this, Wang Long chuckled: "I can't help it, I don't know how to do business, even if I come, it will only be a disservice to me, right?"

"I know you're glib!" Sun Zihan said coldly, then turned his head away.

"Okay, okay, didn't I know you worked hard, so I came here to pick you up? Go home and have a big meal and take a good rest!"

Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan couldn't help being stunned: "Big meal? Did you make it for me?"

"How can I have this skill, my mother did it!"

Sun Zihan frowned, suddenly feeling a little strange.

Usually Liu Juan is like a Bodhisattva at home, she just sits there and rarely enters the kitchen.

Is the sun coming out from the west today?Why did you suddenly think of making a big meal?
Although Sun Zihan didn't know what was going on, Wang Long knew it very well.

It's nothing more than seeing that my daughter's company is booming now, and I want to take the opportunity to build a good relationship and see if I can get some benefits from it!

Wang Long didn't say much, started the car and drove home.

"Ouch, daughter, you're finally back! You're exhausted after working all day!"

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Liu Juan's voice full of concern.

I saw her wearing an apron, holding a spatula in her hand, and walking forward with a smile.

Seeing her appearance, Sun Zihan suddenly felt a little awkward.

How many years has it been since I saw my mother in the kitchen?

"Sister! Welcome back, let's eat!"

While talking, Sun Xueying put the steamed sea bass in her hand on the table.

And the table was already filled with all kinds of meals, and a strong aroma could be smelled in the air.

"Wow, what day is it today? Why are there so many delicious foods?"

Xiangxiang even hooked Sun Anmin who was locked in the room and read the newspaper.

He was sitting on the chair, just about to pick up a piece of braised pork to taste, but Liu Juan next to him scolded.

"What are you doing? Our daughter hasn't touched her chopsticks yet! You tasted it first! Do you think you work harder than our daughter?"

Sun Anmin was slammed for a while, and he didn't even dare to say a word.

"Zihan, don't stand still, come and eat!"

Liu Juan smiled and took Sun Zihan to the seat.

The sudden hospitality made Sun Zihan feel a little uncomfortable, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

"Mom, what's the matter with you today? You are so nice to me suddenly?"

"That's right! Don't I usually treat you badly?"

"No! I didn't mean that!" Sun Zihan shook his head repeatedly.

"Isn't it because your company's new products are selling well recently? Mom is happy for you! Do you know that your company's skin care products are popular everywhere now, and they've already exploded!"

Liu Juan was beaming and talking, so excited that she was a little incoherent.

Hearing this, Sun Anmin on the side also added a sentence.

"That's right, I've also heard that my daughter's new product works really well, even several celebrities have started to use it!"

This Sun Zihan had heard about it, needless to say he knew it, it must have been recommended by Tang Xiaolin to them.

"But just because the sales of new products are good, you are suddenly so enthusiastic about me?"

Based on Sun Zihan's understanding of Liu Juan, she knew that this person would never be courteous for no reason.

Sure enough, after hearing what she said, Liu Juan finally answered:

"Daughter, to tell you the truth, Mom wants you to do me a favor."

"Your new products are selling too fast. I have a few good sisters who can't buy them even if they want to buy them. Please let me get some sets for them! See if you can get some sets from your company's warehouse , let me give it to them?"

"Send it?" Sun Zihan hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Are you sure you are giving it away or selling it?"

These words seemed to expose Liu Juan, and immediately made her look a little unnatural.

" did you say that, of course I gave it away! How can I sell my daughter's products for money?"

Having said that, what Liu Juan really wanted in her mind was to take advantage of the opportunity.

At the beginning, Sun Zihan's company only priced a new product at a mere one hundred yuan.

But the unexpected effect, and Tang Xiaolin's star effect, immediately made the product extremely sought-after, and the price doubled.

Now the price of a set of skin care products has reached [-] yuan.

And this is only the official retail price. Some scalpers on the market have already raised the price of a set to a scary level!
Who am I, Liu Juan?Is it my style not to take advantage of such a big deal?
Sun Zihan also knew in his heart that Liu Juan was a person who had no profit and could not afford to be early.

But after all, it's a family, so it's better to save face, so she won't have to wear small shoes for herself later.

"Okay, I just have a few sets of products in my bag, so I'll give them to you!"

As Sun Zihan said, he took out the skin care products from the bag and handed them to Liu Juan.

A happy smile appeared on the latter's face.

"I knew it, but my daughter is the most filial! Unlike some people, who know nothing but goofing around!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long and Sun Anmin, who were hard at work, were stunned.

"Mom, in fact, this new product can achieve such a good result, Wang Long also helped me a lot! He is the biggest contributor!"

Hearing what Sun Zihan said, Liu Juan stopped talking.

While several people were eating, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Who could it be so late?"

"I'll go and open the door!" Sun Zihan quickly stood up and walked to the door.

But when she opened the door, her face suddenly became gloomy.

"What are you doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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