Ares out of prison

Chapter 124 Explanation 1

Chapter 124 Explain

Along the way, both Liu Juan and Sun Anmin felt extremely happy in their hearts.

I usually can't hold my head up in the Sun's house, but this time I can feel proud when I'm next to Sun Zihan.

But the fly in the ointment is that Sun Zihan actually rejected Mrs. Sun's request to let her be the head of the family.

If his daughter becomes the head of the family again, the status of their family will really skyrocket.

"Daughter, I really don't know what to say about you!" Liu Juan was still muttering in the back row.

However, Sun Zihan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was tired and unwilling to say anything.

There was no way. After all, the old lady was only seeking Sun Zihan's opinion. She didn't want to, and it was useless to say more.

After returning home, Sun Zihan said that he was a little tired and wanted to go back to his room to rest.

"Okay! Daughter, I really worked hard for you today, so get a good sleep!"

Sun Zihan turned around and was about to go upstairs, but at this moment, she seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Wang Long, come with me, I have something to tell you!"

"Zihan, why are you talking to this wimp..."

Before Liu Juan could finish her sentence, Sun Anmin who was next to her hastily covered her mouth and choked back her words.

Just kidding, Wang Long is someone who has connections with the Han family, how could they offend them?
Wang Long ignored Liu Juan, and followed Sun Zihan upstairs on his own.

After the two entered the room, Sun Zihan even specially closed the door.

Needless to say, she knew that she definitely wanted to ask about herself and the Han family.

"Aren't you going to explain to me what happened today?"

Sun Zihan's eyes were extremely sharp, just looking at her made Wang Long's scalp tingle.

"You want to know my relationship with the Han family?" Wang Long asked timidly.

"To be precise, it's the relationship between you and the daughter of the Han family."

The scene of Han Xinyue winking at Wang Long before leaving is still fresh in Sun Zihan's memory.

Someone winked at her husband in front of her, probably no one would be happy about it.

"What relationship can I have with her? She is a rich daughter, so is it possible that she still has a crush on me, a poor boy?"

Wang Long looked at Sun Zihan with a flattering smile on his face.

Sun Zihan did not believe that Wang Long would do anything out of the ordinary behind her back.

But she still didn't understand why such a big family like the Han family bought Wang Long's account in such a way?
"Then what happened between you and the Han family? Why do they take such good care of you?"

After all, there are too many things that happened before, and I can't explain clearly in a few words.

Wang Long thought for a while, and then replied: "Actually, nothing happened, it's just because I saved the Han family before, so they have always been grateful to me!"

"Really?" Sun Zihan seemed a little skeptical about Wang Long's answer.

"Of course it's true! Otherwise, why else? Could it be that I really had an affair with Han Xinyue?"

Seeing Wang Long's flattering face, Sun Zihan finally believed his words.

"But what do you think? Why did you refuse grandma's request?"

When he heard that Mrs. Sun wanted to leave the position of Patriarch to Sun Zihan, Wang Long was very happy for her for a while.

But to everyone's surprise, Sun Zihan refused in front of so many people.

Until now, Wang Long couldn't figure out what Sun Zihan was thinking.

"It's very simple. If someone as young as me becomes the head of the family, I'm afraid it will be hard to convince the public. Besides, the reason why grandma wants me to be the head of the family is nothing more than because of the relationship between our family and the Han family. But in fact, I I don't have any contacts with the Han family, so I don't think I'm qualified for this position."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long still didn't know how to answer for a while.

Even if you have no contact with the Han family, don't you still have me?
"Wang Long, is what Miss Han said today true? The Han family is really willing to spend 20.00 million yuan to buy [-]% of the shares?"

Sun Zihan looked at Wang Long with a slight frown, and couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Even if the sales volume of his new products is rising all the way, it is far from reaching the point where he needs to spend [-] million yuan to buy shares.

She worried that this was just what Han Xinyue deliberately told Mrs. Sun in order to give herself a chance to step down.

"Don't worry, the Han family is such a big family, it promises a thousand gold, and what it promises will definitely be fulfilled!"

Wang Long knew in his heart that Father Han would charge Sun Zihan such a high price just because he wanted to take the opportunity to show courteousness to him.

Since this is the case, they have no reason to go back on their word.

"Well, thank you very much this time." Sun Zihan looked at Wang Long quietly with extremely gentle eyes.

Although Liu Juan and the others felt that it was because of Sun Zihan that they were able to raise their eyebrows in front of everyone in the Sun family.

But she knew in her heart that if there was no Wang Long, the company would have been robbed today, not to mention proud.

I don't know when it started, Wang Long seemed to be no longer the wimp in their minds before.

The current strength of Wang Long is probably far beyond what Sun Zihan can imagine.

"Why are you telling me such outrageous things?" Wang Long shook his head and smiled.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go out first, you should have a good rest!"

As Wang Long said, just when he was about to turn his head and leave, Sun Zihan suddenly grabbed his hand.

"You stay here with me for a while, I feel a little dizzy."

Today, a girl is toasting so many people, even if the alcohol content is not high, it's no wonder that she doesn't get dizzy after drinking so many glasses!

Looking at Sun Zihan's blushing face, Wang Long couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and agreed:
"Okay, go to sleep, I'll be right next to you!"

As he spoke, Wang Long sat beside Sun Zihan and stared at her quietly.

I don't know why, the two of them didn't do anything, just being watched by Wang Long like this, Sun Zihan could feel extremely at ease.

She closed her eyes slowly, and fell into a deep sleep with Wang Long's company.

But Wang Long had been waiting by Sun Zihan's side for an entire hour. After Sun Zihan had fallen into a deep sleep, he got up and turned away cautiously, for fear of making noises that would wake her up.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw Liu Juan's black face.

"You haven't come out for so long, what are you doing inside?"

Liu Juan's tone sounded very blunt, like a creditor demanding debt.

Wang Lung didn't intend to pay attention to her, but just walked past her.

But at this time, Liu Juan stood in front of him again.

"I warn you, you are only Zihan's husband in name, if you dare to do anything to her, I will definitely not let you end well!"

(End of this chapter)

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