Ares out of prison

Chapter 125 The Efficiency of the Han Family

Chapter 125 The Efficiency of the Han Family

Liu Juan's aggressive look made Wang Long feel like he had done something unconscionable to Sun Zihan.

"I just stayed with Zihan for a while, I didn't do anything, please don't speculate."

Wang Long said coldly, and left without looking back.

Liu Juan snorted coldly: "Look at you! This time, relying on Zihan to let you out of the limelight, it's really cheap for you, a worthless wretch!"

Originally, Wang Long didn't intend to know as much as her, but when he heard this sentence, he stopped in his tracks.

"Then I will also warn you that the Han family is willing to invest in Zihan Company because of my face. This also shows that as long as I say a word, they may withdraw their capital at any time! So who is relying on it?" Who, you should know it in your heart, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Juan was stunned and became afraid to speak for a moment.

However, Wang Long didn't mean to let the Han family withdraw their capital. He said this just to scare Liu Juan and make her a little self-aware.

Seeing that she didn't dare to say anything more, Wang Long turned his head away and went back to his room.

"This kid... dare to talk back to me?" Liu Juan looked at Sun Anmin on the sofa with a dumbfounded expression.

"Who told you to hurt people so much? It was Wang Long who did us a big favor this time. It's fine if you don't thank him. If you say such things to anger him, it's strange if you don't talk back to you!"

Originally, he wanted to let Sun Anmin come forward to say something about Wang Long, but he didn't expect Sun Anmin to teach himself a lesson.

"Okay! Just face that useless son-in-law! Sooner or later, he will..."

Before Liu Juan finished speaking, Sun Anmin simply turned his face away, not bothering to listen to her talking here.

"You!" Seeing that Liu Juan was about to get angry, Sun Xueying who was beside her hurried forward.

"Oh my mother, it's not that you don't know that your brother-in-law can't speak, so why bother to learn as much as he does? Why don't you hurry up and sell the skin care products that my sister gave you, maybe you can make a lot of money? "

Hearing these words, Liu Juan's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right! Look at my memory, how can I forget this one?"

According to the current market value of the product, such a set can sell at least several thousand.

Keep one set for yourself, and sell all the rest, which is still a lot of income!
Thinking of this, Liu Juan suddenly turned from anger to joy, with an extremely excited expression on her face.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and walked outside the house while making a call.

"Hello? Xiaoli? It's me, Liu Juan! I helped you get the skin care products you asked me to bring..."

After watching Liu Juan walk away, Sun Anmin breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Sun Xueying was smart, otherwise she would have been scolded by Liu Juan again!
After a night's rest, Sun Zihan felt much better the next morning.

She stretched comfortably and walked out of the bedroom, only to find that the dining table was full of exquisite breakfasts.

That guy Wang Long actually got up so early to make breakfast for me?

With a smile on his face, Sun Zihan was just about to sit down when he heard footsteps behind him.

Looking back, Wang Long was only wearing pajamas at the moment, walking over with a dreamy look.

"Huh?" Sun Zihan was taken aback.

If Wang Lung didn't do it, who could it be?
"Daughter, are you awake? I made breakfast for you, eat it while it's hot!"

Just when Sun Zihan was wondering, Liu Juan came out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

Seeing her, Sun Zihan couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

For so many years, I rarely saw Liu Juan enter the kitchen, but this time she got up early to make breakfast for herself!
I'm afraid the sun came out from the west today?
"Mom, what are you doing?" the grandson asked Hannuo.

"Oh, mom, don't you think you work too hard at work, and want to reward you with something delicious?"

Liu Juan said, but then changed the subject: "And the skin care products you gave me before, my girlfriends even agreed to use them! I want to buy them from me again... Oh no! How many sets do I want? Since the relationship between the two is so good, it must not be rejected, don't you think?"

Sure enough, Sun Zihan guessed correctly, Liu Juan is not the kind of person who would show her courtesy without doing anything!
I sold all of Sun Zihan's skin care products yesterday, earning more than 5000 yuan!

With such a great deal, who wouldn't want to take extra points?

Originally, Sun Zihan felt that it might be inappropriate to give Liu Juan the company's products all the time.

But after thinking about it, this can be considered as a disguised form to help promote one's own products, and it is not without any benefits.

"Is that so? I still have the last two sets in my room, you can give them to them!"

Hearing these words, Liu Juan was secretly delighted, nodded her head in agreement, and rushed into Sun Zihan's room excitedly.

"Aren't you too generous?" Wang Lung said while stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth.

"I can't help it. If I don't give it, she probably has to say I'm bad again!"

As Sun Zihan said, he ate something casually and prepared to go out to the company.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, you've worked hard enough during this time, so take a good rest! And there's not much to do in the company today, so I'll go alone!"

With this sentence, Wang Long didn't ask any more questions, nodded in agreement, and watched Sun Zihan leave.

As soon as she came to the office, Long Fei hurried over.

"Mr. Sun, there are some guests outside who want to see you."

"Guest? I didn't ask anyone to meet today?"

Long Fei shook her head: "I don't know, it's just that the leader said his surname is Han."

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan's heart skipped a beat.

"Quick! Invite the guests in!"

Long Fei agreed, turned around and walked out of the office, while Sun Zihan took advantage of this gap to tidy up his attire.

After a while, Han Yunfei, led by Secretary Long, came to Sun Zihan's office.

"Mr. Sun, I have admired your name for a long time. I am Han Yunfei. My father Han Long asked me to sign a cooperation agreement with your company today."

"Father? So, Miss Han is yours..."

"Xinyue is my real sister." Han Yunfei said with a smile.

"No wonder! Mr. Han, please sit down! Xiaolong, serve tea to the guests!"


Originally, Sun Zihan thought that the investment would start slowly. After all, a famous family like the Han family must have a lot of work on a daily basis. How could they have time to deal with the affairs of their small company?

But I didn't expect that I just agreed to invest yesterday, and I came to sign the agreement directly today!

The efficiency of this work is really not covered.

(End of this chapter)

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