Ares out of prison

Chapter 13 Heroes Save America

Chapter 13 Heroes Save America
The gentleman Yang Jiashan spoke to Sun Zihan without losing his demeanor, and at the same time raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Sorry, I don't know how to drink."

Sun Zihan said.

Sun Zihan never liked this kind of ruthless character, let alone he is a married woman.

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you."

Yang Jiashan showed a strange smile.

"I think back then, there was a 16-year-old beauty who was younger than you, and she also told me that she couldn't drink. I trained her and she could drink."

"No one has ever dared to reject me in BH City, do you know the fate of rejecting me?"

Sun Zihan's heart trembled slightly
He really is a scumbag, he would molest and humiliate minors.

Sun Zihan was very scared.

"I'm not feeling well today, and I really can't drink alcohol. I hope Young Master can understand. Next time I have a chance."

Sun Zihan's palms were sweating nervously.

Yang Jiashan is in BH City, but he is notorious for doing bad things.

No one knows that it has hurt countless girls.

Just because of him, Lao Tzu dotes on him very much, and he is the only son.

Why did Zhuo Feng bring him here, he obviously ate well.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Yang Jiashan said softly.

"Zihan, you were fine just now, so you suddenly feel uncomfortable?"

Zhou Yunlan interrupted from the side.

Sun Zihan thought to himself.

"Zhou Yunlan, are you a pig sent from heaven?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Jiashan said with a gloomy face.

"What I don't like the most is that others lie to me. Have you thought about the consequences of pissing me off?"

"Why do you have to force others to make things difficult, and you can do whatever you want with a powerful father?"

It seems that this wine will not work.

Sun Zihan thought to himself, his eyes fixed on the glass of wine, and he remained silent.
Are you really going to compromise?
Is there no other way?
Sun Zihan raised his hand to pick up the wine glass, just as he was about to drink it.

Suddenly Wang Lung appeared beside her.

He snatched the wine glass from Sun Zihan's hand.


"Wang Long, why are you here? You hurry up and don't cause trouble." Sun Zihan said.

Wang Long comforted Sun Zihan and said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, no one can force you to do what you don't want to do."

Yang Jiashan looked at Wang Long with an evil smile.

"Do you want a hero to save the beauty? Don't even see if you are qualified."

"You can't drink for her. I don't like drinking with men."

"I'm not going to drink it for her."

Hearing this, Sun Zihan's heart turned cold, and a miserable smile appeared on his face
It is hopeless that I still have fantasies about him. Is it possible that he will really stand up?

The other party is the notorious Young Master Yang, a well-known bully in this BH city.

Wang Long?Why should he stand up?Is it because he is a son-in-law?
Don't you dare to intervene without seeing Zhuo Feng standing aside?

And even though they were husband and wife with Wang Long, it was all for repaying kindness and for father's last words.

There is no relationship between the two people at all, let alone Wang Lung's disappearance for two years.

She understands that everyone will be safe in the face of a catastrophe.

Sun Zihan didn't know what he had to lose.

"Oh, not for her? What do you mean?"

Yang Jiashan narrowed his eyes, flashing a trace of coldness.

This guy, does he really think his name is fake? He suddenly dares to stand up to amuse himself.

The onlookers were also very curious and did not understand what Wang Long wanted to do.

When everyone was puzzled, Wang Long raised his wine glass and splashed it on Yang Jiashan's face.


The notorious Yang Dashao was splashed with the smell of alcohol, and his whole body was drenched.

Seeing this, the boss hurriedly asked someone to bring a spare set of clothes to Yang Jiashan.

"What Zihan doesn't want to do, no one can force her, not even myself."

Wang Long said lightly, with no expression on his face.

"Even you are not qualified."

"I dote on my woman." Wang Long was full of domineering, man's temperament was vividly displayed at this moment.

Sun Zihan looked at Wang Long's back, his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

She didn't know why, what happened.

At this time, Wang Long was very, very domineering, and he was an indomitable man.

No one can be more majestic than him.

"You dare to pour wine on me, you don't want to live."

Yang Jiashan roared angrily.

He even smiled angrily, you are great!

"You're so funny. You dare to treat me like this. It's the first time I've been ridiculed by others, and I've suffered a lot."

Yang Jiashan is not a modest son, his methods are better than anyone else.Harder than his father.

"Young Master Yang, please calm down first, don't get angry and ruin your body."

Zhuo Feng was afraid that he would also be implicated, so he hurriedly said.

"This is your friend?"

"No, no, no, I don't have such a friend, and he did the same to me just now."

"I just found out about him today."

Zhuo Feng quickly explained.

"Young Master Yang, don't make fun of us. He doesn't deserve to be my friend at all. He looks poor."

Zhou Yunlan cursed at Wang Long.

"Don't apologize to Yang Shao, you don't know how to live or die."

"You will hurt Zihan like this."

"You haven't apologized yet, aren't you a useless son-in-law? Isn't apologizing your best?"

Zhuo Feng said loudly.

"It turned out to be a piece of trash, and even poured wine all over me. If it gets out, where else will I put my face?"

Yang Jiashan's face turned cold instantly.

"If you don't kneel down and beg me today, don't even try to get out of this door, and hand over your wife."

Yang Jiashan's mind was full of Sun Zihan's appearance, and he looked at Su Zihan furiously.

Sun Zihan shivered at the sight.

What kind of humiliation is this, something that no man can accept.

What's more, what about Wang Long?

Zhuo Feng and Zhou Yunlan were by the side, a little gloating.

Wang Lung couldn't take it anymore.

Just go up.


He rushed in front of Yang Jiashan and slapped him.

Heavy voices rang in their ears.

Looking at the five finger prints, Yang Jiashan's face turned red involuntarily.

Wang Lung finally figured out the bad breath in his heart.

Yang Jiashan was extremely angry.

"You dare to attack me again and again, you want to die."

"Who gave you the confidence to make you, a good-for-nothing son-in-law, so bold."

"Don't you know what my identity is, and I am grandstanding here?"

Wang Long ignored it, what happened to the shot.

Seeing Wang Long's slap, Zhuo Feng almost peed in fright.

"How dare you! You really don't want to live."

"I've got to teach you a lesson, lawless boy."

Zhuo Feng just wanted to defend him in front of Yang Jiashan, otherwise he would suffer as well.


Without even looking at Zhuo Feng, Wang Long kicked him to the corner.

Zhou Yunlan saw this.

"Dear, are you alright?"

Zhuo Feng let out a scream and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Wang Long, you wait for me."

Zhou Yunlan said.

The onlookers all laughed.

useless guy.

Yang Jiashan saw such a scene.

"You have two brushes, but no matter how powerful you are, can you beat so many brothers like me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen people appeared behind Yang Jiashan.

They are all tall and big, and Du Wanglong is much taller.

The people in the restaurant turned pale with fright.

Even the boss is the same, wishing to call the police immediately, but dare not.

"So many of you bully me alone, are you embarrassed?"

Wang Long scanned the number of people.

"What our boss says is what it is."

Yang Jiashan said.

"What's the matter, weren't you arrogant just now, are you afraid now?"

He has a lot of people.

"Wang Long, be careful."

Sun Zihan was so nervous that his hands and feet trembled.

"No, a bunch of trash are here."

Wang Long said loudly.

Don't talk about this kind of person, it's not my opponent if I double it again.

"You're quite arrogant."

Yang Jiashan was very angry.

"Give me all of you, don't show mercy."

"Today, he had to lie down and go to the hospital."


The people behind him rushed towards Wang Long.

No extra sound, all gone.

At this moment, a handsome young man said.

"Which one is Wang Long, I have something to do with him."

"Who are you? Didn't you see the fight?"

Yang Jiashan really wanted to slap that man.

Let him taste the pain on his face.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"Which big shot do you think you are?"

Yang Jiashan said to the young man with a smile.

This is another arrogant young man.

"It's because I've been too low-key recently. Anyone dares to bully me."

Wang Long was very confused.

"Who would look for me? I don't know me in this city, except for the Sun family."

Who is this young man who suddenly appeared.

Why come to yourself.

The young man also slapped Yang Jiashan with his backhand.Two palm prints.

Hell, you guys are taking it too far.

Zhuo Feng was so frightened that he quickly crawled out of here. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that there was such a bold person.


It seems that you also want to lie down and go to the hospital.

"Come on, knock him down first."

"Move me? Have you thought it through?"

The young man suddenly stepped on Yang Jiashan's leg.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"My feet!"

With the same screams, Yang Jiashan's leg was broken and he knelt down in front of the young man.

"You are too disobedient."

"Your name is Yang Jiashan, right?"

asked the young man indifferently.

"Yang Wei is your father, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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