Chapter 14

Hearing this, all the people present stared blankly.

Yang Wei, the chairman of the Yang Group, can cover the sky with one hand in BH City, turning the clouds and rains!

And he is Yang Jiashan's father.

It is precisely because of the support of such an old man that Yang Jiashan is able to be so arrogant and domineering.

"You bastard, you know my dad's name, how dare you challenge me?"

Yang Jiashan was furious, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he stared at the young man in front of him with wide eyes.

"After a long time of trouble, is that bastard your father?"

Yang Jiashan originally thought that after young people knew their identity, they would be more or less afraid.

But I didn't expect him to smile coldly, showing a contemptuous expression.

The others felt a chill down their spines after hearing this.

The chairman of the dignified Yang Group, a powerful figure in BH City, is actually called a bastard?
I'm afraid this person doesn't want to live!

Yang Jiashan is not a blind person either.

Anyone who dares to call himself father like that is definitely not an ordinary person.

"You... who are you?"


The young man just sneered and didn't tell him his identity.

Just when everyone present was wondering, the young man suddenly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"It's me, within 10 minutes, get out in front of me immediately, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

The young man spoke to the person on the phone in an almost commanding tone.

Just after putting down such a sentence, he hung up the phone directly.

When the others saw this scene, they were somewhat dazed.

And Yang Jiashan also looked blank.

"Who are you calling? Do you want to call your brother for help? Don't blame me for not reminding you. In Beihai, no matter who you call, you are not my opponent, Yang Jiashan!"

Yang Jiashan was chattering on and on, but the young man simply ignored him.

At this time, Wang Long on the side seemed to see something, and the corner of his mouth was raised, revealing an interesting smile.

"It's fun now."

Less than 5 minutes after hanging up the phone, a group of people rushed in from the restaurant door.

"Don't get in the way! Stay away from me!"

The bodyguards around Yang Jiashan could only watch this group of people helplessly at this moment, not daring to stop them at all.

Because the person who came was none other than their chairman!


Yang Jiashan stared at the man in front of him dumbfounded, his jaw almost dropped to the ground!

"Why are you here?"

Yang Wei ignored him, but knelt down in front of that young man with a plop in front of everyone!

"Master Fei! I'm late!"

I saw Yang Wei drooping his head, looking very respectful, he didn't even dare to look at the young man!
This scene undoubtedly caused a bolt from the blue in Yang Jiashan's mind.

The dignified chairman of the Yang Group, his father Yang Jiashan, actually knelt down to this guy in front of him?
Only then did Yang Jiashan realize later that the phone call just now was to his father.

"You are not strict with your son!"

The young man called Master Fei said coldly.

"I'm very dissatisfied with him, what are you going to do with it?"

"Master Fei, don't worry, I'll give you an answer right now!"

After Yang Wei finished saying this, he immediately untied the crocodile belt around his waist, and mercilessly struck Yang Jiashan's body.

There was only an explosion, and Yang Jiashan's face was already flushed red.

But this was not over yet, Yang Wei picked up the wine bottle on the table and smashed it on his son's head without hesitation.

Yang Jiashan was beaten until he wailed continuously. At this moment, he completely lost the arrogance he had just now.

"Dad! Stop hitting! Please stop hitting!"

"Now you know how to beg me? Even the young master of the Han family dares to provoke you, see if I don't kill you bastard!"

Yang Wei's words exposed the true identity of the young man.

Everyone present trembled.

The young master of the Han family? !

No wonder this young man was so dismissive of Yang Jiashan.

It also made Yang Wei fight against his own flesh and blood in front of everyone.

"What? The Han family?"

Not only others, but even Yang Jiashan was shocked when he heard this sentence.

Because he knew that his family's business would have ceased to exist without the support of the Han family.

In the eyes of others, their Yang Group seems to be one of the largest enterprises in BH City.

But Yang Jiashan knew in his heart that the Yang family was only relying on the Han family.

What's more, it is said that the Yang family is just a dog raised by the Han family!

It's not surprising to say that, after all, the dog even bit its owner today.

"Master Fei! I'm a bastard, I'm nothing! I know I was wrong, please spare my life!"

Yang Jiashan begged bitterly, and Yang Wei who was beside him also began to intercede for his son.

"Don't come begging me!"

Young Master Fei said coldly.

Just when Yang Jiashan was at a loss, Young Master Fei slowly stretched out his hand and pointed to a figure beside him.

Only then did he suddenly realize that he knelt down in front of Wang Long.

"Master Long... Please, please spare my dog's life!"

This scene really made everyone gasp.

Especially Zhuo Feng at the side.

I originally wanted to simply flatter Yang Jiashan, but I didn't expect so many things to come up all at once.

Just now he nodded and bowed to Yang Jiashan, but now he begged Wang Long so humbly!
What's more, Wang Long, a worthless wretch, actually has something to do with the young master of the Han family!
its not right?He is just a trash who eats soft food, how can he know the young master of the Han family?

Could it be that the two of them have some kind of friendship in private?
Zhuo Feng was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He realized that he might have provoked some great person!

Everyone present, like Zhuo Feng, guessed who Wang Long was.

But only Sun Zihan saw some clues.

This young master of the Han family is here to settle accounts with Wang Long!He must have known that Wang Long was messing around outside relying on the reputation of the Han family!

She couldn't think of any reason other than this.

"Wang Long..."

Sun Zihan inevitably began to worry.

"I don't bother to care about things like you, get out!"

Wang Long smiled contemptuously.

"Thank you, Lord Long!"

Yang Jiashan nodded and bowed in agreement, and hurried away.

"You are Wang Long?"

After the Yang family left, Fei Shao came to Wang Long's side.

"it's me."

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk alone?"

Fei Shao looked arrogant.


After all, the other party had taught Yang Jiashan a lesson for him just now, so he still had to give him some light.

"Wang Long, don't go!"

Sun Zihan became anxious and shook his head again and again.

The other party is the young master of the Han family!If you go with him, can you survive?
As Sun Zihan said, he grabbed Wang Long's arm.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

Wang Lung said softly and broke free from her.


But before Sun Zihan finished speaking, Wang Long followed Master Fei and left.

"Zihan, what is the relationship between Wang Long and Fei Shao?"

As soon as the two left, Zhou Yunlan and Zhuo Feng surrounded them.

But Sun Zihan just shook his head, not knowing why.

"It stands to reason that he shouldn't know Fei Shao?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhuo Feng snorted coldly.

"It's been a long time, it's just that Young Master Fei has admitted the wrong person!"

It seems that my judgment is correct, Wang Long is just a soft rice king!

(End of this chapter)

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