Ares out of prison

Chapter 156 No One Can Fight

Chapter 156 There is no one who can fight

Although he hadn't made a move yet, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the aura exuding from Murong Bai's body was different from those of Xu's soldiers and crab generals.

I saw the latter slowly adopting a posture of Taiji Baguazhang, and the air around his body was stirred up.

"Boy, today I will show you how powerful our Murong family is!"

Murong Bai shouted loudly, waved his Baguazhang, and rushed towards Sun Zequan.

Wherever the palm wind went, there was a constant whistling, and even the bowls and chopsticks on the table in the front row were overturned to the ground.


A palm landed on Sun Zequan's body, but he didn't respond!On the contrary, Murong Bai backed back again and again, almost falling to the ground.

"How is this possible?" Murong Bai looked at Sun Zequan in horror, feeling that his body was as impenetrable as a copper wall.

On the other hand, on Sun Zequan's side, after taking the slap forcibly, his expression remained unchanged, and he never even frowned!
"Is this the strength of your Murong family? I don't think so!"

"Stop being arrogant!" Murong Bai naturally couldn't tolerate someone humiliating his family.

This time, his palm strength was thicker, and his palm style was also faster.

Even some of the people sitting below couldn't catch his unpredictable steps.

"Unexpectedly, the young master of the Murong family has such a strong strength!"

Liu Jiang couldn't help exclaiming, but Wang Long next to him didn't take it seriously.

Such an attack that only pursues speed and strength, but is full of loopholes, would have been killed in vain if it were used in actual combat.

Although Wang Long did not personally participate in this battle, but just watching from the side, it is not difficult to see that Sun Zequan is actually restraining his own strength.

After all, he probably didn't want to kill the Murong family directly in front of so many people.

"Die to me!" Murong Bai's palm was forceful, and his eyes were even more murderous.

Sun Zequan also noticed the difference in the power of this palm, and did not dodge like before.

I saw that he took a step back first, and deftly dodged the blow.

Murong Bai used all his strength to attack, but suddenly missed, which made him lose his balance and leaned forward.

Sun Zequan seized the opportunity, shot swiftly, and grabbed his arm.

At the same time, with a strong throw, Murong Bai, a seven-foot man, was directly thrown down the stage by him!

Hearing a bang, Murong Bai fell heavily to the ground, crying out incessantly.

"Eldest young master!" Murong's servants at the side hurriedly rushed forward, trying to help him up from the ground.

"Ouch! Don't move! It's broken!" Murong Bai bared his teeth for a while, and it became even more difficult to stand up.

For a while, the servant next to him didn't know what to do.

"Don't move, I'll check it for you." Just then, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, he saw He Xudong, the Patriarch of the He family, had come to him at some point.

He Xudong stretched out a hand, groped Murong Bai's back for a while, and then pushed hard.



There was only a crisp sound and Murong Bai's scream, and in the next second, he really stood up from the ground, and suddenly he felt no pain in his waist or legs.

"A little injury makes you cry here and there, has your Murong family fallen to this level?"

He Xudong looked at him with a little disdain, and said.

"You old bastard said it lightly! If you have the ability, go and fight him?"

After the battle just now, Murong Bai finally realized how powerful Sun Zequan is.

Only now did he know where Sun Zequan got his confidence to dare to say such a thing.

"Oh, the old man has exactly that intention!" He Xudong sneered, and then he jumped up with a wind on his feet, and stood firmly on the ring.

When seeing him, Sun Zequan also showed a funny smile on his face.

"It seems that you can fight with me for a few rounds!" After saying that, the two began to confront each other.

I saw He Xudong gaiting steadily, clenched his fists with both hands, holding his breath, there was a tendency to open up the world!
"Boy, today I will let you experience the Benglei boxing technique created by our He family!"

He Xudong yelled, leaned forward, and rushed towards Sun Zequan.

I saw that his punch was strong and fast, and his aura could completely crush Murong Bai just now!

Seeing this, Sun Zequan didn't choose to back down, but rushed forward, intending to confront him head-on!

boom -

When the two fists collided, a powerful shock wave spread out, almost knocking everyone around to the ground.

"Woo--" Sun Zequan's body trembled violently, he was punched by He Xudong so that he retreated again and again, and almost lost his footing.

"Okay!" There was a burst of exclamation from the audience, and many people applauded He Xudong.

"As expected of the Patriarch of the He family! Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy!"

"Now let Sun Zequan, a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, have a long memory!"

"Mr. He, kill him! Clean up the door for our Beihai business district!"

Liu Jiang, who was also a spectator, also looked excited and was about to stand up from his seat.

But Wang Long next to him had a dignified expression, not showing any excitement at all.

"What's the matter? Mr. Wang, you don't seem to want Mr. He to win?"

Chen Yan saw his expression and asked in a low voice.

After all, Sun Zequan was also a member of the Sun family, and was more or less related to Wang Long.

Maybe he also wants to take this opportunity to climb the high branches of the Sun family and soar into the sky?

It was also Wang Long who shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice, "No, I don't expect anyone to win, but this He Xudong is not Sun Zequan's opponent!"

"What?" Liu Jiang exclaimed, looking at him in disbelief: "Mr. Wang, what do you say? This kid has been beaten back by Mr. He?"

"He just didn't use his full strength."

As soon as Wang Long finished speaking, Sun Zequan on the stage covered his chest and let out a sinister laugh.

"That's right! The old thing is able to resist and fight. It seems that I will use my [-]% strength to fight you!"

"Five successes? You are really arrogant!" He Xudong snorted coldly, and punched out again.

But this time, Sun Zequan took the punch steadily!
He Xudong suddenly felt as if his wrist was being strangled by a pair of iron clamps, and he couldn't move at all.


Sun Zequan yelled loudly and exerted force with both hands.



He Xudong uttered a miserable scream, and his whole body collapsed to the ground.

Taking a closer look, I saw that his hands were folded into an extremely distorted shape!

He Xudong's hand was instantly broken like this!

This scene immediately made everyone present gasp.

Sun Zequan slowly withdrew his hand, and said in a cold voice:
"This is the four major families? None of them can fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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