Chapter 157
Now Liu Jiang was completely dumbfounded.

What shocked him was not Sun Zequan's strength, but the calm young man next to him.

This kid just watched from a distance, why did he directly assert that Sun Zequan didn't use his full strength?
And it really hit the spot!Sun Zequan only used [-]% of his strength to directly make He Xudong so vulnerable!
Xu Jiajia Ding hurriedly supported He Xudong, who was pale and sweating profusely, and walked off the stage.

When Murong Bai next to him saw this scene, he couldn't help trembling all over, and he was secretly glad.

It's a good thing it wasn't me, otherwise, if he was beaten like this, he would probably be paralyzed!

He Xudong returned to his seat, looking at his distorted hands in horror, as if he couldn't feel the existence of his hands at all.

My cultivation base over the years just disappeared like this, and it no longer exists.

The most important thing is that he was beaten like this, and Sun Zequan on the stage didn't even blink his eyes!
This is simply a demon in human skin, killing people without blinking an eye!
"Who else is not convinced? If you want to challenge me, I welcome you anytime!"

Sun Zequan's menacing voice echoed in every corner of the venue.

For a moment, all the people in the audience were terrified and trembling all over, not even daring to vent their anger.

Even the most famous big families have been beaten to the ground, how can they be able to move on the stage?

But when they thought that the entire Beihai, and even the entire business district in Jiang Province would be controlled by the Sun family, everyone present felt unwilling.

"I'll meet you." At this moment, a deep voice came, and when I looked back, I saw Xu Qian strolling onto the stage with his back bent.

Seeing this scene, the people in the audience immediately started talking.

"Isn't Mr. He good at kung fu?"

"You see, he is so old, how can he fight with others? Isn't this sending him to death?"

"Their Xu family's prosperity depends on the team of excellent bodyguards. Now that the bodyguards are all defeated, what kind of waves can an old man make?"

Not only others, but even Wang Long, who was watching the battle, couldn't help admiring.

Unexpectedly, this old Mr. Xu is really quite bloody, and he is unwilling to submit to Sun Zequan's subordinates at such a time.

"Old man, I have already cleaned up all the miscellaneous soldiers in your house, do you still want to come and die?"

Sun Zequan looked at Xu Qian with disdain, not even planning to make a move.

But Xu Qian sneered, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He suddenly pulled out a small shiny black pistol from his back with his right hand and pointed it at Sun Zequan's head.

"No matter how strong your martial arts are, you can't build a steel frame. I don't believe that you can still hold bullets!"

I don't know why, when Wang Long saw this picture, he still felt a little bit like laughing.

The guns are all out!Isn't this a proper joke?

But the people present were all excited when they saw this scene, and quickly shouted:

"Old Mr. Xu! Get rid of this scum of the business world! Clean up our Jiang Province!"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Sun Zequan still did not change his face, and he didn't even have the intention to dodge.

"What? Are you scared stupid? Otherwise, if you kowtow three times to everyone present, I will spare your life!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of mocking laughter in the venue.

No matter how this banquet is, there are hundreds of guests. If one person kowtows three times, he will be a fool!
But Wang Long was frowning at this time, secretly knowing that things would not go so smoothly.

"Joke, why would I kowtow to scum like you? You might as well just shoot!"

"Okay! Since you want to die so much, I will help you!"

Xu Qian shouted, without hesitation, he pulled the trigger suddenly.

With a deafening gunshot, a bullet rushed straight at Sun Zequan.

With a movement of his figure, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage, and disappeared directly in place!

And the bullet just now hit the wall behind Sun Zequan directly!
"This!" Xu Qian looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, but didn't react for a long time.

"This guy actually dodged the bullet?" Liu Jiang said in a daze, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Is this Sun Zequan still a normal human being?

Even the bystanders in the audience were like this, let alone Xu Qian who was standing on the stage.

He hurriedly looked left and right, trying to find out where Sun Zequan was.

"Where are your eyes looking?" But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

He was so frightened that he trembled all over, and quickly wanted to turn around and shoot, but before he could react, a heavy punch landed on his back.

"Hmm——" Xu Qian spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, fell to the ground and struggled for a while, then became silent.

"Mr. Xu!" There was a burst of exclamation in the venue.

"This guy was actually given by the Xu family, one of the four major families..."

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by God if you do this!"

While the others were yelling at him, Wang Long faintly noticed that Xu Qian, who was lying on the ground, was still alive.

"What are you shouting about? I didn't kill him, I just passed out."

After Sun Zequan said these words coldly, Xu Qian who was on the ground coughed violently twice and struggled to get up.

Seeing this scene, everyone's tense heartstrings relaxed a little.

"How is it? Are you still not convinced?" Sun Zequan stepped forward and said in a cold voice.

Now Xu Qian didn't dare to do it again, he quickly shook his head like a rattle.

"No, no, no! I'm convinced! I'm completely convinced! Our Xu family is willing to stand up for you and look forward to it!"

"Hahahaha! The so-called four major families are nothing more than that!"

At this time, some people in the audience couldn't stand it anymore.

"Nonsense! There is clearly the Han family among the four major families. You haven't defeated them yet, so what are you proud of there!"

"That's right, can you beat the Han family? That's the number one family in Beihai, and even the entire Jiang Province!"

Hearing this, Sun Zequan snorted coldly: "The Han family? How dare you talk about a cowardly turtle who doesn't even have the guts to go to a banquet?"

"Where is the Han family? Let them come out and die!"

"The Han family is here!"

Just as Sun Zequan was roaring furiously on the stage, several figures suddenly came from the door.

Seeing this, Sun Zequan narrowed his eyes immediately.

It was none other than Han's father and Han Yunfei's brother and sister who came.

Although there are only three members of the Han family, in terms of momentum, it is enough to overwhelm the three major families just now!
Even Sun Zequan couldn't help cheering up when he saw them.

After all, he also knew that the strength of the Han family was stronger than the sum of the three families just now!
(End of this chapter)

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