Ares out of prison

Chapter 178 Turn the tide

Chapter 178 Turn the tide
When he saw Yao Wanlu, Wang Long couldn't help flashing a look of surprise on his face.

"Miss Yao? So you two are two sisters?"

It was only then that Wang Long suddenly realized, no wonder when he saw Yao Linlin for the first time, he always felt a little familiar!

"Sister, do you know each other?" Yao Linlin looked at Wang Long and Yao Wanlu blankly.

But the latter did not answer her, but hurriedly showed a flattering smile, and said to Wang Long:

"It's such a coincidence, I never expected to meet you here! Do you want to see the house? Let me introduce you!"

"You?" Wang Long frowned: "Aren't you a designer? You also know how to buy a house?"

"Oh, you know a thing or two! Besides, Jinlan Mansion is located in our imperial capital, and it is one of the most luxurious residential areas. There is no one who doesn't know about it!"

As Yao Wanlu said, she was about to go forward to introduce the property to Wang Long.

Yao Linlin next to her hurriedly stopped her and asked, "Sister, what's the matter with you? Why are you bothering with this poor man?"

"Linlin, don't interrupt, this is a real local tyrant!" Yao Wanlu quickly replied in a low voice.

"A local tyrant? Is he like this? Sister, are you okay? I'm afraid this person can't even afford a toilet!"

Yao Wanlu didn't pay attention to Yao Linlin any more, but walked up to introduce Wang Long on her own.

Just kidding, if you can casually invite a big star like Tang Xiaolin to the company, what is it if you are not a local tyrant?
Moreover, people who come to this place to look at the houses will more or less have some assets. How can there be poor people who would want to look at the houses here?
Silly sister, silly sister, you are still in sales!Why don't you have any vision at all?
"Mr. Wang, are you not particular about the orientation of the house? Or Feng Shui, do you have any requirements?"

Yao Wanlu first asked this question, and then changed the topic: "But don't worry, every villa here is absolutely superior. After a successful person like you lives in it, he will definitely make a fortune!"

Since Tang Xiaolin went to their company for a while, Yao Wanlu's attitude towards Wang Long has taken a 180-degree turn.

Even Yao Linlin on the side couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded, she's more professional than me!
"I don't know anything about Feng Shui, and I don't care much about the orientation, as long as the house is a little cleaner!"

But Wang Long thought about it again, this place must be at least ten kilometers away from the downtown area, and any house should be quite clean!
"In this case, what do you think of this set?" Yao Wanlu pointed to a house model on the sand table.

Judging from the location, this house should be relatively quiet, meeting Wang Long's requirements.

But how exactly, still have to go to the field to investigate Caixing.

"You can't see anything from the sand table, why don't you go to see the room on the spot?"

"Okay Mr. Wang, no problem!" Yao Wanlu agreed without hesitation, and hurriedly greeted Yao Linlin next to her:

"Linlin, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and take Mr. Wang to see the room!"

Although Yao Linlin didn't understand why her sister was so courteous to Wang Long.

But since Yao Wanlu greeted her like this, she stopped dawdling and left the sales department with Wang Long.

Yao Wanlu even took the initiative to ask Wang Long to take her car to see the house.

Coincidentally, I have just arrived in the imperial capital, and I haven't brought my car or anything.

Perhaps Yao Linlin's jaw would drop if she saw such an unattractive man as Wang Long driving a BMW and Ferrari, right?
Not long after, several people drove to the scene.

After all, it is a high-end community, even the door is not entered with a key, each house is equipped with a special room card.

This made Wang Long inexplicably feel like staying in a hotel.

Entering the interior of the villa, it can be described as carved beams and painted buildings, exquisitely decorated.

It is all in European style, and the corners all reveal a sense of prosperity. Outside the neatly arranged floor-to-ceiling windows, you can have a panoramic view of the entire mountain scenery at a glance.

Living in such a house, it is estimated that it will really give people a feeling of living in the mountains and forests, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

"How is it, Mr. Wang, are you satisfied with this house?" Yao Wanlu asked carefully beside her.

Although Wang Long hadn't answered yet, just from his expression, he knew that the matter should be close to each other.

"Not bad, how much is the house in total?" Wang Long turned his head and looked at Yao Linlin who hadn't spoken for a long time.

He also knew in his heart that Yao Linlin should know better about the price of the house.

She was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "If the whole house is paid for in full, the price should be around 5000 million!"

"5000 million?" Wang Long was obviously a little dazed when he heard this number.

look!I just said that this guy is simply a poor ghost, how could he afford such a house.

5000 million?I'm afraid this person won't be able to get 500 million!I really don't know why my sister is so courteous to him?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, the existing houses in our real estate are basically at this price. If you think you can't accept it, you can look elsewhere!"

"Don't! It's all here, so how about it, just because we are old acquaintances, I will give you a friendly price!"

Yao Wanlu obviously didn't intend to let Wang Long leave just like that, and she even said nonsense about the price of friendship.

But Wang Lung lowered his head and thought about something, then shook his head after a while, and replied:

"No, I'm starting to think this house is much cheaper than I thought!"

Originally, Wang Long thought that if he wanted to buy such a villa in the imperial capital, he would have to spend hundreds of millions, no matter what?

Judging from the quality of the house, the price of 5000 million is quite conscientious.

"What? Cheap?" Yao Linlin widened her eyes and looked at Wang Long in disbelief: "So, you plan to buy this apartment?"

"Otherwise, I came here today just to buy a house. If I don't buy a house, am I just here to join in the fun?"

While talking, Wang Long took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Yao Linlin.

But the latter didn't react to the card handed over by Wang Long for a long time. In the end, Yao Wanlu, who was next to him, took the card with quick eyes and quick hands, and took Wang Long to handle the house purchase business.

Until the contract was signed, Yao Linlin never recovered from her surprise.

This man is really so rich?Is he dressed like this just to keep a low profile?
"Mr. Wang! Thank you for choosing Jinlan Mansion, we will look forward to your stay!"

Wang Long agreed coldly, then turned and left the sales office.

Looking at his back, Yao Wanlu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I managed to turn the tide today, otherwise Linlin, a silly girl, would have messed up this order!

(End of this chapter)

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