Ares out of prison

Chapter 179 It's This Magic Medicine Again

Chapter 179 It's This Magic Medicine Again
"Sister, who is that person? How did you know him?"

Yao Linlin hesitated for a while, but still spoke out the long-buried question in her heart.

Not only herself, but any employee in the sales department would be too lazy to talk to Wang Long when he saw a plainly dressed person like Wang Long.

But for some reason, Yao Wanlu seemed to know Wang Long's worth a long time ago, and she was polite to him throughout the whole process.

"She is the brother-in-law of one of my employees, and they seem to have moved to the Imperial Capital recently."

"The employee's brother-in-law?" Yao Linlin was even more surprised when she heard her say that.

Yao Wanlu's employees are nothing more than a small designer at most, how could there be such a wealthy brother-in-law?

Could it be that people come out to work just to experience life?
Probably seeing what Yao Linlin was thinking, Yao Wanlu reminded her next to her:

"Don't underestimate this person, do you know who was invited to my company yesterday? Tang Xiaolin!"

"Tang Xiaolin? Is that the popular female star on TV?"

"That's right!" Yao Wanlu nodded her head, her face became excited:

"I was taken aback yesterday! Tang Xiaolin seems to agree with him, and listens to him for everything! Tell me, if you don't have money, how can you do it?"

Hearing what Yao Wanlu said, Yao Linlin finally realized that she might have encountered some kind of local tyrant who didn't reveal her wealth!

But if you think about it carefully, not all local tyrants like to wear gold and silver belts. Wang Long must be the kind of person who is used to keeping a low profile!
"Sister! Today is really thanks to you, without you, I would have missed such a big client!"

Yao Linlin quickly thanked her, secretly delighted.

"This is the difference between you and me, old lady. Watching words and expressions is the most basic skill in sales. You have to learn it!"

"Yeah! Sister, I will definitely learn from you in the future!" Yao Lulu nodded quickly in agreement.

But what she didn't know was that when Yao Wanlu saw Wang Long for the first time yesterday, she also thought he was just a poor man.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, how could she have thought that this plainly dressed person would be so generous?

It seems that this Wang Long, I have to curry favor with him!

On the other side, Wang Long came to Zhengjie and stopped a passing taxi.

"Hey, Lao Han, are you free recently? Ask two of your subordinates to send my car to the imperial capital!"

Wang Long called Father Han. Thinking about it carefully, it would be too troublesome if every car in this big city had to take taxis all day long.

Besides, the newly bought house comes with a garage, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't use it?
"No problem! I'll arrange the manpower right away and send it to you tomorrow!"

Father Han agreed very readily. After all, the imperial capital is not too far from Jiang Province. If it wasn't because of too much luggage, Wang Long would have directly chosen to drive here.

When he returned to his residence, he happened to see Sun Zihan sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and meditating.

A trace of exhaustion was evident on Sun Zihan's face.

I have been running around the construction site day and night for the past few days, and I am about to tire myself into a contractor.

Wang Long originally wanted to tell her the news of buying a house directly, but seeing that Sun Zihan was so tired, he decided to let her rest for a while.

"Wang Long? When did you come back?" Sun Zihan was startled awake by Wang Long's footsteps, and looked at him blankly.

"I just came back too, I saw you were sleeping, so I didn't bother you!"

As Wang Long said, he came to sit next to Sun Zihan and stretched out his hand to help her squeeze her shoulder:

"How is it? Are the matters of the company's new headquarters almost handled?"

Sun Zihan nodded: "Basically, we have reached the final finishing stage, and the work during this time is finally not in vain!"

Sun Zihan couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face when he thought of the development of his company from a little-known small workshop to being able to build its own headquarters in the imperial capital.

"It's been really hard for you during this time. After the work in the new headquarters is over, let's move to the new home together!"

Hearing this sentence, Sun Zihan's eyes widened immediately: "What do you mean? Did you buy all the houses?"

"After all, this hotel is the property of the Han family. It's not good for us to just live on their property all the time, isn't it?"

That being said, Sun Zihan was a little caught off guard by Wang Long's sudden arrangement of the house.

"This is the capital of the empire. The cost of any house is estimated to be in the millions. Where did you get so much money?"

"Have you forgotten who is behind me? What are millions of dollars?"

Only then did Sun Zihan react suddenly.

Although Wang Long himself may not be able to afford that much money, after all, he has a famous family like the Han family behind him to support him, so it doesn't seem strange to be able to buy a house in the imperial capital.

"Okay, you have a good rest, you don't have to think about the house, I will take care of everything!"

After Wang Long finished speaking, he wanted to help Sun Zihan to the bedside.

But at this moment, a mobile phone rang untimely.

"Hello? Mr. Sun, where are you?" Long Fei's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm in the hotel, what's the matter? Is there something?" Sun Zihan replied.

"I can't explain it clearly on the phone, so hurry up and come to the company!"

Hearing Long Fei's tone, as if something serious happened, Sun Zihan immediately cheered up, hung up the phone and prepared to go out.

But just a few steps out, she felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground!

Fortunately, Wang Long, who was behind him, had quick eyes and quick hands, and helped her up.

"You're already so tired, so don't go! I'll go and see for you, and I'll let you know if there's anything!"

"No!" Sun Zihan shook his head and refused without thinking.

"As the person in charge of the company, if there is any problem in the new headquarters, I must be there. How can I ask you to help me?"

Seeing her like this, Wang Long also knew that he couldn't persuade her.

But after all, Sun Zihan's body is already weak enough, so she can't just push through like this, right?
Just when Wang Long was at a loss, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Right! You try this thing!"

Wang Long took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket, poured out a golden pill from it, and handed it to Sun Zihan.

"This is?" Sun Zihan always felt that this thing looked familiar.

Isn't this the panacea that Wang Long gave to grandma on her birthday?
(End of this chapter)

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