Ares out of prison

Chapter 190 You are not qualified

Chapter 190 You are not qualified

Only then did Wang Long finally understand why no one came to stop him when he was so ostentatious at the reception.

Even killing the people of the Zhengyang Group with his own hands did not incur any revenge from the Tang family!
In fact, this normal reception is just a cover, the real purpose is to let Wang Long and Tang Yanfei meet!

Thinking of this, Wang Long couldn't help sighing in his heart: This old thing, the abacus is really precise!
"Mr. Wang, to be honest, looking at the entire imperial capital, our Tang family is the only one that can compete with the Yuchi family. Therefore, joining forces with us is your best choice at present."

As Tang Yanfei spoke, he cast a look at Tang Renming who was at the side.

The latter immediately nodded knowingly, clutching his still aching chest, and ran to the main room to bring out two cups of steaming hot tea.

"Mr. Wang, after drinking this cup of tea, it will be regarded as a formal cooperation between you and our Tang family. From now on, you will live under the protection of the Tang family in the imperial capital!"

Looking at the cup of excellent Longjing in front of him, Wang Long couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What Tang Yanfei said was not unreasonable. In such an unpredictable place as the imperial capital, having a solid family to support him would indeed save him a lot of trouble.

If it had been before, Wang Long would definitely drink this cup of tea without hesitation and formally cooperate with the Tang family.

But thinking that everything before was within Tang Yanfei's plan, Wang Long had to be wary of them.

There is no other reason. If everything that happened before was just to bring Tang Yanfei to meet Wang Long, then Ye Hu is undoubtedly an insignificant pawn in this game of chess.

I'm afraid Ye Hu's soul under Jiuquan would never have thought that he had worked for the Tang family for most of his life, but ended up in such an ending!

"I'm sorry, although I offended Yuchi's family, I think I can handle it alone, so thank you for your kindness."

After Wang Lung put down such a sentence, he got up and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Wang, I'm afraid you think this matter is too simple!"

Before he could take a few steps, Tang Yanfei's voice came from behind him.

"Although the Yuchi family has never come to settle accounts with you, it doesn't mean that this matter is over. It's just because the Yuchi family has more important matters at hand. When they draw their hands to deal with you, I guarantee that you will be very happy." It’s hard to escape this calamity!”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long's eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

Tang Yanfei's words were tantamount to revealing an important message to Wang Long.

Even things like the killing of the eldest young master are forced to give way, which shows that Yuchi's family is plotting a bigger move!

Although I don't know exactly what kind of big move it is, it is not difficult to see from Tang Yanfei's reaction that this incident has completely alarmed the Tang family, and even the entire imperial capital has begun to swell!
"Mr. Tang, what's the matter, what do you think?" Tang Yanfei's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Wang Long expectantly.

But even when he got to this point, Wang Long shook his head and replied coldly: "Sorry, I'm not interested."

"My surname is Wang, don't be so ignorant of flattery! For a person like you, being able to cooperate with the Tang family is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes! Don't be shameless here! What are you playing?"

Tang Renming was still chattering beside him, but Wang Long suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a burst of cold eyes, which immediately made him tremble with fright, and he shut his mouth and dared not say a word.

"Renming, don't talk too much!" Seeing this, Tang Yanfei also reprimanded him.

"Mr. Wang is unwilling, and Tang will not force it, but I want to know why Mr. Wang insists on rejecting our invitation?"

"If you insist on knowing a reason, then I can only tell you that you are not qualified to cooperate with me!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Yanfei and Tang Renming immediately widened their eyes, and their pupils shrank sharply.

not qualified? !
The Tang family is one of the few big families in the imperial capital that can compete with the Yuchi family!Those people at the reception tried their best to curry favor with them and didn't have the chance.

But Wang Long was lucky, the Patriarch of the Tang family personally sent out the invitation, and it was fine if he didn't agree, but he even said that he was not qualified?

What arrogance!
"How is it? Can I go?" Unlike the surprise of the Tang family, Wang Long was very calm.

I saw Tang Yanfei took a deep breath, and after a while he calmed down a bit, and said in a deep voice:
"Unfortunately, I originally thought that we could be very good friends!"

Wang Long ignored him, turned his head and left the Tang residence without saying a word.

"Patriarch, this kid doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, let me take a few brothers and kill him!"

Tang Renming couldn't bear it anymore, he wished he could grab Wang Long immediately and peel him.

But Tang Yanfei looked down at the already cold teacup quietly, and shook his head slowly:
"It's better not to be an enemy of people like Wang Long! The company that Ye Hu smashed before was run by his wife, right?"

Tang Renming nodded: "I heard him mention it, but this matter is a personal grievance between the two of them, so I didn't ask too much."

"Since Ye Hu is dead now, on behalf of our Tang family, you can go to the door to apologize!"

Hearing these words, Tang Renming couldn't help being taken aback.

But Tang Yanfei's expression didn't look like he was joking at all, there was no way, since the Patriarch spoke, he could only nod in agreement.

Maybe he will never know that the reason why Tang Yanfei did this is because he also has some compassion for Wang Long!

I heard that when Master Yuchi went to Jiang Province, all the followers with him were high-level ancient warriors!
But even so, Wang Long was able to take his head from Wanjun. This kind of strength is simply terrifying!
Such a person must try his best to make friends with him, even if he really can't be a friend, he must never be an enemy!

"Okay, you go and get ready, visit the door, you can't go empty-handed!"

Although Tang Renming felt a little reluctant, but out of awe of the Patriarch, he nodded in agreement, saluted respectfully, and then turned and left.

Tang Yanfei sat on the stone bench all the time, drinking the little tea left in the cup.

"Good tea should be drunk while it's hot! Over time, the taste will change..." Tang Yanfei said such a meaningful sentence.

After seeing Tang Renming walking away, he got up and went straight to a wing.

But he didn't push the door directly to enter, but now in front of the door, he asked in a low voice:
"Miss Qi, the guest has already left!"

"Come in." A gentle female voice came from inside the room, Tang Yanfei pushed open the door and went in, only to see a young and beautiful girl sitting in the room.

But judging from age, Tang Yanfei is definitely this girl's grandpa.

But as soon as he entered the door, he fell to his knees in front of the girl with a plop!

"Miss, I was incompetent and failed to convince him, please make amends, miss!"

(End of this chapter)

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