Ares out of prison

Chapter 191 5 Compensation

Chapter 191 500 Compensation
If Tang Renming saw this scene, his jaw would drop in shock on the spot.

A majestic Patriarch, that is an existence that stands high in the entire imperial capital!But now, to be so respectful to a young girl!
But if Tang Renming knew the specific identity of this girl, he probably wouldn't be so surprised.

"I've told you many times, this time we are not inviting him to cooperate, but asking him! Is your attitude just now sincere enough!" The girl ignored the age gap between the two and blamed him said to him in a tone.

Tang Yanfei wasn't angry at all, on the contrary, he was so frightened that he couldn't even breathe out!

"I'm so sorry, miss, I'm incompetent!"

Seeing how frightened he was, the girl just gave him a helpless look, and then said, "Okay, get up!"

With these words, Tang Yanfei finally stood up from the ground.

However, he couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face. After hesitating again and again, he still couldn't help asking:
"Miss, I have a question, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Just say anything."

"This Wang Long is so arrogant and domineering, he doesn't take us seriously at all! Why do we have to beg him so lowly? Wouldn't it be better to simply invite that young man to join?"

Judging from the information Tang Yanfei had learned, Wang Long had two attendants, one old and one young, who were equally powerful.

Although the old man is capable, but given his age, he is unreliable.

But what Tang Yanfei really cared about was the boy named Song Yuyuan.

"You want to lure that boy into the gang, tell me your reason?"

"The reason is very simple. I think that since that person is younger, his strength is naturally not inferior to Wang Long's, and the potential of the young man is unlimited. Maybe in time, he will become an existence that even the Yuchi family fears!"

Tang Yanfei was so excited when he said that, he even imagined the Tang family's prosperity under the leadership of Song Yuyuan!

But who would have thought that after hearing his words, the girl just showed a playful smile and shook her head:
"Old Tang, old Tang, you've been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years, why are you still so short-sighted? If this goes on like this, I guess you'll be a patriarch at most in your entire life!"

Hearing this sentence, Tang Yanfei couldn't help frowning, and quickly bent down: "I'm so stupid, please let me know!"

"What do you think of this Wang Long's strength?"

Tang Yanfei thought about it carefully.

Being able to easily take the life of Master Yuchi by one person, his strength must not be underestimated.

And when Wang Long and Tang Renming were fighting just now, he could also see that Wang Long's cultivation was definitely not lower than that of a high-level ancient warrior.

"From the old man's point of view, his cultivation should be at an advanced level, or close to that of a grand master!"

"Hahaha..." Hearing what he said, the girl couldn't help laughing mockingly.

But just when Tang Yanfei was wondering what she was laughing at, a loud slap suddenly landed on his face.

I saw the girl put away the smile on her face, and her expression became extremely serious:
"I really mistrusted you! How can you be qualified to be the head of the family if you are so blind?"

These words made Tang Yanfei turn pale with fright, and quickly shook his head to admit his mistake.

"Idiot and ignorance! Idiot and foolishness! Miss, please teach me, what is the strength of this Wang Long?"

Tang Yanfei thought to himself, based on his judgment, even if he underestimated Wang Long, his cultivation would be at the level of a great master at best.

"Let me tell you, he has already broken through to the Grand Master and reached the Xunzun level, and it won't be long before he will break through to a new level!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tang Yanfei's eyes widened immediately, with disbelief written all over his face.

Looking for the Zun class?That is a realm that has only been heard of in legends!

For many years, Tang Yanfei thought that the so-called seeking respect was just a false legend, not real.

But I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to see an ancient warrior of Xunzun level with my own eyes!
Now he finally understood why Wang Lung looked down upon them so much.

Looking dignifiedly, in Wulin, it can be said that one man is in charge, how can he look up to a small Tang family?
"Such a talent, if the Yuchi family wins over him, he will become our formidable enemy in the future! Do you know what to do?"

The girl stared straight at Tang Yanfei, this look made him feel a little shivering down the spine.

"Don't worry, Miss, I know what to do!"

"Go down."

Tang Yanfei nodded, quickly turned around and left the wing.

Although he was very afraid of the young lady in his heart, it was Wang Long who made him more nervous at the moment!

Unexpectedly, his strength has reached such a terrifying state!

Tang Yanfei had already made up his mind, no matter what, he must find a way to get Wang Long to cooperate with the Tang family.

Even if it's eight big sedan chairs, he has to carry them back!

On the other side, accompanied by Wang Long, Sun Zihan returned to the construction site of the new headquarters.

Although many workers have been hired to clean it up these days, there is still a strong smell of paint in the air.

"President Sun, what should we do? If this continues, the opening of our new headquarters will have to be postponed!"

As a secretary, Long Fei also looked worried. After all, she was the one who was in charge of supervising the repair work at the time. Now that the company has problems, she still feels a little guilty.

"It's okay, I can't blame you for this matter, if it really doesn't work, just postpone it!"

Just when both of them were worried about the mess in front of them, a man in a suit suddenly walked into the company building.

"Hello, who is Miss Sun Zihan?"


Tang Renming glanced between Sun Zihan and Long Fei, and then said: "Miss Sun, I am the chairman of Zhengyang Group, Tang Renming, before my company's subordinates destroyed your building and caused you I apologize for the inconvenience, and in order to make up for the mistake, our company is willing to bear all the repair costs and pay an additional 500 million yuan as your spiritual loss!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Zihan's eyes widened.

500? !This is not just a repair, it is more than enough to redecorate the entire company!
He paid so much money for just a mental damage fee. Could it be that this person is a high-level executive of a big company?
Shouldn't it?Since it is a big company in the imperial capital, why should it come here to show hospitality to a small company of its own?

"Miss Sun, what's your opinion?"

"Oh... If this is the case, then I will trouble you!"

"Where is it! Getting your understanding is what we are most looking forward to!"

When saying this, Tang Renming still did not forget to sneak a glance at Wang Long.

I thought that seeing that he was so earnest, he might change his mind.

Who knows that Wang Long turned his head to the side at this moment, and didn't even look at him!
(End of this chapter)

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