Ares out of prison

Chapter 197 Lin Xiangyue

Chapter 197 Lin Xiangyue

Everyone heard the reputation and looked around, only to see a tall and thin young man coming out of the corner.

"Why did you come out now? I thought you were getting more scared!"

Seeing Wang Long, Sun Zihan couldn't help complaining.

But of course she knew that Wang Lung was not that kind of person.

After all, he has already seen Wang Long's skills before, so it can be said that the total number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him is not enough for him to fight in the last round!

"Sorry, I went to the toilet just now, isn't this back?"

Wang Long didn't act immediately just now, he just wanted to observe secretly, what is the origin of this group of people.

There are many martial arts practitioners in the imperial capital, but any large-scale enterprise will have a few well-trained martial artists under its banner.

Just now Wang Long hid in the dark just to see if this group of people were martial arts practitioners.

But from the scene just now, it can be seen that this is nothing more than a group of reckless fools.

After all, it is impossible for a casual martial arts practitioner to be attacked like this by a little girl!

"Where did you come from? I thought this orphanage didn't even have a man!"

"Boss, look at this kid who is as thin as a monkey, what kind of man is he? At most, he is half a man, okay?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into mocking laughter.

But facing such humiliation, instead of showing any anger, Wang Long kept looking at them expressionlessly.

The black-faced man put away the smile on his face, and his expression became fierce: "Let me tell you, it's useless for anyone to come today, we've demolished this house!"

Wang Long nodded: "Okay, since you want to dismantle it so much, I won't stop you." After finishing speaking, he stretched out two fingers: "200 million, don't take one more point, and one point less will not work!"

"What?" The black-faced man frowned, wondering if he heard it wrong.

"Two million? Are you talking in your sleep? Is this a palace or a villa? It's just a bunch of dilapidated houses worth two million?"

"This is the most fair price from me. If you can't accept it, this matter will not be discussed."

Wang Long refused to let go at all, insisting that there is no 200 million.

"Tch, who do you think you are? What right do you have to bargain with me here? I really demolished it today, let's see what you can do!" As he said that, the black-faced man went directly to an excavator himself.

Seeing this, the driver was still a little at a loss, and in the end it was the black-faced man who dragged him down forcefully.

The engine roared, and the excavator moved slowly, rushing straight to Wang Long.

This scene really shocked Aunt Xue, and she shouted loudly from behind:
"Long'er! It's dangerous! Don't be brave, let them tear it down if they want to! At worst, let's just move it!"

But even so, Wang Long just stood there quietly, not intending to move at all.

"Stinky boy, are you really not afraid of death?" The black-faced man couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he decided to raise his speed to the highest.

The children behind were so frightened that they all closed their eyes, and even the younger brother of the black-faced man started to feel frightened.

Wang Long stretched out his hand slowly, his eyes were cold.

"What's going on?" The black-faced man looked at the excavator under him blankly. No matter how fast he accelerated, the excavator seemed to be blocked by something, and kept rubbing on the spot, but couldn't move forward at all.

All of a sudden, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the air was full of burnt gas.

But Wang Long still stretched out his hand, facing the direction of the excavator, and at the same time, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Aren't you clamoring to dismantle it? Why didn't you move?"

The black-faced man gritted his teeth angrily and turned on the horsepower, but no matter what he did, the excavator never moved forward.

At most, it just rubs out more smoke and sparks.

I saw Wang Long's eyes turned cold, and he pushed forward fiercely with both hands, and the excavator suddenly backed away with a loud noise!
The black-faced man in the cab didn't react, and his whole body slammed heavily on the glass, causing his forehead to bleed.

This scene immediately stunned the little brother next to him, and everyone realized that just now Wang Long shook the excavator weighing dozens of tons with his own strength? !

Is this still human strength!
The excavator slid to the middle of the road before stopping. The black-faced man staggered out of the cab and almost fell from it.

He was already dizzy from being shaken at the moment, and he obviously didn't realize what was going on just now.

Seeing that Wang Lung was still standing in front of the fence, he was suddenly very angry.

"Brat, it's shameless to give you shame, then don't blame me for being rude! You guys, fuck me!"


Before his younger brothers could react, a sonorous and forceful voice came from beside his ears.

Following the prestige, I saw a white off-road vehicle galloping on the road and parked firmly in front of everyone.

The co-pilot's door opened, and Wang Long recognized the girl sitting inside at a glance. It was none other than Aunt Xue's daughter, Lin Xiangyue!
And the young man in the driver's seat is probably her boyfriend.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Lin Xiangyue has grown from a little girl to a beauty.

"I went shopping in the city, and you guys came again?" Lin Xiangyue gritted her teeth angrily, and glared at the black-faced man viciously.

"It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you won't be able to grow your memory, my dear, go!"

He looked at the man next to him, who nodded in agreement, then stepped forward and said:
"Think about it clearly, this is the place where my girlfriend lived since she was a child. If you want to tear it down, you have to ask us if we agree!"

As soon as this remark came out, the black-faced man suddenly showed a sneering expression:
"Joke! What kind of onion are you? Why do you have to ask if you agree?"

Wang Long stood beside him, looking up and down at the man.

Look at his bright clothes, with a sense of wealth in his gestures, and this brand new Land Rover.

It is estimated that this person can be regarded as a figure of some status in the imperial capital!Otherwise, Lin Xiangyue would not have let him go.

"Do you know whose order we are acting? How dare you come and stop us?"

Bai Yong smiled coldly, his face was full of disdain: "Then tell me, which unscrupulous person ordered you to come here?"

"We are from Hengyuan Construction! Hengyuan Construction, have you heard of it?"

Who knew that as soon as this remark came out, Bai Yong's expression, which was originally full of disdain, suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly, these gangsters who don't know what to do are actually people from Hengyuan Construction?

This time I encountered a stubble...

(End of this chapter)

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