Ares out of prison

Chapter 198 I Am Wang Fa

Chapter 198 I Am Wang Fa

If we talk about the face of the real estate industry in the imperial capital, it is definitely Hengyuan Construction Company.

This company has been established since the last century, and it has been taking root in the imperial capital, and its scale is getting bigger and bigger.

It can be said that this is one of the top local snakes in the imperial capital!

Originally, Bai Yong thought that at most these gangsters were just doing things for money, and they didn't have any big bosses behind them to back them up.

But I didn't expect that they were sent by Hengyuan Construction!

Now Bai Yong turned pale. After all, once this company is involved in this matter, the stakes behind it will become complicated!
But since I have already said it in front of so many people, I can't take it back, right?

What's more, there is also his future mother-in-law in the crowd?
Although I, Bai Yong, am not considered a hero, I am still a seven-foot man, right?
Which man doesn't want to lose face?
Thinking of this, he pretended to show a calm smile and asked:
"It turned out to be a brother of Hengyuan Construction. I have had contact with your company. Since it is land acquisition, why do you want to go to war?"

"Hmph! We've already discussed with their person in charge a few months ago. We planned to demolish the house today, but this brat who doesn't know what to do insists on finding fault, and won't let us do anything!"

As the black-faced man said, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Long.

Bai Yong turned his head and glanced at him, with some resentment in his eyes!It was as if he was blaming Wang Long for causing trouble to himself.

Originally, Wang Long had hoped that Lin Xiangyue's boyfriend would settle the matter, but now it seems that he can't be relied on.

"Nonsense! Did you guys have a deal? That's obviously forcing my mother to compromise! We never promised you!"

Just as Bai Yong was racking his brains to find a way to answer the conversation, Lin Xiangyue who was at the side suddenly spoke.

Xiangyue, Xiangyue, didn't you deliberately push me into the fire pit? !

"Okay! It's useless to talk too much, just say, will this house be demolished today?"

"I tell you, it's a dream!" Lin Xiangyue replied firmly.

Seeing that the situation was beyond his expectation, Bai Yong hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Since you are from Hengyuan Construction, we are actually a little old friends!"

"Oh?" This sentence immediately aroused the interest of the black-faced man: "Could it be that your company is also engaged in real estate?"

"No. But our two companies have cooperated before. I am a humble person, and they are from Zhengyang Company!"

Hearing the words Zhengyang Company, the expression of the black-faced man couldn't help freezing.

The yellow hair next to him hurriedly leaned into his ear and reminded: "Brother Hei, that's the domain of the Tang family! We can't tie up with the Tang family!"

"You want to talk too much? How can I not know this truth?" Brother Hei scolded coldly.

Although in terms of scale, Zhengyang Group is slightly inferior, but after all, Zhengyang Group is backed by such a big family, so Brother Hei is somewhat afraid.

But after thinking about it, this kid doesn't look like a member of the Tang family, at most he is just someone who got a place in the Zhengyang Group.

"I don't care about your company! I will be rude to anyone who wants to stop me today!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to make any concessions, Bai Yong had no choice but to look back at Wang Long:
"Little brother, since this matter is caused by you, I think you should apologize to them, and let this matter pass!"

"Hey! Bai Yong, did you make a mistake? Obviously they forced us, why should Wang Long apologize?" Lin Xiangyue roared angrily.

But what she doesn't know is that Bai Yong doesn't dare to offend Brother Hei and others now, and just wants to get over this as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, I just did what I should do, there is nothing to apologize for."

You kid, you really don’t cry when you see the coffin!Do you know who the other party is?
"Little brother, I advise you not to cause trouble for yourself just to be a hero for a while, Hengyuan Construction, that is a company you can't afford!"

But no matter how Bai Yong persuaded him, Wang Long stood there without changing his face, with no trace of fear on his face.

never mind!You are going to die yourself, I don't care, as long as you don't implicate me and Xiangyue!

Thinking of this, Bai Yong simply took two steps back and gave way to the two of them.

"Listen to you, today you will stop us if you say anything, right?"

Brother Hei didn't say anything more, and he gave an order directly, and the dozens of younger brothers next to him all rushed forward.

"Long'er be careful!" Aunt Xue exclaimed in shock, wishing she could drag her old bones to help.

But who knew that in the next second, Wang Long shot suddenly!
I saw him shuttle through the crowd like lightning, and his fists fell on the younger brothers like a gust of wind and rain.

With wailing and screaming in their ears, the group of younger brothers fell to the ground one by one, all foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

Brother Hei was stunned when he saw this.

It was the first time he had seen a young man with such skill!

This can't help but remind him of that classic line.

"I want to hit ten!"

In just a few seconds, a group of younger brothers who were aggressive just now were lying on the ground and struggling painfully.

But Wang Long clenched his fists and stared at them coldly.

Also shocked was Bai Yong.

"This... what kind of kung fu is this?"

It is estimated that among the people present, only Sun Zihan was calmer.

After all, Wang Long's strength, he has seen it long ago, and now he is familiar with it.

Brother Hei looked at his younger brothers and was at a loss for a while.

Now, he was completely bareheaded, and his prestige was gone.

What's worse, Wang Long suddenly turned his head and stared at him with those murderous eyes!
Brother Hei's legs suddenly went limp, and he almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Wang Long walked up to him quickly, meeting his eyes.

"You... what are you going to do? Calm down! I'm from Hengyuan!"

"I don't care whose dog you are, I've made it clear before that if you want to demolish the house, you need to get 200 million first, otherwise, nothing will be discussed!"

Knowing Wang Long's strength, Brother Hei naturally didn't dare to do anything wrong, he nodded his head like a pest, and said that he would go back and ask the boss for instructions.

Originally thought that he could escape a catastrophe, but Wang Long still didn't say anything, and slapped him.

The force of this slap was much stronger than that of Sun Zihan, and it directly slapped his face swollen!

"Hey! Is there any more Wang Fa? Didn't I say go back and ask for instructions? Why should you beat me?"

Brother Hei was still chattering on and on, but Wang Long gave him a look, which immediately frightened him so much that he dared not speak.

"I tell you, I am Wang Fa!"

(End of this chapter)

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