Ares out of prison

Chapter 203 Did You Tell Me?

Chapter 203 Did I Tell You To Talk?
"Stop!" Wang Hengyuan couldn't bear it any longer, he stretched out his palm and slapped the table hard.

Only then did Zou Laohei quickly stand still, and bowed to him squarely: "Hello, chairman!"

"What's the matter! Didn't you see that I have guests here? Jumping up and down like a mad dog, how decent!"

Hearing this sentence, Bai Yong next to him couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?" Father Bai asked in a deep voice in his ear.

"Dad, you don't know, I've seen this kid before, he's just a big-budget fool!"

He was still showing off in front of him before, but he was beaten like this when he returned to his company.

I don't know which angel sister gave me this bad breath?
"What do you know? This is Chairman Wang's right-hand man!"

Hearing this sentence, Bai Yong couldn't help being taken aback.

A capable general?Just him?Did I hear you right?
But after thinking about it, since Wang Hengyuan handed over the demolition matter to him with confidence, it means that he still has some status in Hengyuan Company.

That being the case, who is so courageous to fight on other people's territory?
"Let me ask you, what's the matter with your injuries?" Wang Hengyuan stretched out his hand and pointed to Zou Laohei's pair of panda eyes.

"Chairman! You don't know anything. If someone breaks into our company, he will beat him up at sight. It's lawless!"

Zou Laohei seized the opportunity to embellish and describe Wang Long as a gangster who broke into the company with an AK.

"Are you the chairman?" But before he could finish speaking, a cold voice came from the door.

As soon as he heard this voice, Zou Laohei immediately bounced off the ground like a conditioned reflex.

Wang Hengyuan couldn't help but swallowed, and looked back nonchalantly.

But he didn't see any murderous bandits, but a white, tall and thin young man.

"How could it be him?" Bai Yong widened his eyes and looked at Wang Long in disbelief.

What he didn't notice was that Tang Yanfei on the side also had the same expression as him.

"Chairman! It's him! It's him! You have to make the decision for me!"

Zou Laohei hurriedly hid behind Wang Hengyuan, stretched out his hand and pointed desperately at Wang Long, and said.

"Shut up! You're so annoying!" the latter yelled, and Zou Laohei hurriedly stopped talking.

And Wang Hengyuan also stood up, and asked: "Little brother came to visit suddenly, I don't know what you can do?"

Wang Long was just about to speak, but he also caught a glimpse of a familiar person from the corner of his eye, so he asked first:

"Why are you here?"

"Me? Of course I'm here! Our company is here to discuss business today, and as our company..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean you." Before Bai Yong could finish his sentence, Wang Long interrupted him without shame.

This made him feel a little overwhelmed, standing in place and looking around.

Apart from me, there is no other person here who knows him. If you are not talking to me, you are talking to a ghost?

"Tang Yanfei, do you have any connection with this company?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a loud bang in everyone's heart.

This is the head of the Tang family!An existence admired by thousands of people in the imperial capital!But this Wang Long dared to call him by his first name?

Don't die!
"Presumptuous! This is the head of the Tang family! The chairman of the Zhengyang Group! Is this how you talk to him?"

"Sorry, you don't care about my attitude, but you are not qualified to speak here."

Wang Long's words were still bloody, and Bai Yong was so angry that his whole body twitched.

And at this moment, Tang Yanfei who was at the side slowly got up.

Just as Bai Yong was secretly delighted, waiting to see how Wang Long would die, what Tang Yanfei did made his worldview collapse.

Tang Yanfei, who was over half a hundred years old, came to Wang Long and bowed respectfully!
"Mr. Wang, I never expected to meet you here! This is really fate!"

Why!I must not be dreaming!

This is a big shot in the imperial capital, why should he be so polite to this foreigner!

"We have not negotiated some cooperation matters with Hengyuan before, and today we are here to find a solution!"

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask him."

Without further ado, Wang Long asked Tang Yanfei to make way for him.

What was even more unexpected was that Tang Yanfei actually obediently stood aside and gave him his place!

Only then did Wang Long look at Wang Hengyuan who was at the side, and asked, "Are you the one who sent these villains to demolish the orphanage?"

"Forcibly demolish the orphanage?" Hearing this sentence, Wang Hengyuan couldn't help being taken aback: "Why have I never heard of this?"

Judging by his expression, it doesn't look like he is lying, as if he really doesn't know about it.

Wang Long and Wang Hengyuan looked at Zou Laohei at the side almost at the same time.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, and then said nonchalantly, "Yes... the vice president asked me to do it!"

"This guy!" Wang Hengyuan gritted his teeth with hatred, but he remained calm at the moment, and said to Wang Long:
"Little brother, I'm really sorry, it's because I was negligent in discipline that my subordinates offended you!"

After all, Wang Hengyuan also watched Tang Yanfei respect Wang Long so much.

Even a person with such a high status has to be polite when he sees Wang Long, let alone the chairman of a construction company.

If Wang Long is offended, I am afraid that if there is no need to talk about cooperation matters, my company will cause a lot of trouble!

"Okay, I believe you."

Wang Long saw that Wang Hengyuan's attitude was also very sincere, so he nodded and agreed.

Seeing him turn around and prepare to leave, Zou Laohei at the side let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

It's just that this feeling didn't last long.

I saw that Wang Long had just walked two steps, then suddenly turned his head, pointed at Zou Laohei and said:
"Your subordinates, as well as his younger brothers, made trouble at the gate of the orphanage today. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

As soon as these words came out, Zou Laohei trembled uncontrollably as if a motor had been installed all over his body.

Wang Hengyuan glanced at Zou Laohei first, then nodded:

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory solution to this matter!"

After all, it was the person Tang Yanfei feared so much, he had already opened his mouth, how could he dare to say no?
Only then did Wang Long coldly agree, and left the meeting room without looking back.

Bai Yong next to him saw the scene in front of him, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

What is the origin of this Wang Long?Why do so many bigwigs respect him so much?
Could it be that I have provoked some kind of extraordinary person?

(End of this chapter)

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