Chapter 204

Seeing Wang Long gone, Wang Hengyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

While Bai Yong was still in shock, Tang Yanfei's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Bai Ming, you were the one who insisted on bringing your son here, saying that with a little training, he could become the backbone of the company. Is that what you mean by backbone?" Tang Yanfei pointed at the trembling Bai Yong. , shouted angrily.

Bai Ming was also taken aback, shook his head quickly, and said, "No, no, Mr. Tang, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to take this opportunity to train this kid, but I didn't expect to kill Wang Long halfway through!" !"

Seeing this, Bai Yong who was next to him quickly echoed and said: "Yes, yes! I also saw that kid dare to call you by your first name directly, and I wanted to help you, so I said that!"

"Presumptuous!" Tang Yanfei suddenly became furious as soon as he said this, and slapped the table directly.

"Mr. Wang called me by my first name. That's his own business. What does it have to do with you? Help me vent my anger, do you deserve it?"

These three words sounded extremely harsh to Bai Yong, he couldn't even believe that Tang Yanfei would scold him so much for Wang Long!

But there is no way, who made Wang Long a person who made the two chairman so afraid, so it seems that he is really unworthy.

"If you hadn't opened your mouth indiscriminately today, things wouldn't have come to such an extent! You two, don't come tomorrow, get out!"

These words immediately frightened Bai Ming so much that his expression changed drastically, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, shaking his head desperately:
"Chairman, you can't do this! I have worked hard for the company all these years, no credit or hard work! You can't just drive away the key people in my company because of such a mistake, right?"

What Bai Ming said was actually not unreasonable.

As one of the earliest employees of the company, his contribution to the company is obvious to all.

But it is a pity that shopping malls are like battlefields, and the emphasis is on interests rather than affection.

If you offend Wang Long, what will happen, naturally needless to say.

In contrast, dismissing Bai Ming and his son can not only divert the trouble to the east and save the company from its harm, but also please Wang Long and take the opportunity to build a good relationship with him. Do.

"Hmph! Before and after the saddle? Just because I brought you father and son here in a moment of confusion today, I almost ruined my big event! Needless to say, you go!"

No matter how hard Bai Ming begged, Tang Yanfei was still unwilling to change his mind and insisted on letting them leave the company.

It seemed that Tang Yanfei had already made up his mind, and it was impossible to regret it.

"Dad! We don't need to stay in this kind of company! Let's go, there is no place to stay here, but a place to stay!"

"Bastard!" As soon as Bai Yong finished speaking, a loud slap landed on his face.

This slap directly slapped him dizzy, staring at his eyes, it can be seen how powerful it is!
"It's all because of you! Our Bai family was completely ruined by you bastard! How did I give birth to such a rebellious son like you!"

In Bai Ming's view, Bai Yong's words are simply absurd.

Don't stay here, Zhengyang Group is the most powerful company in the whole empire, but which company dares to take in those who are fired by them?Isn't this clearly going against the Tang family?
Now for the father and son, there are only two paths. One is to do the most basic job to support themselves, and the other is to leave the imperial capital and find a place beyond the reach of the Tang family, so that they can slowly make a comeback!
But there is no doubt that it will be an extremely long process.

"Bai Ming, fight out, don't act wild at Chairman Wang's place!"

Tang Yanfei's voice was so penetrating that Bai Ming trembled in fright, how dare he say no?Hastily nodded in agreement.

After Bai's father and son left, Zou Laohei beside him was already covered in sweat.

Just before Wang Long left, Wang Hengyuan said that he would give him a satisfactory solution.

Shouldn't this solution also be to fire yourself?
That's not okay!If he was fired, there would be nowhere to go, and wouldn't all the hard work of this half life be ruined?
"You, immediately draw up a contract and send it to the orphanage!" Wang Hengyuan said.

Zou Laohei didn't dare to be negligent at all, he nodded in agreement quickly, turned his head and left the conference room.

The pace was fast, as if afraid that Wang Hengyuan would regret it later.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tang, the previous demolition plan has changed. I'm afraid it will be difficult to continue this cooperation!"

Tang Yanfei didn't hesitate either, and nodded in agreement directly.

After all, both of them knew that Wang Long was definitely an existence that neither of them could offend.

In comparison, building a good relationship with him is the most beneficial choice for the company's long-term development.

At this point, the two people's ideas are quite consistent.

After Tang Yanfei and his party left, Zou Laohei returned to the meeting room with the contract he had drawn up.

To be cautious, Wang Hengyuan first looked at the content of the contract himself, and only followed him out after confirming that there was no problem.

He originally thought about sending the contract directly to the orphanage, but who knew that when he resolutely went downstairs, he happened to meet Wang Long.

I saw that he was sitting on the sofa in the hall at the moment, as if he knew that the two of them would come to him and was waiting here.

Seeing this, Wang Hengyuan immediately walked up with a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Wang, what happened before was our company's fault! Don't worry, our company has made a unanimous decision and will not demolish the orphanage again!"

"What else?" Of course Wang Long knew that it was impossible for him to dismiss himself with just such a sentence.

"What's more, I think the location of the orphanage is really remote, and the house is also very old. For this reason, I specially found a new orphanage for you in a clean place in the imperial city. You see Look, are you satisfied?"

As he spoke, Wang Hengyuan respectfully laid down the agreement and structural diagram in his hand.

Wang Lung just glanced at it briefly, then nodded.

"If there is no problem, just sign it!"

"Okay, okay!" Wang Hengyuan quickly took out a pen from his suit pocket and handed it to Wang Long as if he was relieved.

But when the latter was signing, a female secretary in business attire suddenly stumbled over.

"President Wang! It's not good, your wife..."

"Xiao Ding, didn't you see that I have guests here? Let's talk about it later!"

Wang Long raised his head subconsciously to look at this person, and immediately frowned.

She seemed to feel that this person was filled with a strange smell, like the medicinal fragrance of some rare herbal medicine!
After many times of alchemy experience, he immediately recognized that this is the unique fragrance of Wangchuan grass!

(End of this chapter)

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