Chapter 217

Wang Long's words immediately made Lin Xiangyue feel a burst of warmth in her heart, and her cheeks couldn't help turning slightly red.

This is the first time I have met such a gentle boy!
It's a pity, Wang Long is already famous, otherwise, she will definitely take him well!
"Hmph! It's nice to say, I'm afraid the 5 yuan is your annual income, right?"

Even though Wang Long bought the clothes on the spot, Yao Qin was still sneering at the side.

In her eyes, Wang Long and Lin Xiangyue were just swollen faces to pretend to be fat.

Lin Xiangyue looked at the bill in Wang Long's hand, couldn't help but bowed her head and fell silent.

Indeed, 5 yuan is already Aunt Xue's hard work for half a year.

If she knew that she had spent so much money on clothes, she would definitely faint on the spot!

But Wang Long didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "5 yuan is just Xiangyue's salary for a month, is it a lot?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yao Qin's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at the two of them in disbelief.

"What did you say? This person's monthly salary is [-] yuan?"

"That's right! It's only for people like you that this amount of money is a lot!"

While talking, Wang Long winked desperately at Lin Xiangyue, and the latter nodded in agreement:
"Yes! This is just my monthly salary, it's nothing more than a little extravagance, it's nothing at all!"

Lin Xiangyue felt that since Wang Long chose to use this method to help herself out of the siege, of course she could only go down this step.

But what she didn't know was that Wang Long's words were not just to anger Yao Qin, but there was indeed such a thing.

Sun Zihan mentioned before that he planned to offer Lin Xiangyue a salary of [-] a month.

When Wang Long heard this number, he couldn't help being a little surprised, wondering if it might be a bit high.

But Sun Zihan felt that this salary level was just right, after all, Lin Xiangyue also graduated from a prestigious university.

Although the major is a bit wrong, she believes that with Lin Xiangyue's excellent learning ability, she will definitely become a leader in the industry in a short time.

Hearing that Lin Xiangyue's monthly income was several times more than her own, Yao Qin was almost so angry that she couldn't speak!

Why?How can this woman get such a high income?How is she better than me?
"Let's go!" Wang Long took Lin Xiangyue's hand and left first, too lazy to see Yao Qin's distraught here.

Yao Qin stomped her feet suddenly, looked at the backs of the two leaving, and said viciously:

"Okay! Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

On the other side, Wang Long and Lin Xiangyue had already left the commercial street and came to the parking place.

If Yao Qin saw that Wang Long was driving a BMW, he would probably be too scared to speak.

But Wang Lung, unlike her, didn't think it was something to show off.

After all, to him, a mere BMW is nothing at all. Only the truly poor will compare themselves to vanity everywhere.

"Wang Long, I cost you money today, don't worry! I will find a way to return the money for the clothes!"

Lin Xiangyue sat in the co-pilot and said with a guilty expression.

Lin Xiangyue couldn't help feeling apologetic when she thought that Wang Long spent so much money to help her out.

But Wang Long looked indifferent, shook his head and said:

"You don't need to be so polite, just because Aunt Xue takes care of me like this, I should spend some money for you!"

Lin Xiangyue had expected that Wang Long would definitely answer in this way, so she had secretly decided to use her first month's salary to compensate for the money for buying clothes.

Not long after, the two returned to the orphanage, just as Aunt Xue had lunch with a group of children.

"Yo? Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you say play outside?"

Aunt Xue looked at the two of them in surprise, thinking that the two of them finally got the chance to get together, so they should play outside for a while.

Lin Xiangyue shook her head, picked out a dress that looked more suitable for Aunt Xue, handed it to her and said:
"Mom, this is the clothes Wang Long bought for you, hurry up and try to see if it fits you!"

Hearing this, Aunt Xue frowned immediately, and said with a distressed look:
"Ouch! You said you can come back when you come back, what clothes are you going to buy? These clothes must have cost a lot of money, right?"

"No! Mom, in fact, this dress just happens to be on sale, and it only costs more than 100 yuan! Otherwise, I wouldn't let Wang Long buy it!"

Naturally, Lin Xiangyue would not tell the truth, after all, if she knew that such a dress would cost thousands of dollars, they would have to return whatever Aunt Xue said!
Seeing this, Wang Long next to him also hurriedly nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, yes! It's the discount season, and it's very cost-effective to buy clothes!"

"Come on! Don't think I don't know that the two of you colluded in advance. There must be more than 100 clothes, right?"

Based on Aunt Xue's understanding of Wang Long and Lin Xiangyue, it was a dream to deceive her so easily.

"Oh, Mom, Wang Longmai has already bought it, so don't let him down!"

In the end, under Lin Xiangyue's persuasion, Aunt Xue finally nodded in agreement and went to the room to change her clothes.

"How is it? Does this dress look good?" Aunt Xue walked out of the room and looked at Wang Long and Wang Long with some guilt.

"Hahahaha! Mom, I can't tell, you really look good in this dress! You look like a little girl!"

Seeing Aunt Xue's appearance, Lin Xiangyue couldn't help laughing out loud.

And Wang Long next to him also kept nodding in praise.

Wearing this casual outfit on Aunt Xue's body immediately made her look a lot younger, and she really felt like a little girl.

"Come on! You two brats, you know how to make fun of me! I'm already so old, how can I compare with those big girls?"

"No, no, mom, this dress really suits you, Xiangyue didn't lie to you!"

Hearing what Wang Long said, Aunt Xue nodded in doubt.

"Okay! Then I'll accept it. Thank you so much for coming back to visit me, and it's so expensive!"

"Why are you being so polite to me? Isn't it natural for a son to buy something for his mother?"

Just when Aunt Xue was about to answer, a sharp and mean voice suddenly came from behind.

"Yo! You really have filial piety! I'm almost moved to tears!"

Everyone looked back, only to see that the person who came was Yao Qin.

It is worth mentioning that Yao Qin was accompanied by a girl of similar age and appearance.

"Yao Qin? Why are you here again?" Lin Xiangyue looked at her with a dark face.

Yao Na stepped forward, pointed at Aunt Xue's nose, and said:

"Aunt Xue, your daughter bullies my sister! Tell me! What are you going to do about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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