Ares out of prison

Chapter 218 I'm Not a Gentleman

Chapter 218 I'm Not a Gentleman

No wonder Wang Long always felt that these two people looked alike, and after a long time of arguing, it turned out that these two people were two sisters!

Speaking of which, the facial features of the two sisters were carved out of the same mold, and they both looked like sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

As soon as Aunt Xue heard this sentence, she immediately showed an inconceivable expression, and asked blankly:
"What? My Xiangyue bullied you Yao Qin? This is impossible!"

Not to mention that Aunt Xue knows that it is absolutely impossible for her daughter to do anything to bully others.

Even if it was bullying, it was only Yao Qin who bullied Lin Xiangyue. When was it Lin Xiangyue's turn to bully Yao Qin?
"Stop talking nonsense! Your daughter brags in front of my sister that she earns tens of thousands a month. Isn't that bullying?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Wang Long next to him couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The brain circuits of these two sisters are really strange enough, just because their monthly income is higher than yours, do you think it is bullying?
Doesn't that mean that those people on the Hurun rich list have bullied your sister one by one?

"What are you laughing at?" Yao Na turned her head and glared fiercely at Wang Long beside her.

But the latter didn't mean to restrain himself at all, but looked at her with a more sarcastic look.

"Don't you think it's shameless for you to say this? They are more capable than you, so they should earn more than you! You can't be angry with yourself, but you still slander Xiangyue and bully her. Isn't it a funny thing? ?”

"Okay! You guys are singing and pissing me off, right? Let me tell you! If you don't give us an explanation today, we'll stay here!"

To say that the personalities of the two sisters are exactly the same, Yao Na's level of shamelessness is even better than that of Yao Qin.

Before Wang Long could answer, Aunt Xue next to her smiled and said:
"I think this must be a misunderstanding among the children! How about it, if my Xiangyue said something that made your Yao Qin unhappy, I'll apologize to you on her behalf!"

"Mom!" Upon hearing these words, Lin Xiangyue frowned.

But Aunt Xue shook her head at her, telling her not to speak.

Anyway, sisters Yao Qin and Yao Na also lived in the orphanage for a while.

Although they were adopted by a wealthy family not long after, Aunt Xue still regarded them as her own.

Moreover, this matter is not a big problem in the first place, and there is no need to mess up the relationship between the children.

But who would have thought that Aunt Xue had said something like this, but Yao Na still looked relentless.

"No! Why does your daughter bully someone and ask you to apologize for her? Doesn't she have a long mouth? "

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Xiangyue was even more angry.

"I warn you! If you dare to talk nonsense in front of my mother again, I will not spare you!"

To be honest, Lin Xiangyue's temper is already very gentle, and the sisters are capable of forcing her to say such things.

"Oh, what's the matter? Is it possible that you still want to do something? I've always been curious, just because of you, how do you make so much money in a month?"

"Sister, haven't you heard of it? Nowadays, many people sell their lust, and it's not a small amount to earn tens of thousands a month!"

"You guys! How can you insult people like this!" Aunt Xue was trembling with anger when she heard her daughter being so humiliated.

But Yao Na and Yao Qin didn't intend to stop at all, they were still talking nonsense beside them.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Long suddenly stepped forward, and without a word, he slapped him resoundingly.

This slap was so strong that Yao Na almost lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing!" Yao Qin who was next to her was just about to make a move, but she was also slapped hard.

The two sisters were hit from left to right like this, and half of their faces were swollen.

Now their already terrifying faces looked even more disgusting.

"You... you bastard, you even hit girls? Do you know what it means to be sympathetic to women!"

Yao Qin stretched out her trembling hand, pointed at Wang Long's nose and said.

But the latter didn't take it seriously, instead he frightened them both with a cold look in a second.

"This slap is for Aunt Xue and Xiangyue. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Long's voice was so penetrating that the hearts of the two sisters couldn't help beating.

It seemed that if he dared to say one more nonsense, Wang Long would really be rude to them.

It's not that Wang Long doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, it's because the word pity the fragrance and cherish the jade has nothing to do with these two sisters.

"Heh! What a joke, is it a big deal to hit someone? Don't think that we will be afraid of you if you do this!"

Yao Na was still talking at the side, but Wang Long stretched out his hand suddenly, which immediately made her yelp in fright.

But Wang Long's slap hovered in the air, and did not land on her face.

" really want to hit me? Why are you doing this!"

"Sorry, I'm not a gentleman!"

To be honest, just now Wang Long restrained his own strength.

If he really slapped them both with all his strength, he might beat the two sisters to death on the spot.

For this kind of person, showing mercy is the greatest forgiveness.

"Wang Long, forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as them!"

In the end, it was Lin Xiangyue who whispered beside him, and Wang Long nodded in agreement.

Seeing him put down his hand, Yao Na breathed a sigh of relief.

As the saying goes, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten. Wang Long just stopped, and she began to taunt again:

"So what if you earn tens of thousands a month? Let me tell you, my company is about to expand, and by then it will be a profit of several million! I'm afraid you won't be able to make it back in your lifetime!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xiangyue and Aunt Xue didn't know how to answer.

Indeed, to them, a few million is an astronomical figure that they can't even imagine.

"That's right, it doesn't take a lifetime to earn a few million, you can earn it in a few days!"

Wang Long's words immediately made the eyes of several people present widen.

Especially Yao Na, she wondered if she heard it wrong.

"What did you say?"

"Haven't you heard that this orphanage will be demolished soon? The contracting company is Hengyuan Construction, and the compensation they gave is a full 5000 million!"

Yao Na and Yao Qin gasped, their jaws dropped to the ground in shock.

5000!Even if they sell their company, it's not worth so much money!

A mere compensation, so much is paid directly?Hengyuan Construction's move is too generous!

(End of this chapter)

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