Chapter 22
Under the leadership of that clansman, Wang Long came to the phone.

"Wang Long! How are you? The Han family didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

When he picked up the phone, he heard Sun Zihan's anxious voice.

After Wang Long paused, he spoke slowly:
"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Sun Zihan let out a long sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.

But Wang Long stood there and fell into deep thought, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

With the strength of the Han family, it is impossible to contact them with Sun Zihan alone.

To call the Han family, unless it is relying on the power of the family behind Sun Zihan!

In fact, Sun Zihan also came from another big family in BH City - the Sun family.

If BH City can compete with the Han family, the Sun family is probably the only one.

Like the Han family, the Sun family has a big business, and it can be said to be majestic and powerful in BH City.

Not only that, the grandchildren of the Sun family are full of flowers everywhere, and the level of prosperity even surpasses that of the Han family!
It's just that Sun Zihan, as a direct descendant of the Sun family, is not taken seriously in the family.

It is estimated that Sun Zihan has put in a lot of effort this time, so he is proud to use the power of the Sun family to call the Han family!

One can be sure that Sun Zihan must have received a lot of cold eyes!
"Help me tell your master, I'll take my leave first!"

Wang Long's tone was cold.

How dare the people of that tribe stop them?Hastily nodded and agreed.

But when Wang Long walked to the gate of the Han family, a call came from behind him.

I saw Han Yunfei running over with a car key in his hand.

"Master, where are you going? Shall I take you there?"

Wang Long thought to himself, anyway, it was getting late now, and he didn't have a car, so it would be nice to have someone to see him off.

"Then take me to Biyun District!"

"Biyun District?"

Hearing this, Han Yunfei's expression changed suddenly.

There is no other reason, this Biyun district is the Sun family's sphere of influence!

He suddenly wanted to leave in the middle of the meal, and he was going to the Sun family's territory. Could it be that Wang Long still has any connection with the Sun family?
If the Sun family tried to snatch Master away from them, I must make them disappear in this world!
The Maserati's engine roared like a beast.

In less than half an hour, Wang Long arrived at Biyun District.

The entire Biyun District is covered with well-arranged villas.

Without exception, these villas are all the assets of the Sun family!

"You go first!"

Looking at the pile of villas in front of him, Wang Long couldn't help feeling a little gloomy.

Because this was once the place where his nightmare started.

Back then, the Sun family didn't think highly of him as the son-in-law who came to visit, and there were already countless sarcasm and difficulties for him.

Some people even said that Wang Long's status in the Sun family was not as high as that of Wangcai in the yard!

But now, time has passed, and Wang Long is no longer the wimp who only eats soft food.

He walked outside the door and said to the two guards, "I am Sun Zihan's husband."

After the guard opened the door and let him in, Wang Lung went straight to the Sun family compound.

Among the several figures standing in the magnificent house, one of them was the Sun Zihan he was looking for!

"Wang Long? Why are you here?"

When he saw Wang Long, a trace of astonishment flashed across Sun Zihan's face.

But before he could open his mouth, a sharp and harsh voice suddenly came from his ear.

"You are such a wimp, you still have the face to come back?"

Wang Long looked quietly, and a middle-aged woman came into view.

When Wang Long saw him, his face darkened.

This person is the wife of the eldest son of the head of the Sun family, Hu Xin.

When the head of the Sun family was alive, there were three sons in the family, and Sun Zihan's father was the youngest of the three.

When I was married to my grandson's family back then, I was often made things difficult, and among those who made things difficult, Hu Xin was the worst!
"What? You are still at Sun's house, why can't I come back?"

"Bastard, how dare you talk back to me?"

Hu Xin's monkey-cheeked face suddenly revealed an angry look.

Back then, Wang Long, no matter how others beat and scolded him, he didn't even dare to show his air.

I haven't seen you in the past few years, but I still dare to contradict myself!
"You trash, why don't you kneel down and pay your respects?"

"You are just a flower shelf that climbs on high branches, what right do you have to make me kneel down?"

These words made Hu Xin's face even more ugly.

But just when she was about to scold Wang Long again, an old woman who closed her eyes and meditated on the sofa suddenly spoke.

"Enough, let's not say a few words!"

According to the reputation, this old woman is the wife of the head of the Sun family.

Although she was advanced in age, the old woman's face did not show any signs of aging at all, and her complexion was still rosy and lustrous.

Not only that, but the old woman's eyes were full of vigor.

It was precisely because of this that Hu Xin, who was still arrogant, immediately stopped talking when he heard the old woman's voice.

The old woman slowly opened her eyes, glanced at Wang Long, and then asked:

"Sun Zihan, this is your husband? It's rude to talk to your elders like this!"

Sun Zihan's face turned pale immediately.

As a direct descendant, I was not treated well by the Sun family, especially this old lady Sun, who beat and scolded her a lot since she was a child.

Now, Wang Long has left such a bad impression in her mind, wouldn't it be more disadvantageous to herself?

"Grandma, listen to my explanation, I..."

"Shut up!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Mrs. Sun interrupted her: "You dare to quibble, Hu Xin, go and slap her!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Zihan was stunned.

It was clearly Hu Xin who spoke rudely to Wang Long first, but she was the one who was punished in the end?
It's okay to be punished, but Hu Xin was actually asked to do it. Isn't this obviously trying to humiliate yourself?
Even the other people in the living room watched this scene jokingly.

Originally, Mrs. Song loved her eldest son very much, so she would naturally love her eldest daughter-in-law.

Hu Xin also had an expression of being a villain, and walked forward with a round slap.

But before she could beat her down, the big hand that had been strong all along grabbed her tightly.

Hu Xin stomped his feet in pain, and after a while, his wrists were pinched red!

"Is there something wrong with Grandma Han?"

"Wang Lung! Don't talk!"

Before Mrs. Sun could answer, Sun Zihan stopped him immediately.

Offending Mrs. Sun was already very troublesome, but Wang Long actually contradicted her. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?
"I'm sorry, Grandma, I'll do it myself!"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Zihan slapped himself hard.

Although this slap did not hit Wang Long's face, it made Wang Long extremely painful.

After Sun Zihan finished beating, his face was flushed, and his eyes were full of tears.

(End of this chapter)

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