Chapter 23
Seeing this scene, Hu Xin, who was originally annoyed, was completely happy now.

This result was exactly what she wanted to see.

It's just that if she is the one to do it, I'm afraid the force will be even greater!

"Wang Long."

After Sun Zihan finished tossing about here, Mrs. Sun shifted her gaze to Wang Long next to her.

"I heard that you went to visit the Han family today, so tell me the truth. What is your relationship with the Han family?"

Although Mrs. Sun is old, she is not confused.

The power of the Han family is comparable to that of the Sun family, so as long as it is related to the Han family, I must know it like the back of my hand!

At this moment, Wang Long clenched his teeth, and his heart was full of resentment.

The old lady in front of her was so eccentric that she made her wife feel wronged!

At this moment, he wished that the Sun family's blood would flow like a river on the spot!
But Wang Long knew in his heart that now was not the time to act impulsively.

If she told the truth about what happened in the Han family, Mrs. Sun probably wouldn't believe it either.

It's better to lie, just make up a decent reason, and just prevaricate it.

In this way, Wang Long's compilation was so logical that Mrs. Sun really believed it.

"It's been a long time. It's just a misunderstanding?"

Only then did Mrs. Sun feel a little relieved, as long as her family and the Han family maintained such a state of keeping the water in the well and the water in the river, it would be enough!
But in the next second, her face suddenly became gloomy.

"Wang Long, my ugly words are up front. If you cause trouble outside, don't expect our Sun family to come forward and settle it for you!"

As soon as this remark was made, the other Sun family members around him also echoed.

"Don't think that you can do anything wrong just because you're close to the Sun family's tall branch!"

"You are such a worthless person, if you go out, you will only embarrass our Sun family!"

"I think I should be more self-conscious, get out of Sun's house as soon as possible, and don't cause us any more trouble!"

The voice of ridicule can be said to be wave after wave.

But at this time, Wang Long's heart was unexpectedly calm.

Have you suffered less discrimination over the years?Words like this have long since become commonplace.

Sooner or later, I, Wang Long, will make your Sun family regret what I once said!

"Grandma, then we'll leave first!"

Sun Zihan couldn't bear to listen anymore, so he hurriedly pulled Wang Long and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Mrs. Sun did not stop her, but at this time, Hu Xin suddenly spoke.

"Anything else?"

Sun Zihan turned his head and looked at Hu Xin nervously, wondering if she would try to play tricks on him again?
"What's the matter? Don't you even forget that next month is grandma's birthday?"

Sun Zihan suddenly realized that he had really forgotten such a big event!

Just as she was racking her brains to find an explanation, Hu Xin handed over an invitation card.

This made Sun Zihan feel mixed feelings.

No matter how good I am, I'm still the flesh and blood of the Sun family, but why should this foreign surname invite me to grandma's birthday?
Thinking of this, Sun Zihan couldn't help but miss his grandfather when he was alive.

Everyone in the Sun family bossed her around, but only her grandfather loved Sun Zihan very much.

But now, grandpa is already heading west, and he has no other choice but to face the reality.

Sun Zihan let out a long sigh, stabilized his thoughts, and accepted the invitation.

After leaving Sun's house, Wang Long stood on the side of the road to take a taxi.

Sun Zihan looked at his back, hesitant to speak.

After a while, the two got into a taxi going home.

"It's not just a simple misunderstanding that the Han family came to you, right?"

Sun Zihan realized just by intuition that what Wang Long said just now was a lie.

Wang Long didn't quibble, he just nodded and admitted generously.

"When you go back later, tell me the truth of the matter!"

After saying this, Sun Zihan closed his eyes and took a nap.

At this time, she just hoped to be able to let go of herself and forget all the unhappiness that happened before.

After returning home, mother-in-law Liu Juan and sister-in-law Sun Xueying immediately showed a look of surprise.

"You boy, can you still come back alive?"

When Liu Juan said this, her tone sounded somewhat disappointed.

"What did the Han family tell you? You didn't use us as a shield, did you?"

Sun Xueying also had a fierce look on her face.

Wang Long didn't tell them in detail, but only said that he had a brief chat with the Han family.

"Talk a few words? Just you?"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Juan immediately revealed a sarcastic smile.

"What kind of identity is the Han family, just because you are a wimp, and you can cooperate with them to chat?"

"Wang Long, Wang Long, people like you are as stubborn as a dead duck!"

Sun Xueying also mocked unceremoniously.

"Why don't you say that Miss Han has taken a fancy to you and plans to let you marry into her family!"

Hearing this, Wang Long nodded:

"You really guessed right, but the Han family has a young lady."

"How is it? How is she?"

"In short, it's much better than you!"

"Wang Long!" Sun Zihan couldn't stand it any longer, and stopped Wang Long.

But for some reason, when she learned that the Han family had a young lady, she felt a little inexplicably nervous.

What are you nervous about?

"Before the Han family came to you, what exactly did they want you to do?"

Seeing that Sun Zihan asked this question, Wang Long no longer concealed it, and replied truthfully:
"Before I saved the Han family's life, they begged me to do them a favor after a few days."

"Save them? What do you mean? Is it life-threatening?"

Wang Long shook his head: "For me, there is no danger."

Although Flying Eagle belongs to high-level ancient warriors, it is an extremely terrifying existence.

But that was only for others. For Wang Long, such a person was not dangerous at all.

"Could it be that the Han family wants you to work for them?"

Sun Zihan's intuition made her realize this.

I'm afraid that the Han family wants Wang Long to help, it's definitely not an ordinary thing, maybe it will be life-threatening in the end!

Seeing that Wang Long did not speak for a long time, Liu Juan and Sun Xueying who were beside him also secretly knew that something was wrong.

"Could it be that you are asked to do some murder and arson?"

"Wang Long, don't involve us in the grievances between the Han family and you!"

Wang Long wanted to explain clearly that the matter was actually not that serious.

But Liu Juan and Sun Xueying didn't give him a chance to speak at all, cursing themselves one after another.

Sun Zihan was also stimulated by their words, and cried until the pear blossoms began to rain.

Wang Long only felt that the voices of these two people lingered like flies, so he finally stopped talking nonsense with them and turned his head and walked into his room.

After closing the door, Wang Long took out the copper coin that Gu Yueming gave.

Instead of listening to the crazy words of those two women, it is better to study what this thing does.

(End of this chapter)

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