Ares out of prison

Chapter 223 Venerable Xuanfeng

Chapter 223 Venerable Xuanfeng

Although the expression on Wang Long's face did not change much, he knew in his heart that this person's strength should be extraordinary.

"Your spiritual power is indeed much stronger than your apprentice!"

"That's natural! My apprentice has only learned [-]% of my skills!"

Having said that, the man in black couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"It's just that once you learn the power of success, you dare to use it to make a fool of yourself, and it's not surprising that you will die tragically in the hands of others!"

I think that when I taught Xiao Anmin, I mentioned more than once that you must keep a low profile when walking in the rivers and lakes.

But Xiao Anmin is good at everything, but his personality is too arrogant and domineering, and he tends to cause trouble everywhere.

"But you are nothing more than that!" Wang Long's words immediately made the man in black's face darken.

"What did you say?"

That's all?What's the meaning?Could it be that my powerful spell is not enough to make you fearful?
When it comes to the ability to irritate people, Wang Long said that he ranked second, and absolutely no one would dare to rank first!

With just four short words, one can make the veins pop out of anger and tremble all over. This level is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Not only that, Wang Long even revealed a wave of contempt and disdain when he looked at the man in black!

As if in his eyes, he was the same kind of person as that ignorant apprentice!
Even Mr. Xie who was not far behind couldn't help being taken aback by Wang Long's words.

"This kid, dare to say such arrogant words in front of such a strong man!"

"This is called ignorance without fear! Mr. Xie, now you know why I have to teach this bastard a lesson, right?"

Zeng Li was beside him talking happily, but Mr. Xie's expression was a bit serious.

Although he was also a little surprised that Wang Long didn't take the other party seriously, but he knew in his heart that arrogance requires strength!

Could it be that Wang Long's strength has even surpassed that person?

On the other side, looking at the exposed man in black in front of him, Wang Long said lightly:
"Since you love your apprentice so much, then I will fulfill you and let you die in the same way as him!"

"I, Venerable Xuanfeng, have traveled the rivers and lakes for more than 80 years, and this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant and ignorant kid!"

This sentence immediately made Zeng Li and Mr. Xie gasp.

"Walking the rivers and lakes for more than 80 years? But this person doesn't look like an 80-year-old at all!"

And if he started to walk the rivers and lakes at the age of 20, wouldn't that prove that he is already over a hundred years old now?
What Mr. Xie struggled with was completely different from Zeng Li.

What caught his attention was the name the man in black just said.

Venerable Xuanfeng?Could it be the culprit behind the appalling incident decades ago?

Although it has been a long time, Mr. Xie still has a fresh memory.

Decades ago, there was a big family named Yin in the imperial capital, whose strength was no less than that of the current Tang family and Yuchi family.

Back then, the Yin family was an existence that the imperial capital looked down upon, and basically no one dared to provoke it.

But on a dark and stormy night, the Yin family was destroyed!None of the whole family, including the servants, survived!
This matter caused an uproar in the imperial capital at that time!
You must know that Yin Jiaguang is just a random family member, who has the strength of a high-level ancient warrior, not to mention those direct descendants!

However, this murderer directly wiped out this former famous family from the world with only one person's strength!

Later, more and more people participated in the investigation of this matter, and a team of hundreds of people was dispatched!
But almost turned the imperial capital upside down, but did not find any trace of the murderer.

There is only one legend circulating among the people——

It was a warrior known as Venerable Xuanfeng who caused the Yin family to be wiped out.

As for the reason for the extermination of the family, it is very likely that a direct descendant of the Yin family unintentionally provoked Xuanfeng Venerable.

Years passed in a flash, and gradually, people also forgot about this matter.

Mr. Xie never expected that many years later, he would see the true face of Venerable Xuanfeng in such a way!

Seeing him trembling with excitement, he almost wanted to kneel down on the ground!
Venerable Xuanfeng's strength cannot be matched by a hundred of us!

No wonder he and Zeng Li stumbled into this illusion without realizing it.

Thinking of this, Mr. Xie couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

Fortunately, their master and apprentice just strayed into this illusion. If they became the target of Venerable Xuanfeng, they would have already died!
"This kid dared to kill the apprentice of Venerable Xuanfeng. Is he impatient?"

Hearing this, Zeng Li showed an impatient expression on his face.

"That's just right! Let this Venerable help me to kill this ignorant kid!"

When he thought that he could witness Wang Long's tragic death in this environment without bloodshed, Zeng Li felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Valent Xuanfeng? The name is still gaudy, sorry, I haven't heard of it!"

As soon as Wang Long opened his mouth, the master and apprentice were immediately speechless.

Venerable Xuanfeng himself also darkened.

"You have never heard of a famous warrior like me, which shows how short your knowledge is!"

"There's a lot of nonsense, so hurry up and use any tricks, I'm in a hurry!"

Wang Long looked down at his watch, as if impatient.

"Okay! I'll let you see, how can I, Venerable Xuanfeng, have earned my name in vain!"

As soon as the words fell, he shot suddenly.

Xiao Anmin needed the power of ancient books to cast the spell.

But the person in front of him had nothing in his hand, but a light blue streamer appeared out of thin air, rushing towards Wang Long!

Venerable Xuanfeng shouted loudly, as if there was an incomparably powerful force in the streamer, causing the surrounding scenes to twist and jump!
For a moment, the surrounding air seemed to have frozen, making people feel extremely depressed.

Mr. Xie's face was pale, and his heart started beating.

Just this simple blow, if it was me, I would have been killed on the spot!

In the past, he had only heard of Venerable Xuanfeng's name, but after seeing it today, he realized that there are people in the world who have such terrifying power!
Mr. Xie, who stood watching from the side, trembled with fright, but as Wang Long in the game, he acted very calm.

"Is this the only ability?"

Wang Long spit out such a sentence coldly, instead of retreating, he rushed straight towards the streamer!


Following a long howl, Wang Long punched out suddenly, and the streamer was instantly torn apart, turning into star-like light spots, scattered in the air!
Seeing this, Mr. Xie suddenly took a deep breath.

Such a powerful attack was dispelled by Wang Long's punch like this?
What a powerful inner force this is!
Not only him, but even Venerable Xuanfeng himself had a playful smile on his face.

"No wonder you can kill my apprentice, he really has some strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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