Ares out of prison

Chapter 224 Seven Star Compass Formation

Chapter 224 Seven Star Compass Formation

When Mr. Xie and Zeng Li heard this sentence, they were both dumbfounded and unbelievable.

You must know that Venerable Xuanfeng is already a well-known existence in the martial arts world!

It is conceivable how strong Wang Long is to be able to get his appreciation.

But Wang Long was not humble at all, he just stood there with his hands behind his back, nodded slowly and said:
"It's not bad, that apprentice of yours is really a bit out of date!"

"Hmph, arrogant man! Do you think that since I dare to deal with you, I don't have any killer moves?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Venerable Xuanfeng take out a boxy object from his bosom.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it turned out to be a bronze-colored compass with incantations densely written on it, which looked very strange.

This was the first time Wang Long saw a square compass, and he couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

Although I don't know the origin of this thing, what is certain is that it should be some kind of magic weapon like the ancient book.

Even Wang Long had never seen something, and Zeng Li next to him naturally didn't know it.

He looked at Venerable Xuanfeng suspiciously, and asked, "Mr. Xie, what is that?"

Mr. Xie seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't answer for a long time.

After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Could this be the legendary seven-star compass formation?"

Zeng Li was taken aback when he heard the name, and asked blankly: "Seven-star compass needle? What do you mean? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Don't say it's you, even I, the old man, only heard about it in the early years."

"It is said that this seven-star compass array is the sharp weapon used by Venerable Xuanfeng to kill enemies. The spells summoned by this array can easily wipe out all enemies in front of us! Even a person with the cultivation level of a great master can hardly win against this compass. Survive for 3 minutes!"

When he said this, Mr. Xie's eyes were full of fear!
It is rumored that Venerable Xuanfeng will only choose to take out this treasure when he meets an opponent who is comparable to himself.

It can be seen that Wang Long's strength has far exceeded his imagination!

Right now, Zeng Li's desire to surpass Wang Long is already a fantasy, even if he is himself, he may not be as good as Wang Long!

And Zeng Li next to him still looked like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and his face was full of anticipation:

"That's it! I want to see how this man surnamed Wang will die!"

Indeed, even though Wang Long was very talented at a young age, it was a pity that he was facing such an opponent.

"Alas! Another future genius is about to fall!"

Thinking of this, Mr. Xie couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Boy! I'll give you a chance to escape. As long as you abolish your martial arts and kowtow to me three times, I can consider saving you from death!" Venerable Xuanfeng released a burst of strong energy, immediately shaking the surrounding flowers and plants. The trees were cut down in half!
It can be said that no matter who it is, seeing this scene in front of them, they will choose to kneel down and beg for mercy without hesitation.

But Wang Long not only did not intend to compromise, but also showed a disdainful expression!

"Could it be that your mouth is the only thing you rely on when you walk in the rivers and lakes? Do you still fight or not?"

It has been a long time since he met such a powerful opponent, and the fighting spirit in Wang Long's heart has been completely ignited!
"Zhuzi is arrogant! Then I will show you how you died!"

Seeing that Wang Long was so ignorant, Venerable Xuanfeng couldn't bear it any longer. After shouting angrily, he gently tapped his hands on the compass.

The scriptures on the surface of the compass suddenly burst into a faint blue light.

At first glance, this light gives people a unique aesthetic feeling.

But Wang Long knew in his heart that this was just its appearance. In fact, this ray of light contained incomparably terrifying power!

"Go!" Taoist Xuanfeng shouted, and the blue light rushed out like an arrow.

The speed is so fast that the naked eye can no longer catch its trace!Even for Wang Long himself, what he saw was only an afterimage!
Not only that, but there is also a burst of terrifying power in this ray of light!
Wang Long knew in his heart that if a person at the level of a great master fell into this trick, he would only have a dead end!
But this is only for the Grand Master.

Faced with this ferocious attack, Wang Long not only had no intention of running away, but stood still in place!
"What? Have you been frightened?" Seeing Wang Long like this, Venerable Xuanfeng couldn't help showing a sneer.


Deafening, imposing.

Just the air wave from the burst of light made it difficult for Mr. Xie to stand still.

Not to mention Zeng Li, the moment he was hit by the air wave, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was thrown to the ground!
Such a terrifying power made Mr. Xie tremble unavoidably.

Originally thought that after such a blow, Wang Long probably turned into a piece of dust and scattered in the air.

But when the smoke cleared, the smile on Venerable Xuanfeng's face suddenly froze.

I saw a deep hole was blown out on the ground, but there was a figure standing beside the deep hole, it was none other than Wang Long!
"How is it possible? Can it resist my seven-star compass array?"

Venerable Xuanfeng couldn't hold back anymore, after all, he had never seen anyone who could compete with this formation in his many years of travelling.

But Wang Long endured this blow, not only could he stand up, but there was not even a trace of injury on his body!

Isn't this man made of steel and iron?

"Well, this power is not bad, but it's a pity that it's a little short of heat!"

Wang Long looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze, as if he was not fighting against others, but giving him advice as a master!
Venerable Xuanfeng felt that he had received a great insult, and he couldn't bear it.

"Stop being arrogant! The move just now only used [-]% of the skill of the Seven Star Compass Formation!"

"Oh?" The corner of Wang Long's mouth raised slightly: "What does that [-]% power look like? Use it out and let me see!"

"Come right away!" Venerable Xuanfeng waved his hand, and a shining golden light appeared on the compass.

The light was so dazzling that Mr. Xie and Zeng Li even felt pain in their eyes, and they couldn't even open them!

And Wang Long was still standing in place, with no waves in the expression on his face.

The golden light became more and more intense, following the fingers of Venerable Xuanfeng, they reflected each other in the air and gradually took shape.


Suddenly there was a roar of dragons in the air, and the surrounding area was suddenly shaken.

This shocking voice frightened Mr. Xie and Zeng Li so that their legs gave way and they knelt down on the ground.

"This... Could this be Venerable Xuanfeng's strength!"

At the beginning, Mr. Xie still felt that he could be regarded as a unique existence in Wulin.

But after seeing such a powerful force today, he realized that he was as insignificant as an ant in the rivers and lakes!
Wang Long quietly looked at the giant dragon in front of him, and nodded slowly.

"There are indeed two tricks!"

(End of this chapter)

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