Ares out of prison

Chapter 250 I Forbid You To Humiliate Him

Chapter 250 I Forbid You To Humiliate Him

Seeing this woman, Sun Zihan's face became obviously gloomy.

"Xu Mei? Why are you here?"

"Yo, you two are showing up here, why can't I come here?"

As Xu Mei spoke, she looked at Wang Long beside her, with a playful smile on her face:

"This is the legendary good-for-nothing son-in-law, right? It seems that the Sun family treats you well, and you dress like a dog!"

Facing Xu Mei's humiliation, Wang Long was not angry at all, but had a smile on his face.

After all, I am a dignified martial artist, if I care about this kind of person, wouldn't it be a loss of my identity?

"Xu Mei! I warn you, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"

But Sun Zihan still had a dark face at this time, and his tone sounded very cold.

"What? Is it possible that you can still drive me out of this reception?"

"A person like you shouldn't appear on such an occasion!" Sun Zihan stared at Xu Mei viciously.

To be honest, Wang Long had never seen Sun Zihan be so fierce to a person before.

Now he couldn't help but wonder what happened between Sun Zihan and this Xu Mei.

"Shouldn't I show up? That will disappoint you, my position is far ahead of yours!"

Xu Mei looked smug, and Sun Zihan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard these words.

The guests at this reception were all seated according to their numbers, and naturally the ones were in the front, which meant they had more status.

And corners like Hanhou Beauty Makeup seemed to be the least existential place in the whole reception.

For a moment, Sun Zihan didn't know what to say to refute her.

"Sorry, my Zihan is very busy right now, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, you'd better sit back in your seat!"

Wang Long said to Xu Mei in a cold voice, then looked at Sun Zihan, and wanted to ask her to sit down first.

"Joke! Sun Zihan said I'm fine, when will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks here?"

Xu Mei immediately became distraught, stretched out her hand, pointed at Wang Long's nose and started cursing.

"Xu Mei! I don't allow you to talk nonsense like this!" Sun Zihan's tone also sounded a little displeased.

But Xu Meifei didn't intend to shut up, on the contrary, she became more and more presumptuous, and even deliberately amplified her voice.

"Hey! What? I chose to take in this door-to-door son-in-law at the beginning, but now I know it's embarrassing, so I don't want anyone to say a word?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of ridicule from the scene.

The people who came to the reception today were all either rich or noble, and all of them were well-known in the imperial capital.

And Wang Long, a visiting son-in-law who dared to show his face on such an occasion, would naturally become the object of ridicule by everyone.

"Look at the man, he is obviously good at hands and feet, why do you want to eat soft food?"

"I can't help it. Aren't many young people like this now? Who wants to work hard outside when they can eat soft food?"

"It's a pity, this girl is quite pretty, it's a shame for this kid! Why don't you follow me!"

Hearing the taunting voices from everyone, Xu Mei actually had a victorious smile on her face!
For them, as a man, even if he can't achieve success in his career, at least he has to rely on his own ability to support his family, right?

Eating soft rice is a great shame for any man!

That's why Xu Mei chose to humiliate Wang Long and Sun Zihan in this way.

"Xu Mei! Even if the two of us are competitors, you wouldn't use such a trick, would you?"

Sun Zihan's face was very gloomy, but his eyes were staring at Xu Mei.

The company that Xu Mei ran before has always been a leading brand in the beauty industry.

But who would have guessed that Han Hou Beauty was born halfway, and with just one newly launched skin care product, it surpassed his own company by leaps and bounds!
Even many current traffic stars in the entertainment industry are spontaneously recommending Sun Zihan's products.

Xu Mei would not be happy to see her dominance being taken away abruptly.

Since I'm not as good as you in the market, let me disgrace you on this private occasion!
"What's the matter? What does this have to do with competitors? Am I wrong? Isn't he a softie?"

"Sun Zihan, I thought you were a smart woman before, but you're not so smart!"

"What's so good about this man? It's worth spending a lot of money on him? I think he looks stupid, maybe he's lacking strength and strings!"

Before he finished speaking, a resounding slap fell on Xu Mei's face.

But this slap was not from Wang Long, but from Sun Zihan!
" dare to hit me?" Xu Mei covered half of her face, her expression looked astonished.

Not to mention her, even Wang Long didn't expect that Sun Zihan would make such a move.

To be honest, I have lived with her for so many years, and this is the first time I see my grandson so conceited that he hit someone!
"It's you who hit me! If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Sun Zihan's face was gloomy, and his eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames!
It is estimated that if the two of them were not in public now, Sun Zihan would have grabbed her by the collar and beat her up!

"Okay! Sun Zihan, you have grown up now, and you still stand up for this trash? I think your brain is broken!"

It was another slap, and the other half of Xu Mei's face was also swollen.

For a moment, Xu Mei's pretty face, which looked pretty at first, suddenly swelled into a pig's head.

And this time it was no longer Sun Zihan who made the move.

"Wang Long, don't do anything!" Sun Zihan patted Wang Long's shoulder subconsciously.

It's not because she feels sorry for Xu Mei, but because she doesn't want others to say that Wang Long even hits women.

"You hit me? Even you dare to hit me?" Xu Mei stretched out her trembling hands and looked at Wang Long in disbelief.

"Sorry, I really don't hit women, but that doesn't mean I'll condone an uneducated shrew like you."

Wang Long said in a cold voice, without even looking at Xu Mei!
"You said I was a shrew? Dare you say it again?"

"Oh, no, to say you're a shrew seems like an insult to the very word."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Mei immediately trembled from anger.

Seeing her like this, I thought she would choose to fight back.

But who knew that in the next second, Xu Mei burst into tears!
And it doesn't matter if she doesn't cry, as soon as she cries, a man in a suit immediately steps forward.

"What's the matter? Meme? What's the matter?"

Xu Mei seized the opportunity, pointed at Wang Long's nose and said:
"Honey, these two people bullied me!"

(End of this chapter)

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