Ares out of prison

Chapter 251 The Strong Smell of Vinegar

Chapter 251 The Strong Smell of Vinegar

Upon hearing this title, Sun Zihan couldn't help frowning.

She and this Xu Mei were old acquaintances, and Sun Zihan knew very well that Xu Mei was not married.

But now she calls this man so intimately, could it be that this is the boyfriend she just made?

"I want to see, who is so courageous? How dare to bully my woman, Li Jia'an!"

This man named Li Jiaan stepped forward, as if he wanted to settle accounts with Wang Long.

But at this moment, the phone rang, and Li Jiaan's expression changed suddenly.

"Oh! Sorry, I have to answer the phone first... Hey, wife, didn't I tell you that I was on business?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long and Sun Zihan felt that their three views were shattered.

This guy already has a wife, and he's still calling Xu Mei dear?

And according to what he meant, Li Jiaan's wife didn't know why he came out at all?

"What's this called? Are you suspicious? Don't you know what your husband is like?"

Li Jiaan's tone of voice was so swearing that Wang Long couldn't help but believe him.

Don't look at this man who looks like a talented person on the surface, but in the end he did such a shameful thing behind his wife's back!
What a sanctimonious guy!

Under Li Jia'an's nonsense, the wife on the other end of the phone finally believed his nonsense.

After hanging up the phone, he also let out a long sigh of relief, looking relieved.

"It seems that my sister-in-law is very worried about you. She has been asking for so long on the phone! If she knows that you are coming out to the reception with me, she won't be angry, right? Sister-in-law won't hit me, right? My sister-in-law is terrible, unlike me , I will only feel sorry for my brother!"

This wave of operations by Xu Mei almost made Wang Long vomit.

This person really has no other skills, but disgusting people have a set of tricks!

"Just kidding! I'm the head of the family, how could I dare to be angry? It's against her!"

Li Jiaan spoke in a rough voice, then turned to look at Wang Long and Sun Zihan:
"It's the two of you, the woman who dares to bully me? Do you know who I am?"

To be honest, Wang Long and Sun Zihan really didn't know this person.

"Look at your ignorance, let me tell you! This is the chairman of Rhea Group, Mr. Li!"

As soon as these words came out, a look of astonishment flashed across Sun Zihan's face.

Although she has never met this Li Jiaan, the name of the Rhea Group is still well known.

To say that this company is definitely one of the best big companies in the imperial capital.

Even in recent years, Rhea Group's business has gone abroad, covering many countries around the world.

I don't know how many Fortune [-] companies have cooperation with this Rhea Group!
Although Sun Zihan's Hanhou beauty makeup is now considered a small achievement, compared with the Rhea Group, it is simply a small witch who has seen a big witch.

Even Sun Zihan himself couldn't help feeling that in front of Li Jiaan, Hanhou's beauty looks really insignificant!

"Honey, it's these two people who just said that I'm fine, and beat me! You said it's not too much!"

Xu Mei snuggled into Li Jiaan's arms, looking aggrieved, and deliberately pretended to sob twice.

Wang Long couldn't help being a little puzzled, thinking that wasn't it you who spoke rudely to us just now?How do you act like someone is bullying you?
"Okay! I, Li Jia'an, have been in the business circle for so many years, and this is the first time I have met a woman who dares to bully me!"

"There's so much nonsense, what exactly do you want?" Unlike Li Jiaan's fury, Wang Long seemed a little impatient.

And there was a trace of disdain in his expression, as if he didn't take this person seriously at all!
"You! This is how you talk to me? Believe it or not, I will make you disappear from the imperial capital?"

Li Jiaan's words are not bragging, with his strength, it is a breeze to get rid of a thorn in the flesh.

"Whatever you want to say." Wang Long just put down such a sentence in a cold voice, and directly led Sun Zihan to turn around and sit down.

Originally, Li Jiaan wanted to go forward and say a few more words, but Xu Mei who was next to him stopped him.

"Forget it! My dear, we are still at the reception, these two people will deal with it after the reception is over!"

Fortunately, Xu Mei was slapped twice, and she still remembered that the two of them had important things to do on this trip.

Hearing this, Li Jiaan had no choice but to give up: "You wait for me, this matter will never end!"

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Sun Zihan couldn't help feeling a little worried:

"Wang Long, the Rhea Group is very strong, do you think they will take this opportunity to retaliate against us?"

"Don't worry, he wouldn't dare to lend him ten guts! If I really do something to you then, I will make the Rhea Group disappear from now on!"

Like Li Jiaan, Wang Long's words were not a joke.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you before, this time I want to get in touch with those big shots at the reception, but I just came to the imperial capital, and I'm not familiar with the place, so I called a little boy to take me for a while, don't you Do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind! It's really more convenient to have someone take it with you on this occasion!"

While the two were talking, they saw a young man with fair looks and very well-dressed entering the auditorium.

"Du Yang! Here it is!" Seeing him, Sun Zihan became very excited, stood up and waved.

Du Yang also walked forward with a smile on his face, with a very friendly expression.

"Zihan, I really didn't expect to meet you here. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years!"

Sun Zihan nodded again and again: "That's right! I also heard from my family that you are now developing in the imperial capital. How is it? When you just graduated from university and started your own business, you must have made a lot of money now, right?"

"No, don't give me a high hat. Don't you know how I've been doing all these years? I guess the market value of my company is less than one-tenth of your beauty makeup!"

Sometimes people's fortunes are like this. You have worked hard for more than ten years, and others may surpass you overnight.

Fortunately, Du Yang and Sun Zihan have had a good relationship since childhood, so he is also very happy to see Sun Zihan's company grow and grow little by little.

"By the way, Zihan, who is this?" Du Yang noticed a man standing next to him.

"Oh! Look at my memory. I was so busy chatting with you that I forgot to introduce you! This is my husband, Wang Long!"

"What? Husband? Zihan, you're already married?" Du Yang stared at her in astonishment, and the latter nodded:

"That's right, I sent you an invitation back then, but at that time you were busy with everything, so you probably forgot about it!"

To be honest, Du Yang really didn't remember anything.

"Your husband is really...a good match for you, huh?"

Wang Long couldn't help frowning.

Why do you feel that these words have a strong smell of vinegar?
(End of this chapter)

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