Ares out of prison

Chapter 265 Did I Say I Was Leaving?

Chapter 265 Did I Say I Was Leaving?

Hearing that the vulture humiliated the Tang family so much, Tang Yanfei gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing to kill this man immediately!
But what good is hate?The reason is that he can only blame himself for being too weak, and he is no match for others at all!

Seeing the vulture approaching step by step, Tang Yanfei knew that the vulture would probably use his killer move next.

"Wait first!" Just as the vulture was about to kill him, Li Yulong's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, Li Yulong was looking at Tang Yanfei with malicious intent, and said in a deep voice:

"You're lucky, young master, I don't intend to kill you just like that!" As he spoke, he turned his gaze to the vulture next to him: "Save his life first, I want him to see Li Xiao with his own eyes. Sweet death in front of him!"

Hearing these words, the expression on Tang Yanfei's face suddenly became fierce, and his murderous eyes looked straight at Li Yulong: "Li Yulong! I warn you, if you dare to disrespect Miss Li, I will absolutely forgive you." I can't miss you!"

"Hahaha—what a big joke! Look at you now, you are as embarrassed as a bereaved dog, and you can still say such big words? Don't say it is Li Xiaotian, it is your Tang family! I can do it! Erase it from this world!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Yanfei's heart skipped a beat.

But his words are not without reason.

As the head of the family, Tang Yanfei's strength naturally represented the pinnacle of the Tang family.

But even he looked so vulnerable in front of vultures, let alone the rest of the Tang family.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, now the vulture is indeed so terrifying that he can bloodbath the entire Tang family with just one person!
Thinking of this, Tang Yanfei couldn't help but feel a burst of despair, and he clenched his fist and slammed the ground hard.

Do I really want to watch them kill Miss Li today with my own eyes, and then find the Tang family again?

No!The Tang family hasn't been cornered yet!

Tang Yanfei hurriedly looked aside, only to see Wang Long standing not far away, silently watching all this.

Although the expression on his face looked ordinary, Tang Yanfei could clearly observe that Chen Yang was looking at the vulture with a strong murderous look in his eyes!
Even after he has known Wang Long for so long, he has never seen him with such an expression!

Seeing this, Tang Yanfei quickly shouted as if he had caught some life-saving straw:
"Mr. Wang! Please help me, save Miss Li, save our Tang family!"

Tang Yanfei didn't care about his status as the head of the family at all, and directly spoke to Wang Long in a begging tone.

Although he didn't like Wang Long's arrogance that no one would look up to, he felt that his behavior was too perverse.

But there is no other way, now that they have been forced to such a point, the only one who can save the Tang family is Wang Long.

Hearing this sentence, before Wang Long could answer, Li Chenhao on the side said:

"Let him save you? How ridiculous! This kid has already crossed the river like a mud bodhisattva, what can he do to save you?"

Although Li Yulong didn't intend to kill Tang Yanfei just like that, but he didn't want to show any mercy to Wang Long.

Whenever he saw his useless hand, Li Yulong felt a burst of hatred in his heart, and really wanted to smash Wang Long's body into thousands of pieces immediately!
"Wang! Today is your death day! Before you die, do you have any last words to say?"

Li Yulong's voice was full of anger, and his eyes were filled with a terrifying hostility.

But Wang Long naturally wouldn't be frightened by his appearance. After thinking for a while, he said:
"It seems that I was too kind to you. I shouldn't just break off one of your hands, but should break off all your hands and feet!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yulong was so angry that his veins burst out.

"Stinky boy, you are still stubborn when you are about to die! Let me tell you, you don't even think about getting out of this garage alive today!"

"Did I say I'm leaving?" Wang Long slowly clenched his fists while talking.

The vulture next to him suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"What's the matter with this compelling killing spirit?" The vulture's sharp eyes kept turning like eagles, trying to find the source of this mysterious force, but after searching for a long time, he finally discovered that this The power actually emanated from Wang Long's body!
The vulture panicked a bit now, he has been walking the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never met an opponent with such a strong internal force!

Even the power emanating from Wang Long's body is several times stronger than his own internal power!
The most important thing is that in the battle with Tang Yanfei just now, he has completely burned his fighting spirit.

But Chen Yang hadn't fully put on his posture yet, so he exploded with such a powerful aura!

Although there has not been a formal confrontation, the vulture already has some understanding in his heart that this king dragon is of extraordinary strength!
"Master Vulture, please act quickly! Take this kid's life!" Li Chenhao stretched out his hand and pointed at Wang Long: "Give me the head of this kid, it's worth 500 million!"

"500 million?" Wang Long frowned first, then sneered.

"It seems that I am still underestimated by you. The head on the item is only worth 500 million!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Today is your death day!" The vulture also shouted, and immediately began to put on a posture.

Although he was more or less afraid of Wang Long in his heart, there was nothing he could do, the allure of money was too great.

With this 500 million, it is worth it even if you risk your life!
There was a long roar from the vulture's mouth, and the whole body leaned forward, heading straight for Wang Long!

His speed was so fast that his body had even turned into an afterimage in the air. It really looked like a vulture swooping down from the sky to its prey!

It's a pity that in Wang Long's eyes, his fancy tricks are full of loopholes.

The latter punched suddenly, and the air in front of him was even punched with an obvious ripple!

"Woo--" The vulture let out a shrill scream, and was shot down from the air abruptly!
When he landed, he was already spitting out blood, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

"Master Vulture!" Li Yulong exclaimed, staring at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

He never imagined that Master Vulture, who used to be the all-powerful in the arena, would be so vulnerable in front of Wang Long!
What kind of terrifying realm has this person's strength reached?

Wang Long quietly looked at the vulture lying on the ground, thinking that he would never get up again.

But who knew that Vulture struggled to stand up and looked at him with an extremely cold eyes.

"Don't you think I don't have any trump cards?"

(End of this chapter)

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