Chapter 266
Since the vulture was able to make the whole martial arts world fearful of it with its own strength, it is natural that there are some special methods.

He slowly stretched out his hands from the cloak, revealing a pair of black arms!

Not only that, but his arm was covered with various streak marks, and ten sharp claws were growing from the fingertips at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, his hands looked a bit like the claws of a vulture.

Seeing this, Wang Long also showed an expression of interest, and asked in a low voice:
"This should be the pictographic technique that has been lost for a long time in the Jianghu?"

Hearing this, a sinister and cunning smile appeared on Vulture's face, and said:
"It seems that you are quite knowledgeable, you even know pictography!"

After all, Wang Long has been practicing martial arts for so many years, and he has made great achievements in all kinds of martial arts in the world.

Although he has not dabbled in it himself, he has heard of the name of pictography for a long time.

It is said that to practice this kind of skill, the first thing to do is to break all the muscles and bones of your body. After a long period of refining and reshaping, you can truly learn pictographs.

Undoubtedly, the pain suffered by practicing this kind of kung fu is unimaginable to ordinary people, which is why there are so many people who practice martial arts in the world, but there are less than five fingers who have learned pictography.

And there are many benefits after learning this trick. For example, the bones of the practitioner will become as hard as steel, and no matter how powerful the attack is, they can easily resist it.

Another point, as the vulture showed at this moment, a cultivator's body parts can be strengthened arbitrarily, and his combat effectiveness can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Although the two of them hadn't made any move yet, Wang Long knew in his heart that he might need to get serious next time.

"Master Vulture! Kill this kid, and I'll give you 1000 million!" Li Chenhao secretly knew that Wang Long was not easy to deal with, so he could only raise the price to continuously increase the fighting spirit in Vulture's heart.

But what he didn't know was that in the fight with Wang Long just now, the vulture's anger had been completely ignited.

So even if he didn't add money, he would have to compete with Wang Long!
"Die to me!" Vulture yelled loudly, and suddenly the soles of his feet were blown, and his whole body flew into the air!

The lights in the underground garage were already a little dim, plus the vulture was wearing a black cloak at this time, it was difficult for even Wang Long to catch his movements!

But at this moment, Wang Long suddenly noticed a cold light flashing in the air, and knew that something was wrong, so he quickly took a step back.

To be honest, Wang Long's reaction and skill are already very fast, but compared with the vulture who performed pictography, it is still a bit inferior.

There was only a ripping sound, and Wang Long's shirt was even cut open!
It is conceivable that if his reaction was a second or two slower just now, what kind of consequences would be waiting for him.

Who knows that Wang Long didn't mean to be afraid, but nodded with satisfaction on his face:

"Not bad! Only in this way can you continue to fight with me!"

Every time Wang Long fought before, he suffered from the fact that his opponent was too weak, and he couldn't fight for a few rounds each time.

From the looks of it, this person should be able to play with him for a while.

"Stop talking big, and give me another trick!" The voice of the vulture came from mid-air.

In the next second, a black shadow flashed past, as fast as an arrow leaving the string, and rushed straight to Wang Long!
But this time, Wang Long was already prepared, and he didn't retreat but advanced, planning to confront the vulture head-on!

"Mr. Wang! Be careful!" Tang Yanfei couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Now he, Li Xiaotian, and even the fate of the entire Tang family are in Wang Long's hands!

Once something goes wrong in the confrontation between him and the vulture, I'm afraid the entire imperial capital will change drastically in the future!
boom -

Only a burst of explosion was heard, and a fiery fireball exploded in mid-air.

For a moment, the entire underground garage was illuminated like daylight, and even the greedy expressions of Li Yulong and Li Chenhao's father and son could be clearly seen!

"Such a fierce attack is indeed worthy of Master Vulture!" Li Yulong looked at the fireball in mid-air, without any intention of weakening it, on the contrary, it was burning more and more intensely!

The two of them only went through a few tricks before Li Yulong realized how big the gap between himself and the real strong was.

"With such a powerful attack, I'm afraid that Wang Long has already been turned into ashes!" Li Chenhao also looked confident, and even imagined Wang Long's death.

After a while, the fireball in midair slowly dissipated, and the entire underground garage was shrouded in darkness again.

I saw two black shadows falling from the sky, one stood firmly on the ground, and the other fell heavily to the ground with a plop.

Needless to say, everyone knows that the one who hit the ground must be Wang Long. It is estimated that he has already died at this time!
Li Chenhao and Li Yulong rushed forward expectantly, wanting to check the situation.

"Master Vulture! This kid should be dead..." Li Yulong's expression froze suddenly when he was halfway through speaking.

The person in front of him turned around slowly, it was not a vulture, but Wang Long!

Not only that, except for a few scratches on his clothes, Wang Long didn't show any signs of injury!
On the other hand, the vulture lying on the ground next to him was covered in blood all over his body. After twitching a few times, he lost his breath.

"Master Vulture!" No matter how Li Yulong shouted now, the vulture would never be able to respond.

"Your moves are indeed gorgeous, but unfortunately, they are still too weak!" Wang Long said heavily, making the father and son's hearts skip a beat.

There is no doubt that the vulture has played his last hole card just now.

But even so, Wang Long couldn't be hurt at all, which is enough to prove that Wang Long's strength has reached the point of terror!

Just when the two felt a burst of despair, the vulture on the ground suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood!

"Master Vulture! He's still alive! He's still alive!" Li Yulong shouted excitedly, almost jumping up on the spot.

Right now Vulture is undoubtedly the only helper they can rely on. If something happens to him, he and his father will really be in a place of eternal doom.

But at this moment, even if the vulture managed to save his life, it was impossible for him to have the strength to fight against Wang Long again.

Even when he woke up and saw Wang Long, there was a flash of fear in his eyes!
At this time, Tang Yanfei's shout suddenly came from his ear.

"Mr. Wang! Don't show mercy, cut the weeds and root them out!"

(End of this chapter)

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