Ares out of prison

Chapter 282 Black—Eagle—

Chapter 282 Black—Eagle—

Tie Ying stared at Wang Long dumbfounded, and even wondered if he was too excited, and there was something wrong with his ears?

This is a bird of prey that makes everyone frightened. Just a long roar can make the opponent terrified. Even the Taoists of the Xu Feng faction are vulnerable to him.

But this bastard dared to call it a running pheasant and use it to improve his own food?

To be honest, I have never seen such an arrogant person since my black eagle has grown so big!

"Arrogant! Do you know how powerful my Black Hawk is?"

"This leg looks good in quality. It should be suitable for braised in brown sauce, right?"

"Presumptuous! Black Eagle once defeated an ancient warrior alone, how can you underestimate it?"

"I think his wings are ready to be grilled, and a sprinkling of cumin would be nice, don't you think?"

"Well, I think it's good too, just do as you said!"

"Hey! You two, are you listening to me?"

Tie Ying was so angry that he was about to smoke, and he solemnly boasted about the power of Black Eagle, but Wang Long was struggling with how to eat it?
And even if you are entangled, what do you mean by asking other people's opinions?
"Then tell me, what is the best way to eat your running pheasant?"

"Shut up! I'm the most powerful pheasant in the entire martial arts... No! How can you underestimate the most powerful bird of prey?"

Tie Ying's eyes turned cold, and instantly became murderous.

"I don't think you intend to compromise. Since this is the case, let's start with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Tie Ying immediately flew towards Wang Long like a bullet being fired from its chamber!

For ordinary people, seeing this scene must have been frightened and panicked, and fled in a hurry.

But Wang Long didn't intend to run for his life at all, instead he just stood there motionless.

"I thought it was such a powerful character, but it turned out to be a coward, and I was scared to death!"

Tie Ying smiled disdainfully, and had already imagined in his mind the scene where Wang Long was bitten to pieces.

But in the next second, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely frightened.

I saw that Wang Long shot suddenly at the moment when the black eagle was about to rush towards him, and even grabbed the black eagle's two wing roots!
The black eagle began to struggle hard, flapping its wings continuously, and a strong wind blew up around it. Several bullies who didn't have time to react were even knocked to the ground on the spot!
The black eagle's wings are full of power, and even a light wave can knock out an ordinary person on the spot.

But this time it was caught in Wang Long's hands, and it seemed powerless to fight back!
"Black Hawk! What are you doing? Hurry up and kill this bastard!"

Hearing the master's order, the black eagle hastily pierced Wang Long's chest with his beak.

But before he could touch it, Wang Long's other hand tightly strangled its neck.

This time the black eagle struggled even more violently, and howled continuously.

From the looks of this picture, it really has the meaning of killing a chicken!

It's just that this chicken looks much more majestic.

Tie Ying, who was clamoring to swallow Wang Long alive just now, was completely dumbfounded and didn't react for a long time.

Relying on such a bloodthirsty bird of prey before, he was invincible in the arena, and he couldn't find an opponent at all.

But I didn't expect Wang Long to defuse the black eagle's attack effortlessly, and countered it with one move!

Thinking of this, Tie Ying couldn't help but wonder, how terrifying is this Wang Long's strength!
Seeing that the black eagle's struggle became weaker and weaker, the owner realized that something was wrong, and quickly said: "What do you want to do? I warn you, this is a bird of prey that I have fed with spiritual energy for many years. If you dare to do something to it, Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

However, instead of intending to stop, Wang Long quietly exerted force, and Black Eagle's neck was on the verge of breaking!
"Wang Long! Did you hear me? I tell you to let go!"

"If you don't let go, I will make everyone in Qingfengzhai pay in blood!"

Tie Ying began to roar loudly, hoping to make Wang Long feel scared in this way.

But Wang Long has already seen through everything: "The reason why you have a place in the martial arts is all because of this running pheasant, right? If it dies, then you will be completely useless from now on!"

These words were like a heavy fist hitting Tie Ying's heart, making him tremble all over.

He didn't dare to imagine, if he lost Black Eagle, how would he be able to walk in the rivers and lakes in the future?

"Don't! Good man, I was blind and offended before. I beg you, please ignore the villain and let me survive, Black Eagle?"

Only now did Tie Ying realize the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

But Wang Long was still unmoved, seeing that the black eagle's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

Hearing a plop, Tie Ying knelt directly on the ground!
Seeing that his master has been kneeled by others, how dare the bully next to him be negligent?They also knelt down in unison.

"Hero, please raise your hand and let Black Eagle live!"

"I beg the hero to raise his hands high and let the black eagle live!"

Looking at these people in front of him, a look of disdain flashed in Wang Long's eyes.

"Before you came, did you ever think about letting these villagers live?"

As soon as the words fell, there was only a click, and Black Eagle's neck was broken abruptly, and his whole body was limp and unable to breathe.


The hoarse shouts pierced the sky, and the bullies were almost scared to death on the spot!
Such a ferocious beast was killed by Wang Long like this?
And it's so easy, just like killing a chicken!
This person's strength is probably far beyond what they can imagine.

Wang Long threw Black Eagle's body on the ground, and then walked to Tie Ying.

Seeing Wang Long's condescending gaze, Tie Ying didn't even dare to say a word, trembling all over his body.

As Wang Lung said, without Black Hawk, he is nothing.

So facing Wang Long now, he has no power to fight back!
Not only Black Eagle, but also Xu Ze who was beside him turned pale from fright.

I had always thought that this was just an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that he could kill my brother so easily by such a bird of prey!
Xu Ze couldn't help being afraid for a while when he thought that he almost had a fist fight with Wang Long.

Fortunately, my elder brother stopped him at that time, otherwise, wouldn't my fate be the same as that of the black eagle?

"You...what do you want to do?"

Wang Long looked at Tie Ying quietly, his eyes full of coldness.

"I'll also give you two choices, either cut off your limbs, or exchange the lives of you shrimp soldiers and crab generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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