Chapter 283
Hearing this sentence, the bullies next to him gasped, their faces full of horror.

Because they knew in their hearts that according to Tie Ying's personality, he would definitely not want to use the method of amputating his own limbs to exchange the lives of these old gangsters.

Sure enough, Tie Ying made a choice without even thinking about it.

"I choose to exchange their lives for mine!"

"Master Tie Ying, you can't do this! Our brothers have always been loyal to you, why did you leave us alive at this critical moment?"

"Shut up! You scumbags have no right to be in my eyes!"

Hearing this, Wang Long even smiled jokingly, looked at the bullies in front of him and said: "It seems that you are loyal to the master, and the master doesn't care about you wild dogs that no one wants?"

Although Wang Long's words are ugly, the truth is exactly the same.

No matter how much Guo Gang begged, Tie Ying still refused to change his mind. In the end, they just felt a suffocating despair.

"Since you have made your own choice, get out! Before I regret it!"

Hearing this, Tie Ying didn't dare to delay at all, turned around quickly, and ran away after rolling and crawling.

Along the way, Tie Ying kept looking back, for fear that Wang Long would catch up later.

After running a few miles away from Qingfeng Village, Tie Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stinky boy, how dare you be so arrogant! Just wait, Lord Du Kai will definitely vent this anger on my behalf!"

Even if he lost, Tie Ying also believed that in front of Du Kai, Wang Long was totally vulnerable!
At that time, I will definitely skin Wang Long's cramps, so that he can't live or die!

But right now, it's more important to save your life first!
Thinking of this, Tie Ying didn't dare to waste any time, and hurriedly continued to flee.

On the other hand, Wang Long had already handed over the bullies to the villagers, and he brought Guo Gang back to the homestay for interrogation.

As for the running pheasant, it was naturally taken back by Zhao Xiaoya, who was going to make a whole roasted chicken for the whole village tonight.

Guo Gang, who was still bullying by Tie Ying's side at that time, has now been tied up, facing Wang Long's cold and merciless gaze.

"Okay... good man, you see that I didn't do anything bad before, why don't you just let me go?"

"Stop talking nonsense! I've heard the villagers say that you and your gang come to the village every now and then to do evil. If you don't kill you today, it will be difficult to calm the resentment in the hearts of the villagers!"

As Li Xiaotian said, she slapped Guo Gang on the face.

This slap knocked him to the ground, including the chair and him, and a bloody tooth spit out from his mouth.

I'm afraid that if Li Xiaotian had used more strength just now, Guo Gang would have died suddenly on the spot!
"Miss Li, it's better to save this man's life first, he is still useful to us."

Hearing this sentence, Guo Gang nodded quickly, and echoed beside him:
"Yes, yes, yes! I'm still useful to you, I can serve you tea and water, do laundry and cook!"

"Who said it worked?" Wang Long gave Guo Gang a look, which frightened Guo Gang so much that he dared not speak.

"Let me ask you, you iron eagle, how did you get together?"

"We usually help him collect protection fees everywhere, and get some benefits from it. It would be nice to have a backer to protect him... But I promise, I have never done anything like murder and arson!"

Hearing this, Wang Long couldn't help frowning:

"Since you are in contact with Tie Ying, you must have met Du Kai?"

"Lord Du Kai?" Guo Gang recalled a little bit: "I seem to have met once before, but this person's whereabouts have always been unpredictable, so I don't know where he is."

Guo Gang thought that Wang Long asked this question because he was worried about Du Kai's revenge, so he quickly added:
"Don't worry! That guy Tie Ying is useless now, Mr. Du Kai will not keep a useless person by his side! You don't have to worry that he will come to you for revenge!"

"Who said I'm worried about him coming?" Wang Long's words made Guo Gang speechless.

In fact, Wang Long not only hoped that Du Kai would appear, but also considered whether to take the initiative to find him!
After all, Du Kai is the key to detoxifying the poison in Li Xiaotian's body.

"Where was the last time I met Du Kai, do you remember?"

"Remember! If you are interested, I can take you to join him!"

Hearing this, Wang Long and Li Xiaotian looked at each other subconsciously, raised his head slightly, got up and walked out.

"Mr. Wang, don't you really intend to take the initiative to find Du Kai?"

"The Gu poison in your body has begun to spread slowly. If you don't find a way to detoxify as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous. I think it is impossible to wait for Du Kai to appear on his own initiative. The best way is for us to find him. "

Li Xiaotian naturally knew this truth, but Du Kai was such a dangerous person after all, and she was well aware of the risks involved.

"But after meeting Du Kai, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. If he has a good attitude, maybe we can persuade him to take the initiative to hand over the detoxification method."

"Then what if he refuses to cooperate?"

Hearing this, a murderous intent flashed in Wang Long's eyes: "Then I have no choice but to speak with my fists!"

"Brother Wang Long, Sister Xiaotian, so you are here! I have been looking for you for a long time!" Zhao Xiaoya's voice came from behind.

"Looking for us? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, the whole roasted chicken is ready, please go to dinner!"

When Zhao Xiaoya said this, Wang Long realized later that he was really hungry!

When they came to the dining room, they found that Xu Zezheng was standing beside him nonchalantly. When he saw Wang Long, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Wang Lung walked past him without even looking at him.

In the end, Zhao Xiaoya couldn't bear it, and said to him in a cold voice:
"Since you're here, come in and eat together!"

Hearing this, Xu Ze showed an excited smile and hurriedly followed into the dining room.

During the meal, Li Xiaotian didn't forget to ask about Xu Rui's situation.

"We have asked the best doctor in the village to help Daoist Xu heal, but he is too strong, whether he can turn the crisis into safety is still unknown..." Zhao Xiaoya's eyes could not help but become gloomy.

After all, Xu Rui was seriously injured in order to protect Qingfengzhai. Now that he is in a critical situation, he will inevitably feel a little guilty.

"Your brother is not out of danger yet, you don't seem to be in a hurry at all?" Wang Long looked at Xu Ze who was working hard, and said coldly.

"Damn! If we are really powerless, what can we do? We can only do our best and obey the destiny!"

Wang Long let out a long sigh. If it wasn't for his affection, he really wanted to teach this bastard a lesson on the spot!

"I'll write you a prescription, and you follow this prescription to take the medicine. Within three doses, you will definitely see the effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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