Chapter 29
Wang Long took Sun Zihan to find a western restaurant. After dinner, the two returned home early.

At this moment, a mobile phone ringing attracted Wang Long's attention.

He looked at the screen and found that the caller turned out to be the Han family.

"Why did the Han family call me at this time?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Long secretly knew that something was wrong.


After answering the phone, father Han's urgent voice came from the receiver immediately.

Wang Long immediately realized what was going on.

"Have you found the eagle?"

"Found it! According to the information from our Han family informant, Feiying has now arrived in Beihai!"

Wang Long smiled coldly:
"That arrives so fast?"

"That's right! I think he came to Beihai in such a hurry after hearing the news of Tieshan's death!"

When he said this, Father Han suddenly paused, as if he had something to hide.

"Just say something."

Wang Long's tone was indifferent, and he couldn't hear the meaning of panic at all, and this also made Father Han feel a lot more at ease.

"Flying Eagle told me to inform you that in three days, he will be waiting for you at Chengbei Mountain, and he will fight you to the death!"


Wang Long just responded casually, and hung up the phone directly.

This surprised Father Han on the other end of the phone.

Even Feiying came to the door, how could this Wang Long be so calm?Not even asking for more information?
Such indifference is a little too confident!
Father Han couldn't help praying secretly, hoping that Wang Long could really help the Han family to survive this catastrophe!
Before I knew it, the three-day deadline had expired.

But this morning, the owner of the previous antique shop called and said that the alchemy furnace would arrive tomorrow.

It is estimated that those medicinal materials will be available at noon tomorrow.

That is to say, I can just start alchemy after killing Feiying.

But Wang Long didn't have much hope in his heart.

After all, this is the first alchemy, and very few people can succeed in one attempt.

When Wang Long was about to go out, Sun Zihan suddenly stopped him from behind.

"Hey! Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Although Wang Long didn't answer, Sun Zihan's keen intuition seemed to have guessed all of this.

Sun Zihan lowered his head slightly, and after being silent for a while, he just said softly:
"Be careful, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Wang Lung just nodded, then turned and left.

"Wait a minute!"

But just as Wang Long walked to the door, the voice of his mother-in-law Liu Juan came from behind him.

"Who knows whether you will die or live this time? Why don't you leave the car to us?"

Wang Long smiled disdainfully, while Liu Juan's eyes were filled with anticipation.

I don't know how long I have been waiting for this day.

"Okay, let's put it in your place for now!"

Liu Juan took the key happily, thinking that maybe this time Wang Lung was in danger, and when he died, wouldn't this brand new BMW belong to her?

"Wang Long, wait a moment!"

At the same time, Sun Xueying also came out and stood in front of Wang Long.

"What? Do you want to take advantage of me too?"

"Do not."

Sun Xueying shook her head slowly:
" careful yourself!"

Wang Long was stunned.

Is this still the arrogant sister-in-law from before?make yourself careful?Could it be that she is caring about Wang Long?
"You silly girl, what are you talking about!"

Liu Juan said angrily.

What does it mean to be more careful?This is working hard for the Han family!Needless to say, everyone knows that this kid is in danger!
Even if he doesn't die, what if they are implicated in trouble after he returns in the future?

Wang Long responded coldly, then turned his head and left.

After handing over the BMW key to Liu Juan, Wang Long went to the garage and drove the Ferrari out.

With the roar of the engine, Ferrari seemed to turn into a flash of lightning, galloping on the wide road.

Chengbei Mountain was originally just a little-known barren mountain, but after years of development, it has become a famous tourist attraction in Beihai.

It's just that now, the entire Chengbei Mountain has been blocked by the Han family.

Those who originally planned to come to play are now blocked at the foot of the mountain, complaining one by one.

Not long after, Wang Long parked the Ferrari in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, and walked calmly to the entrance of the mountain.

"Brother, don't go, don't you see that everyone is stopped right now?"

After seeing Wang Long, the people next to him kindly reminded him.

But to everyone's surprise, when Wang Long walked in front of the guards, instead of being stopped, the Han family came out to greet him in person!
Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but start guessing.

From the car he drove, he could tell that this person's identity must be unusual.

But who is this big man who can make the Han family so respectful to him?
"Master, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Under the shocked gazes of a group of people, Father Han walked up to Wang Long and bowed to him politely.

All members of the Han family, as well as Gu Yueming's master and apprentice, had already been waiting on the top of the mountain.

"Has the Flying Eagle arrived?"

Wang Long asked in a deep voice.

"This...he hasn't come yet."

Father Han faltered, and it took a while before he answered.

"Then go up first."

Wang Long got up without hesitation and walked up the mountain.

But Father Han was a little worried, so he couldn't help asking:
"Master, what do you think is your chance of winning this contest?"

After all, the lives of all the people in the Han family are now entrusted to Wang Long alone.

If he loses, it will cause a bloodbath for the Han family!

A confident smile appeared on Wang Long's face.

"I can't lose."


This sentence made Father Han dumbfounded.

Impossible to lose?This is too confident!

Although Wang Long's strength is extraordinary, but Feiying's ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Could it be that this person thinks that if he has solved Tieshan, he must have full confidence?
"This... Master, I want to remind you, I have learned Feiying's strength before, and it is completely different from his apprentice!"

"I see, let's go up the mountain first!"

Wang Long didn't take what Father Han said seriously at all, and his tone still sounded so calm and composed.

This made Father Han feel that Wang Long seemed to have an extraordinary aura.

It even feels as if the majestic Chengbei Mountain in front of him is only for him to step on!
Father Han couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart.

Could it be that this is the courage of a great master?

(End of this chapter)

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