Chapter 30
After reaching the top of the mountain, Wang Long saw the brothers and sisters of the Han family, as well as Gu Yueming's master and apprentice.

Without exception, they all looked at Wang Long anxiously.

For others, it seemed like a pre-arranged duel.

But for the Han family, this is a contest of life and death!

If Wang Long loses, everyone in the Han family will have to be buried with him!

"Master, please!"

After hesitating for a moment, Father Han bowed deeply to Wang Long.

At the same time, everyone in the Han family bowed to him in unison.

It's just that facing the Han family's begging for him, Wang Long didn't take it seriously.

Because he knew in his heart that he had personally killed Tieshan before, so Feiying would not let him go easily.

So even without the entrustment of the Han family, Wang Long must win this duel.

"This place is quite suitable for competition!"

With his hands behind his back, Wang Long looked at the scene on the top of the mountain with satisfaction.

There is an empty platform in the middle, which can be used as a competition platform.

"Master, this time we, the master and the apprentice, also want to come to admire your ability!"

Gu Yueming came forward with a flattering face and said to Wang Long.

Although I had a little conflict with Wang Long before, after all, this is a battle at the level of a grand master, so naturally it should not be missed.

Wang Lung didn't answer, but nodded slowly.

At this time, a burst of rumbling footsteps suddenly came from down the mountain.

At first I thought it was Flying Eagle arriving, but after a closer look, I found that it was a group of young men.

This group of people dressed in clothes that Wang Lung had never seen before.

All of them were dressed in white robes, and some even wore buns on their heads.

I don't know, I thought I broke into the filming scene of some costume drama.

"Is that the person who wants to fight Feiying to the death?"

"It should be him."

"Who are you? What grievances do you have with Feiying? Where is he now?"

As soon as this group of people came to Wang Long, they began to ask questions in a row, and their tone was very arrogant.

Wang Long frowned, looking at these people in front of him with some surprise.

"who are you?"

Hasn't Chengbei Mountain been blocked by members of the Han family?Where did this group of people come from?

But before these people could answer, Gu Yueming on the side leaned forward and whispered something in his ear.

"Master, these people are from the ancient martial arts world!"

The so-called ancient martial arts circle is a small circle belonging to all ancient warriors, and the members are naturally ancient warriors of various levels.

Gu Yueming's master and apprentice are also members of this ancient martial arts world.

"Ancient Martial Arts? Why are they here to meddle if they have nothing to do?"

Hearing Wang Long speak so impolitely, Father Han's expression also changed suddenly.

After all, people in the ancient martial arts world are also very powerful, so it's better not to make trouble with them!
"Maybe I heard the wind, and I want to see the duel between the two of you!"

Gu Yueming was a little uncertain, just guessing like this.

After all, Flying Eagle's reputation is also very big in the ancient martial arts world, so it's normal for people in the ancient martial arts world to know if there is any trouble with him.

"Master, look at these should we deal with them?"

Gu Yueming asked cautiously.

After all, whether it is the ancient martial arts world or Wang Long, he can't afford to mess with them!
So between the two, you must be extremely cautious in doing things.

Just as Wang Long was thinking about how to deal with it, one of the ancient warriors suddenly stepped forward.

"Just an ordinary person like you, how did you provoke Feiying?"

As soon as this remark came out, the group of people immediately began to talk about it.

There is no other reason, Feiying's strength is in the ancient martial arts world, it is famous!

A person like Wang Long probably wouldn't be able to last half a minute in his hands!
"I advise you to run for your life! If Feiying really comes later, you won't even know how you died!"

Originally thought that people from the ancient martial arts circle were planning to mediate this dispute.

But now everyone understands that this group of guys just came here with the mentality of watching the excitement!
Originally, they heard that someone was going to compete with Feiying, and they were quite looking forward to it.

In the end, I didn't expect that after running over excitedly, he was just a brat!Isn't this a waste of time?

Wang Long hadn't answered yet, but Han's father on the side was already overwhelmed by this group of people.

"Shut up! This is the territory of the Han family, who allows you to speak nonsense here!"

Everyone turned their heads immediately and looked at Father Han in front of them.

Although they didn't have much contact with each other before, this group of people had heard of the reputation of the Han family in the entire Beihai.

But why, the patriarch of such a big family, wants to speak up for this kid?
"Mr. Han, everything we said is true, how can it be called nonsense?"

"Presumptuous! I advise you to quickly apologize to Master!"

"Master? Just him?"

These people seem to have heard a big joke.

"Mr. Han, I think you haven't seen the world before, so you were intimidated by this kid's few words?"

"If he is the master, then I am still the Jade Emperor!"

In their seriousness, only a mortal person like Father Han would be respectful to a small ant like Wang Long.

Now Father Han was completely angry.

He thought that after all, he was the head of the Han family, and this group of people would probably sell him some noodles.

But I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was all kinds of cynicism towards myself!

Not only him, but even Gu Yueming next to him couldn't stand it any longer.

"Brother Han, I will teach you a lesson for these yellow-mouthed children first!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed directly at the leading man.

"Just because you want to challenge me?"

The man's eyes were full of murderous intent, he put on a posture, and suddenly punched out!
The fist winds of the two collided suddenly in the air, but Gu Yueming immediately felt something was wrong.

"This power is... a high-level ancient warrior?"

Shock was written all over his face.

This person who looked no less than ten years younger than him had the same cultivation level as him!
Moreover, Gu Yueming is just an ancient warrior who became a monk halfway, so his strength is naturally incomparable to those of them.

After this punch, not only did the opponent not get hurt at all, but he himself was a little bit overwhelmed!

"Today, I, Chen Yuan, will show you what real strength is!"

The man named Chen Yuan shouted loudly and exerted his strength suddenly.

There was only a click sound coming from the air, and Gu Yueming's arm was broken abruptly by the wind of the fist!
A scream came to his ears, and his whole body suddenly collapsed to the ground, trembling with pain.

And Chen Yuan strolled up to him and looked at him with disdain.

"My surname is Gu. You are still a veteran of the ancient martial arts world. Why are you willing to give your life to the Han family as a dog? Why don't you bark like a dog twice to make us happy, and maybe let you live!"

(End of this chapter)

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