Ares out of prison

Chapter 4 Rivals in Love

Chapter 4 Rivals in Love
When she came out, Sun Xueying was worried.

"That Bai Hongyu is not a good guy, and the Han family, if they know your details, they will definitely not let you go!"

Immediately afterwards, she gave Wang Long a white look, "You have caused a disaster!"

What can you do?
People are rich and powerful!

Compared with others, Wang Long is a waste.

Today Wang Long got angry, it was all big bosses!

If they really wanted to take revenge, Wang Long's life might be in danger.

"Hurry up and go, the farther you run the better, don't implicate our Sun family." Sun Xueying sighed heavily, her face full of resentment.

Who knows what kind of aristocratic family, the young master's, in the eyes of Wang Long, is like the existence of ants.

When the two were talking, they had already arrived at the downstairs of Sun's house.

"You can't go up!"

Seeing that Wang Long insisted on going up, Sun Xueying stomped her feet angrily.

Wang Long ignored the other party and went upstairs directly.

It was a beautiful figure who opened the door for her.

She was tall and slender, wearing a long white dress, and her long legs were straight and fair.

The face is so delicate that it can be described as overwhelming the country and the city.

This beautiful woman is Wang Long's wife, Sun Zihan.

Seeing Wang Long, Sun Zihan also showed surprise in his beautiful eyes.

For a moment, complex emotions climbed up her brows.

Wang Long also sighed a little. He was humiliated and looked down upon in this family, and only this woman gave him some comfort.

In the past few years, I have escaped death, and the belief in my heart is also because of her.

"You're not dead? Come in and tell me." After a brief surprise, Sun Zihan let Wang Long in.

"You trash, you still have the face to come back!"

At this moment, an angry scolding sound came from the side.

Wang Long knew from the sound that it was his hapless mother-in-law, Liu Juan.

Liu Juan came out of the living room with a look of disdain, pointed at Wang Long's nose and said angrily, "You trash, why are you still here? Why aren't you dead!"

Liu Juan's face was full of disgust, she was very disgusted.

Seeing Wang Long, Liu Juan sighed in her heart why he didn't die. She was wronged for her daughter.

It's good now, just as my daughter is getting well, this evil spirit has returned.

"Auntie, who is this?"

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes stood up from the sofa and asked curiously.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Long with hostility in his eyes.

"Zhou Yang, this is my husband." Sun Zihan introduced directly without any intention of hiding.

Hearing this, a look of contempt appeared in the eyes of the man named Zhou Yang, and he said strangely: "You are that soft rice man who has been missing for two years?"

When Wang Long heard this, his expression became cold.

Another guy who looks down on people with a dog's eyes. If he were not in China, he would have killed this dog directly.

"What are you looking at, this is the son of the Zhou Group."

"He is young and promising, and he is very kind to Zihan."

Liu Juan rolled her eyes at Wang Long, and praised Zhou Yang, as if he was her son-in-law.

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly comforted him: "Zhou Yang, don't think too much, this wimp comes back, just in time for him to divorce Zihan!"

Zhou Yang glanced at Wang Long with a haughty face, and nodded, as if he had already won.

For Wang Long, he didn't pay much attention to him at all. Now that the other party appeared, he only had one thought in his mind, to embarrass him!
Then, he would have a chance!

"Mom, who said I'm going to get a divorce." Sun Zihan said something complaining from the side.

She is not a money-digging girl who is following others, and if she wants to find someone else, she has to break up with Wang Long first.

Sun Zihan is a principled woman, she will not do such things that insult her.

When Liu Juan heard this, she quickly winked at her daughter.

"This marriage must be divorced!" Immediately afterwards, she pointed at Wang Long and yelled, "Get out of here, you are not welcome in this family, hurry up and divorce."

I saw that Wang Long was not angry, and said with a cold face: "Whether to divorce or not, I want to listen to Zihan's opinion."

The firm look in his eyes made Sun Zihan think a lot, and he always felt that this guy was different.

Sun Zihan is also a person who is easy to soften his heart, so naturally he would not say such things as driving Wang Long out.

The marriage contract with Wang Long was because he saved Sun Zihan's life two years ago, and it was also made by Sun Zihan's late father.

The grace of saving his life and his father's last words are destined to prevent Sun Zihan from giving up on him easily.

Seeing that Sun Zihan hesitated, Zhou Yang on the side also satirized, "Mr. Wang has been away for two years, and he must have worked hard to make a lot of money, right?"

Obviously, he wanted the other party to quit.

Sun Zihan also sighed softly, seeing Wang Long's shabby appearance, most likely he would not be of much value.

Wang Long spread out his hands, without the slightest twitch, "I'm penniless."

Although he had been prepared for a long time, upon hearing this, Sun Zihan still had a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
Zhou Yang also sneered, and said triumphantly: "Although my company is so-so, I still have tens of millions a year. Why don't I arrange a job for you, so that I won't be looked down upon every day, man."

Hearing tens of millions, Liu Juan's eyes straightened, and the wrinkles on her face smiled.

Like that, I can't wait to treat Zhou Yang as my son-in-law now.

"Master Zhou is really capable, much better than that wimp."

The sister-in-law Sun Xueying, who had been sitting on the sofa, also snorted coldly. She knew that Wang Long had caused trouble, so she naturally rushed to drive him away.

Sun Aoxue's two relatives stood by Zhou Yang's side, and he had a smile on his face for a while.

"Yo, why don't you talk anymore, you don't like the one with 800 million yuan."

Zhou Yang sneered, and said in a strange way.

"It really is."

Wang Long smiled slightly. To him, the tens of millions level is nothing?
"I think you've become angry from embarrassment!" Zhou Yang sarcastically said as if he had been waiting for this moment.

"What are you talking about with this trash, let him get out!" Sun Xueying fanned the flames.

Hearing this, Sun Zihan was also very disappointed. He originally thought that Wang Long was a worthless waste, but he was not bad.

But now that he's back, he's so bragging.

It's really speechless to show off your tongue even though you have nothing.

"It's ridiculous, you are really shameless!" Liu Juan was also panting with anger.

"Auntie, don't be angry." Seeing this, Zhou Yang quickly comforted her.

For a while, the Sun family's mother, daughter, and Zhou Yang stood on the united front, aggressive and humiliated Wang Long.

"Okay, stop talking."

Sun Zihan finally couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted everyone with a frown.

She looked very aggrieved, and said coldly: "Don't embarrass Wang Long, he didn't do anything wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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