Ares out of prison

Chapter 5 Mr. Bai Knelt

Chapter 5 Mr. Bai Knelt

Seeing the opposite, Sun Zihan started to defend Wang Long instead, and Zhou Yang became excited, "Zihan, only I have the ability to treat you well, don't be confused, I really like you!"

Sun Zihan hurriedly interrupted when he heard the words, and said in displeasure, "Didn't you talk about my company's problems? Are you still talking about it?"

As for Zhou Yang, she didn't have a second word, and she always refused.

Zihan's company has problems?

Hearing this, Wang Long also became serious.

Sun Zihan opened a cosmetics company, but the scale is not large, it sounds like something went wrong.

"Okay, let's get down to business first!"

This seemed to remind Zhou Yang, he patted his chest, and said in a big way: "Don't worry, I will directly invest 1000 million in your company, and we will sign a contract at dinner tomorrow."

"There's no dinner, if you can, let's do business."

Although a little ignorant of flattery, Sun Zihan said firmly.

I saw a trace of anger floating in Zhou Yang's eyes, and it was fleeting, and Wang Long had a panoramic view of all this.

After reading countless people, he could tell that this person was not a good person.

"That's fine, I won't keep you, let's take care of some housework."

In any case, Wang Long is still Sun Zihan's nominal husband, relying on his own identity to say.

Before his mother asked to stay, Sun Zihan hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, but I won't keep you for dinner."

"OK then."

Although he was a bit unwilling, Zhou Yang had no choice but to do so.

He glanced at Wang Long contemptuously. Anyway, the other party has no money or power, and Sun Zihan is bound to win him!

Afterwards, with a wretched face, he sized up Sun Zihan's protruding figure, and after being escorted by the Sun's mother and daughter, he left with some reluctance.

There was only her own family left in the room for a while, Sun Xueying seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, today Wang Long even beat the young master of the Bai family.

"Bai Hongyu?" Liu Juan asked with wide eyes when she heard this.

"Yes!" Sun Xueying also nodded quickly.

Liu Juan slapped her thigh, crying, and said with a pale face: "It's over, it's over, we can't afford to provoke the Bai family!"

Bai Hongyu is a well-known playboy, a guy who has revenge.

Sun Zihan was also startled, his beautiful eyes widened, he looked at Wang Long fiercely and asked, "Did you really beat Bai Hongyu?"

There is nothing to hide, Wang Long nodded lightly.

"Not only did he hit him, but he also crippled one of his wrists."

"It happened!"

Sun Zihan's heart skipped a beat, his face was full of shock, the mother and daughter of the Sun family were all extremely panicked.

This is a big disaster!
"Wang Lung, are you crazy?"

Sun Zihan, who had always been calm, became completely excited.

"Go and apologize to Bai Hongyu quickly, or else..."

Liu Juan on the side directly stopped her daughter, and said excitedly: "What are you talking about, divorce quickly, this trash has nothing to do with our family in the future!"

"No, if we don't solve it well, Wang Long will be beaten to death by them."

Sun Zihan frowned and said very kindly.

"Sister, is this guy worth it!"

Sun Xueying also said very excitedly, the mother and daughter of the Sun family are very excited to find a way.

But Wang Long, who was the victim, looked indifferent.

Sun Zihan also clenched his jade hand tightly, glanced at the other party, and said that it is impossible to have feelings, but she will never forget the life-saving grace and father's last words.

That's all.

"I will try my best to help you solve this matter, and then we will not violate the river water!"

With cold eyes, Sun Zihan seemed to have made up his mind.

"By the way, Zhou Yang's family was also in business, and they also said they had a relationship with the Bai family, or let him think of a way."

"Maybe this is the way things are going."

Before Zhou Yang went far, Liu Juan hurried to the phone, and the other party agreed and hurried back.

"Don't worry, the Bai family cooperates with us, and if we can talk, we will definitely ensure the safety of the Sun family."

Hearing this, Liu Juan was overjoyed.

"I think, after this is done, you two should get married. A man still needs some skills."

Sun Zihan was silent, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Mom, it's not good, someone from the Bai family is here!"

At this time, seeing Sun Xueying outside the window, she cried out excitedly.

"It's the old man of the Bai family, Bai Wande."

Bai Wande is Bai Hongyu's father, the helm of the Bai family. Zhou Yang, who was talking about his name just now, couldn't help but get nervous.

This is a real man of the hour!

Zhou Yang was directly persuaded. Compared with others, he is a small person.

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes and kept thinking about the countermeasures, almost breaking out in a cold sweat.

Only Wang Long looked indifferent when he saw the people walking towards Sun's house.

At this time, Bai Wande had already brought someone over.

He was menacing, with a heavy face, and a group of bodyguards were also staring at him.

If this matter can't be found, what will the Bai family do in the future?
"That bastard Wang Long is at home?"

An angry shout came out from the door.

For a moment, the eyes of the Sun family's mother and daughter unconsciously turned to Zhou Yang's direction.

Zhou Yang bit his bullet and gritted his teeth to meet him.

"Mr. Bai, do you know that I, Zhou Yang, my junior, belong to the Zhou family..."

Before Zhou Yang finished speaking, Bai Wande gave him a look, and he was immediately persuaded.

"What, are you a lobbyist?"

"Don't dare, Mr. Bai, you can do whatever you want, that bastard is in the room."

Zhou Yang nodded and bowed, and sold Wang Long directly.


Sun Zihan was angry and showed a bitter look on his face. In this way, Wang Long is basically finished!
Sun Zihan's anxious eye sockets were already flushed, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

"You're smart!" Bai Wande snorted coldly, Zhou Yang lowered his head, sweating profusely.

Sun Zihan pursed his thin lips lightly, and stood up, "Boss Bai, my husband has indeed beaten someone, let's call the police, we will not tolerate it."

Perhaps in this way, Wang Long's life can be saved. If it falls into the hands of the Bai family, it will definitely end badly.

Bai Wande snorted coldly, looked at the other party contemptuously, and didn't take it seriously at all.

Immediately after he waved his hand, the bodyguards with him rushed in, and Bai Wande also walked in fiercely.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Long was doomed, Bai Wande suddenly froze when he saw him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Bai Wande knelt down directly.

For a moment, there was a dead silence all around, and everyone was stunned.

"Chairman, are you alright?"

Someone next to him wanted to help, but Bai Wande stopped him with his hand. His face was pale, and he said tremblingly, "Don't help me, I'm guilty!"

"Boss Bai, you..." Sun Zihan was also at a loss.

At this time, Bai Wande turned his head to look at Sun Zihan, "Mrs. Sun, please help me intercede with Mr. Wang, so that he will not condemn me!"

(End of this chapter)

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