Ares out of prison

Chapter 6 Miraculous Cultivation Technique

Chapter 6 Miraculous Cultivation Technique
Bai Wande, who was still invincible just now, now looks sad and panicked.

"It was my negligence in discipline that made my bastard son offend Mr. Wang."


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar all around, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

How could the dignified old man of the Bai family apologize to a son-in-law who came to visit him, or even kneel down!
Is Bai Wande crazy?
This almost refreshed everyone's three views!
Is this not a dream?
When everyone was shocked, Wang Long was very calm, and he recognized the other party as if it was a matter of course.

"Why, stop avenging your son?" Wang Long asked lightly.

"Don't dare, please be merciful!"

Bai Wande's head was covered with cold sweat, he lowered his head and didn't dare to vent his breath.

He had already heard about the Han family's affairs before, and thought that Wang Long was just very good at fighting, so he came here to find a place in person.

But looking at it now, I was completely dumbfounded.

A year ago, a big man came to BH City, investigated some things secretly, and asked the Bai family about some things.

He was fortunate enough to meet Wang Long, but at that time, Wang Long's code name was still Canglang.

The energy of this big man is not provoked by a family in such a small place like them. It is an existence that the Bai family will be destroyed with a wave of his hand!
So Bai Wande didn't even care about his face, and just knelt down.

Just kidding, if you don't behave well, the Bai family will be finished!

"Mr. Wang, please don't forget the villain's faults. I really know that I was wrong. From now on, our Bai family will look after you." Bai Wande showed a smile uglier than crying, very sincere.

He was trembling all over, not to mention how frightened he was.

"Forget it, get out of here."

Wang Long waved his hand impatiently, he didn't need to give face to the other party, he just did whatever he wanted.

Bai Wande immediately felt relieved, greeted his family quickly, and left as if fleeing.

When the Bai family left, there was a dead silence in the room, and everyone looked at Wang Long in unison.

"What's going on here..." Sun Zihan muttered silently, the surprise of the remaining life after the catastrophe climbed onto her pretty face, but more doubts.

What exactly did Wang Long do to make Bai Wande so afraid that he even ignored the face of the Bai family.

This is so puzzling!
"What are you still doing here?" Wang Long immediately glanced at Zhou Yang with a cold face.

Zhou Yang shivered suddenly, and a coolness crept up his back.

"I'm going to fuck off right away!"

Zhou Yang swallowed his saliva, almost lost his footing, and ran out scrambling.

Old man Bai is so low-browed and pleasing to the eye, he is a fart!
Run quickly, this thing is too evil.

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

Regardless of the shocked gazes of the Sun family's mother and daughter, Wang Long returned to the house as if nothing had happened.

"Wang Long, what is going on here!"

Sun Zihan came to his senses and chased after Wang Long to question him.

"You have to give me an explanation, what did you do?"

You know, Bai Wande is the helm of the Bai family, a well-known figure in BH city!
The mother and daughter of the Sun family were also curious about this issue, and were already considering whether they should change their attitude towards Wang Long.

"I see!"

Sun Xueying, who was already stunned beside her, suddenly said something as if she had realized something.

"It must be because of the Han family!" Sun Xueying said firmly.

"Is it the Han family of the Han Group?" Liu Juan exclaimed.

The Han family, that is the real top family in BH city.

Compared with the Han family, the Bai family is nothing compared to the big witch.

Afterwards, Sun Xueying told the story of the fight in the restaurant in detail.

He looked at Wang Long with contempt: "Didn't you borrow the light of the Han family, but if the Han family finds out, it will be troublesome!"

Hearing this, Sun Zihan and Liu Juan also groaned inwardly.

If the Han family knew that Wang Long used their cover, he might be blamed!

After all, the Han family now only wants to win over Wang Long.

"You are so daring!" Liu Juan pointed at Wang Long and cursed contemptuously, "You still dare to use the name of the Han family, something big will happen sooner or later, if you want to die, don't pull us!"

Liu Juan, who had always had a big opinion of Wang Long, was furious.

Sun Zihan, who knew the situation, was also very disappointed, "You'd better explain to the Han family, I don't want to do anything to you, but don't do such shameful things!"

Shaking his head, Sun Zihan turned and went back to the house.

Wang Long spread his hands, knowing that it was useless to explain his situation.

Seeing her sister go back to the house, Sun Xueying glanced at Wang Long, and said with a sneer: "Remember what I said, with your little tricks, it won't last long."

"Is it your turn to talk? When the Bai family came just now, why didn't you even dare to fart?"

Wang Long hugged his shoulders and said calmly, she's just a little girl, and she still wants to push her nose on her face?
"Son of a bitch!"

Sun Xueying stomped her feet angrily, you know, Wang Long never dared to talk to herself like this before.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and divorce our Zihan."

Liu Juan stared and pointed at Wang Long's nose.

"Now that disaster is imminent, do you still want to drag us Zihan to be unlucky with you?"

"Okay, go ask Zihan what she means."

Wang Long replied blankly, if the person in front of him was not his mother-in-law who dared to show off her claws with him, she would have died a hundred times already.

Liu Juan who said this was also speechless, gnashing her teeth in hatred.

Why didn't she think so, but her daughter just didn't let go.

Then she turned around and went to her daughter's room, not wanting to talk nonsense with Wang Lung.

Sun Xueying, whose plan fell through, didn't look very good either.

Wang Long also had no intention of leaving, and returned to his previous room.

All my old things are gone, it seems that my unlucky mother-in-law really doesn't want him to come back, she probably has already thrown away all her things.

After locking the door, Wang Long sat cross-legged on the bed with only the mattress, and began to exercise.

When it was time to practice, he breathed calmly and began to enter a transcendent state.

Soon his body began to emit a faint white breath, as if heat was evaporating.

On his chest, a white jade tablet carved with strange patterns shook slightly.

A faint breath also exuded from inside, entering Wang Long's body.

This jade token is by no means an ordinary thing, it was given to him by a prisoner in prison before, and even that person didn't know the origin of this jade token.

The man just said that the jade tablet resonated wonderfully when he saw Wang Long, and it was destined to belong to him.

Wang Long didn't care at first, but slowly he realized that this thing is a treasure!

In the jade card, there is actually a powerful skill hidden, "The Classic of Heaven and Earth"!
(End of this chapter)

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