Ares out of prison

Chapter 7 The Company's Trouble

Chapter 7 The Company's Trouble

After performing the exercises, Wang Long was surprised to find that he had the ability to absorb the power of heaven and earth!
With this exercise, Wang Long also cheated all the way.

All the prisoners' extraordinary abilities were perfectly learned and mastered by him.

Feeling the filling of true energy in his body, he became more and more powerful.

"According to my own understanding, there are four levels of ancient warriors in this world, elementary, intermediate, advanced, and grand master."

Becoming a great master means that one has become a big boss, has the ability to spend money, recruit disciples, and establish one's own power.

The great master is also a figure of the highest level in the ancient martial arts world, and the uncle of the Han family is an intermediate ancient martial artist.

However, Wang Long is a magical existence, and his abilities are not in these levels.

But compared to the grand master, it might as well give way.

That's the existence of the great master who will be humble when he sees it.

It's just that it is impossible for ordinary people like the mother and daughter of the Sun family to understand these things.

If they knew, they definitely wouldn't have such an attitude.

Wang Long practiced all night. When he got up the next day, he saw Sun Zihan heating milk in the kitchen.

Sun Zihan just glanced at Wang Long lightly, then turned his eyes away, not wanting to pay more attention to Wang Long.

"Is there something wrong with the company?"

Yesterday, I learned from Zhou Yang's dialogue that Sun Zihan's company seems to have had an accident.

Sun Zihan froze for a moment, then sighed softly: "It's nothing, it has nothing to do with you at all."

What's the use of talking to Wang Long about this kind of thing?One has no contacts, and the other has no money.

"Let's have some food, you can't get enough just by drinking milk."

Then Wang Long walked into the kitchen and quickly cooked a healthy and delicious breakfast. Sun Zihan's eyes lit up when he smelled the delicious smell.


Although there was only one bowl of noodles, there were a lot of side dishes in it, and Sun Zihan ate it in a hurry. She didn't eat breakfast much, but she ate the whole bowl of noodles.

"Very satisfied."

This bowl of noodles made her, who had been worrying about the company affairs all this time, relax a lot, a rare relief.

You must know that in Wang Long's prison in the past, there was a prisoner who used to be a top chef. Coupled with the blessing of his ancient martial arts, Wang Long's cooking skills have reached the peak.

"Tell me about any difficulties, maybe I can help you?"

While tidying up the dishes, Wang Long said lightly.

Sun Zihan hesitated for a moment, sighed softly, and spoke slowly.

Her Zihan cosmetics company is currently in the expansion stage, and some time ago, it was lucky to receive a cooperation order from a large shopping mall.

If the cooperation goes well, relying on this order alone, they can earn tens of millions a year!
But at this critical moment, Xiajia, who had been providing raw materials, suddenly stopped cooperating and refused to sell materials that are a key step in the production of cosmetics.

Now the shopping mall has been urging, and the delivery time is getting closer and closer. Even if all the inventory is mobilized, it will not be enough for the first month.

If the goods cannot be delivered and the other party terminates the contract, then I will suffer a heavy loss.

In that case, not only would she have to lose money, but the company would also go bankrupt!

"That supplier had planned it long ago, and he wanted to raise the price!"

Sun Zihan clenched his jade fist tightly, unable to beat his anger.

Zhou Yang's previous investment was to compensate for liquidated damages, but in this way, the company would also fall into the hands of others.

"Xiajia Minglong Group has been delaying in supplying raw materials. We have nothing to do. Even if we file a lawsuit, it will take a long time to go through the process. By then, the day lily will be cold."

Wang Long also knew that this Zihan cosmetics company was built by Sun Zihan with all his efforts and efforts step by step without the help of the Sun family.

If the company goes bankrupt, it must be a very big blow to her.

"what's your plan?"

Wang Long suppressed the anger in his heart and asked lightly.

This Minglong Group actually wanted to destroy his wife's hard work, it was really courting death!

"I will continue to think of a way. The matter has come to this, and I still have to persevere."

Sun Zihan raised his eyes, his pretty face was full of determination.

Zhou Long nodded silently. In the past, he had taken a fancy to Sun Zihan because of his unwillingness to admit defeat.

After Sun Zihan finished speaking, he shook his head. What's the use of talking to Wang Long?
At this time, Liu Juan and Sun Xueying also got up.

"Why do you still have the nerve to stay at my house, get out!"

Seeing Zhou Long, Sun Xueying had a bad face early in the morning, Wang Long didn't say anything, and filled another bowl of noodles left in the pot for the mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

And his father-in-law was away on business for the Sun family recently.

"Who cares about eating your cooked noodles!"

Sun Xueying was still cursing, but smelling the fragrance from that side, she couldn't help swallowing, and finally couldn't help walking over, and started to gobble it up.

A bowl of noodles directly gagged the mouths of the Sun family's mother and daughter.

Suddenly all the dissatisfaction seemed to disappear for a short time at this moment.

"If you want to continue to stay in my house, you must cook every day!"

For the first time, Sun Xueying couldn't bear to part with this meal. For the first time, Liu Juan didn't say much. She wanted to enjoy such a delicious food.

Wang Long nodded, thinking that he had a reason to stay.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Zihan picked up his bag and wanted to go to the company.

"Let me go with you." Wang Long also got up.

"Hehe, do you know where she is going? Today we are going to talk about cooperation, what do you know!" Liu Juan mocked.

"I can accompany her." Wang Long was not angry and said seriously.

Sun Zihan, who has always been fighting alone, was a little moved when he heard this.

"Okay, you drive."

Thinking that Wang Long had nothing to do at home, she nodded softly.

After that, the two drove Sun Zihan's car towards Minglong Manufacturing Group.

When they arrived at the place, after hearing about Sun Zihan's identity, the attitude of the members of the Minglong Group was not very friendly. They were all cold and stern.

For a moment, Sun Zihan's face was also covered with frost, a little annoyed.

This is so bullying!
But you can't get angry at a group of ordinary employees, obviously it was deliberately explained by the above.

"I want to know, was it the same when you came here before?"

Wang Long couldn't help asking, and Sun Zihan nodded bitterly.

This made Wang Long feel a little distressed, anyway, Sun Zihan is also a woman, but she has to face so many difficulties alone.

"President Sun, you are here."

After a long time, in the meeting room of Minglong Group, a man in suit and leather shoes, about 30 years old, walked in casually.

It was the boss of Minglong Group, Cheng Dong.

I saw Cheng Dong looking up and down at Sun Zihan's protruding figure, with a trace of wretchedness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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