Ares out of prison

Chapter 8 Can't Give Up

Chapter 8 Can't Give Up
"Mr. Cheng, I'm still the same thing, you see..." Sun Zihan said impatiently, but was interrupted by the other party waving his hand.

"No hurry, drink tea first!"

Cheng Dong took his time, asked the secretary to make tea first, and then talked a lot of useless things. After more than half an hour, he gave Sun Zihan a chance to talk about herself.

Hearing Sun Zihan's reason for coming, Cheng Dong raised his eyebrows, "Is that so..."

He took a sip of tea indiscriminately, his eyes rolled around, "To be honest, I'm not in charge, I have to ask the project manager, you are also the boss, you know we can't do everything by ourselves, right? Too busy ah!"

As he spoke, he still looked worried.

"Then please call the project manager, let's talk carefully."

"Oh, it's such an unfortunate coincidence. The project manager went on a business trip abroad yesterday. It will take more than half a month anyway. There is no way. Let's talk about it later."

Cheng Dong chuckled, with a smug look on his face,
Sun Zihan's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he was full of hatred. It was obvious that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open!
A boss can't order his employees, can he?
But Sun Zihan could only feel aggrieved and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Mr. Cheng, the fact of the supply is seriously delayed. I beg you. This is the entire hope of our company."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You didn't say anything when you signed the contract,"

Cheng Dong still looked unhurried and took a sip of tea.

When he came here, Wang Long also asked clearly that the only supplier in this city is Minglong Company, and a new contract needs to be signed for transferring goods from other places.

The most important thing is that Minglong Company deliberately delays the time. If there is a replacement, it will be too late.

"Let's have a drink that night. If we have a happy chat, maybe this matter can really be resolved."

Cheng Dong raised his eyebrows, his words were obscene, and his wolfish ambition was fully exposed.

Hearing this, Sun Zihan also widened his beautiful eyes, with a look of disgust on his face, and secretly scolded Cheng Dong in his heart, for being so despicable and shameless.

"What do you mean, can you explain more clearly?" Wang Long couldn't listen anymore, and asked coldly from the side.

If it wasn't for the country, he really wanted to beat that bastard to death with one punch!

Wang Long's eyes were cold, and he had already sentenced Cheng Dong to death in his heart.

"Do you have a say in this? Mr. Sun, how do you manage your employees!"

Thinking he was just a small employee, Cheng Dong looked contemptuous.

"You are looking for death!" Wang Long's eyes were like arrows, and bursts of anger were already burning in his heart.

"Hehe." Cheng Dong sneered when he heard the words, as if he had heard a big joke.

"You boy, why are you so ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth? Now you are in my territory, be careful that I will destroy you!"

Cheng Dong's face suddenly became violent. This kind of bullying is his specialty.

"Let's go." Sun Zihan knew that there was nothing he could do, so he called softly.

She has learned a lot about what kind of person Cheng Dong is like recently, he is simply despicable and shameless!
"Zizi, then I wish Mr. Sun a prosperous business."

Cheng Dong laughed and mocked.

"But seeing your company go bankrupt, I still can't bear it. I'm waiting for you for this meal anytime."

Sun Zihan was taken aback, his eyes flushed with grievance, could it be that he really had nothing to do?Let this unscrupulous bastard show off his might.

Is all my hard work for so many years going to waste?

Wang Long wanted to say a few words of comfort, but seeing Sun Zihan's sad look, he didn't say much.

Then the two returned home, and the mother and daughter of the Sun family hurried up to ask about the situation.

Sun Zihan sighed and shook his head, trying not to let tears flow down.

Liu Juan also looked indifferent, "You just listen to what they say, why are you trying to be strong, a little girl from every family really wants to be a strong woman?"

"I don't want my family to see the joke." Sun Zihan was very unwilling.

Hearing this, Liu Juan immediately became angry, "Why don't you listen to persuasion, kid? If it weren't for your company's troubles every day, our family would have lived a good life by now!"

Hearing this, Sun Zihan couldn't help but shed tears.

"Be obedient, sell the company as soon as possible, while the loss is not too much now!"

"Maybe when the time comes, please ask your family members, they can still help, don't insist on useless!"

Sun Zihan looked desperate. Her persistence and hard work were worthless in the eyes of her own mother.

I really can't hold on anymore!
Her head lowered lower and lower, as if she had made a decision.

"Okay!" At this moment, there was an angry shout from the side.

Wang Long, who had been silent all this time, finally stood up uncontrollably, looking at Liu Juan with cold eyes.

"How can you say that she is also your daughter? Why did you treat her like this?"

"Let her bow her head to those people and humiliate her?"

When Liu Juan heard this, she was also furious, "When is it your turn to educate me!"

Wang Long ignored Liu Juan and looked at Sun Zihan seriously.

"Zihan, don't listen to your mother, this is all your hard work, we can't give up!"

"But now, there is really no way."

Sun Zihan smiled wryly, why didn't she want to persevere.

"It's not the last moment yet. There will always be a way. If you give up, you will lose everything."

Wang Long's firm support rekindled the light in Sun Zihan's eyes.

"Yeah, we have to find a way!"

"I can't admit defeat!"

Sun Zihan muttered something silently, then hurriedly returned to the room, and continued to think of a solution.

"What the hell do you want to do, you fool?"

Liu Juan snorted, wishing to swallow Wang Long alive, "Why don't you die, what use are you for?"

"Now you are going to persuade Zihan to jump into the fire pit again, what is your intention?"

"You have to be happy if our family is destroyed?"

"What do you know? Just pointing fingers here."

In the current situation, the company is hopeless, but Wang Long's words make Sun Zihan continue and insist.

If there is no retreat at that time, then it will be a complete defeat!

"You are a sinner in our family! At that time, my sister will definitely kick you out with her own hands," Sun Xueying also poohed, her face full of resentment.

Faced with the doubts and resentment from the Sun family's mother and daughter, Wang Long turned around and left the door without explaining anything.

He has only one goal now, which is to take revenge on Minglong Group!
His eyes were deep, his whole body exuded a murderous aura, and his whole temperament was completely different.

Wang Long came all the way to Minglong Group, the door of Cheng Dong's office.

At this moment in the office, Cheng Dong also held a document, already knowing Wang Long's identity, and was very contemptuous.

He didn't take Wang Long's son-in-law seriously at all.

"Who am I? It turns out that he is the son-in-law who came to visit. It's not worth mentioning."

(End of this chapter)

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