Ares out of prison

Chapter 413 Stars Gathered

Chapter 413 Stars Gathered
Seeing Wang Long's disdainful expression, Lin Feng was furious immediately, feeling offended by the eyes!
"What do you mean? Don't you agree with that? If it weren't for Sun Zihan, Master Qin wouldn't even bother to attend such a banquet!"

Regarding this conjecture, Lin Feng firmly believed in it.

Want to know what a big shot Lord Qin is?There are not many people in the entire imperial capital who can invite him!
He was able to come to Sun Zihan's birthday party today, it is estimated that Sun Zihan put a lot of effort behind it!

"If you want to say that, I can't help it." Regarding Lin Feng's fingerprints, Wang Long also shrugged his shoulders and didn't take it seriously.

After all, he knew that the more Lin Feng roared, the more guilty he was.

"Son, let's not waste our words with this guy, let's think about it quickly, how can we get along with Master Qin?"

Under Zhang Chunmei's reminder, Lin Feng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

From Qin Hu's expression just now, it's not difficult to see that Zhang Chunmei offended him a lot!

Right now he is in a fit of anger, if he runs to curry favor with him at this time, it will undoubtedly hit the muzzle of the gun!

"Mom, don't worry, as long as Master Qin is still here today, I will have plenty of opportunities to get in touch with him!"

Lin Feng thought to himself, even if Qin Hu doesn't give me face, he must give face to the host of today's banquet, right?
If it really doesn't work, I'll take Sun Zihan to meet him then!With Sun Zihan present, Qin Hu would definitely not neglect himself!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help clenching his fists.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zihan, a girl who is submissive on the surface, actually has such a strong connection behind her back!
I, Lin Feng, will never allow Sun Zihan to have wider connections than me!

"But having said that, Master Qin is present, the rest of the guests should be just juniors, right?"

Zhang Chunmei's words immediately caught Lin Feng's attention.

"That's right! With Sun Zihan's ability, it is very rare to be able to invite Master Qin."

Lin Feng is very convinced that Qin Hu is the most important person among the guests tonight!
As for the rest?At best, they are a group of little-known bosses who cannot be compared with Lord Qin at all.

"Son, in that case, you are considered the second highest among the guests at the banquet tonight?"

Zhang Chunmei looked at Lin Feng excitedly and asked.

"That's natural!" Lin Feng was also convinced of this, and nodded in agreement.

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced around, as if looking for Qin Hu's figure.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Just as Lin Feng was about to go forward, Wang Long next to him suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter? As the second most important person tonight, it shouldn't be too much for me to sit next to Master Qin, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Wang Long with a confident look and said.

But who would have thought that upon hearing this sentence, Wang Long frowned immediately, his eyes full of disdain.

"What? The second most important person? Just rely on you?"

"What's the matter? Am I wrong?" Seeing that Wang Long doubted himself, Lin Feng's expression darkened immediately.

"To be honest, just based on your status, you are not qualified to participate in this banquet!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Feng's expression darkened immediately: "What did you say?!"

"Didn't you realize that even Qin Hu's seat is just an inconspicuous edge of the living room?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head quickly.

Sure enough, Qin Hu was sitting in a corner, looking down and playing with his mobile phone.

As the host of the banquet, Wang Long didn't even go up to greet him twice!It is enough to see its status in Wang Long's mind.

"Even Master Qin was not taken seriously. Could it be that there are other more powerful guests at this banquet?"

Regarding Lin Feng's guess, Wang Long just smiled lightly and did not answer.

"Son, don't listen to his nonsense! This kid just doesn't want to see you making friends with Lord Qin, so he deliberately scares you!"

Seeing this, Zhang Chunmei hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'd like to see if you can invite any other big shots!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a group of people walking slowly from the entrance of the manor.

I saw that this group of men and women were all dressed in gowns, and their gestures and gestures revealed a graceful and luxurious demeanor.

Although I haven't seen the faces of these people clearly, it's not difficult to see their noble identities just from their aura.

After learning the lesson from the last time, Zhang Chunmei also sensibly hid behind, not daring to speak much.

"Son, who are these people?" She cautiously approached Lin Feng's ear and asked such a sentence.

"Wait! That person, could it be Tang Yanfei?" Lin Feng looked at an old man with gray hair in the crowd and became dumbfounded.

"It's unmistakable! It must be him! Unexpectedly, the head of the Tang family is here!" Lin Feng became more and more excited, and his hands began to tremble slightly.

And Zhang Chunmei, who was next to her, also showed a curious expression when she saw this scene.

"What do you mean? Tang Yanfei? Is this some kind of powerful person?"

"It's more than amazing! Have you heard of the Tang family, one of the three major families in the imperial capital? He is the head of the Tang family!"

While speaking, Tang Yanfei, who was full of smiles, came to Wang Long and shook hands with him cordially.

"Mr. Wang! It's been a long time! How are you doing recently?"

"It's okay! Patriarch Tang, please sit down, there is no need to be formal!"

Tang Yanfei nodded in agreement, then came to the banquet hall by himself, and honestly found a seat to sit down.

"What?!" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng turned pale with fright.

That is the elder of one of the three major families!The number one big shot in the entire imperial capital!
This Wang Long actually dismissed him with a casual sentence?Isn't this taking people too seriously?

"How about it, do you still dare to call yourself the second?" At this moment, Wang Long's voice suddenly came.

Lin Feng trembled in fright, and quickly shook his head: "No, no, no! I'm not second! Not at all!"

It was only then that Lin Feng realized that compared with these big shots in front of him, he was not qualified to talk about seniority with them!

"Ouch! Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry, I, Zheng Yue, are one step late!"

A familiar figure came to Wang Long, it was Zheng Yue who was rescued by Wang Long a few days ago.

Since that incident, Zheng Yue's attitude towards Wang Long has undergone a 180-degree change. As long as this person is mentioned, it is absolutely respectful and admired.

"Zheng Yue? Could it be the eldest son of the Zheng family in Rong Province?" Lin Feng said blankly.

Unexpectedly, the guests invited by Wang Long are more important than each other!

This banquet is simply a gathering of stars!

"Come here? Find a seat and sit down by yourself. I have to take care of other guests."

"Okay! You please! You please!"

(End of this chapter)

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