Chapter 414

Lin Feng was looking at Zheng Yue in front of him with admiration, but who knew that Wang Long was so indifferent to him!Not even looking him in the eye!
This kid is a little too crazy!
No, I can't just watch such a big person being humiliated by Wang Long!
"Wang Long! You are too ignorant of the rules! Do you know who this person is? He is the young master of the Zheng family in Rong Province!"

Zheng Yue was about to find a place to sit down by himself, when he suddenly heard someone yelling in his ear, he couldn't help but stop.

"Oh? This person is my guest, do you think I don't know his identity?"

"Knowing the identity of Young Master Zheng, you still dare to be so rude to him, you are too ignorant!"

Hearing this, Zhang Chunmei next to her also seized the opportunity and echoed a few words:
"Yes! Yes! I think this kid is so crazy that he doesn't even understand the rules!"

Seeing the two of them talking so aggressively, Zheng Yue couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

"Excuse me, may I ask who you two are?"

"Oh, my name is Zhang Chunmei, and I'm good sisters with Wang Long's mother! This is my son, the great entrepreneur Lin Feng!"

Zhang Chunmei came to Zheng Yue and introduced her shamelessly.

Upon hearing this, Zheng Yue rolled his eyes.

After a long time, it turned out to be Mr. Wang's friend?Then I have to be more polite to them and not offend Mr. Wang!

"So it's Mr. Wang's friend! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Zheng Yue said, shaking hands with the two of them.

"Master Zheng, this kid Wang Long is not used to parenting, if he offends him, I will definitely discipline him severely!"

"What?" Upon hearing this sentence, Zheng Yue immediately frowned, and didn't react for a long time.

Just kidding, who is Wang Lung?Even I, Zheng Yue, dare not challenge him!
You are just his mother-in-law's sister, and you are not counted as relatives who are far away from you. What qualifications do you have to discipline him?

And Lin Feng didn't seem to notice the change in Zheng Yue's expression, and kept nodding along beside him.

"Yes! Don't worry, Young Master Zheng, as long as I'm here, Wang Long won't be disrespectful to you!"

"Shut up!" Before Lin Feng could finish speaking, Zheng Yue sternly reprimanded him.

"What?" Lin Feng couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at Zheng Yue in surprise.

Am I not talking for you?It's fine if you don't thank me, but what do you mean by yelling at me instead?

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, he said that just now, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Zheng Yue hurriedly turned around to explain to Wang Long, but the latter didn't even look at them, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing this, Zheng Yue didn't want to say much, so he turned around and left quickly.

"Hey! Master Zheng, wait a minute! My company is interested in entering Rong Province, shall we communicate?"

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to catch up, Zhang Chunmei who was beside him hurriedly stopped him.

"Okay, son, we will have plenty of opportunities to communicate in the future, and it won't be a while!"

After all, he is not stupid. It is obvious that Zheng Yue is already dissatisfied with Lin Feng. Isn't it boring to go to him at this time?

Under Zhang Chunmei's persuasion, Lin Feng also nodded in agreement, trying to calm himself down.

so far so good!But it's just a few big shots, don't mess around!
"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry I'm late!" Another very handsome figure strolled over.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the person who came was Su Chen, the young master of the European Su family.

"Mr. Su, long time no see! Why are you alone? Where's Su Xuan?"

"Oh, my sister originally wanted to take part together, but there is no way, she still has to stay at home and prepare for the study exam!"

Hearing this, Wang Long also nodded, exchanged a few casual greetings, and hurriedly took it away.

"Hey! Wang Long, here I come!" A beautiful and charming girl came, it was the popular actress Tang Xiaolin.

"It's so late? Big stars are different! Hurry up and find a seat!"

"Ouch! Mr. Wang! It's been a while since I haven't seen you, and you've become a lot more majestic!" Xue Yun, the Patriarch of the Xue family, also came to the scene.


Watching one big person after another greet Wang Long one by one, Lin Feng and Zhang Chunmei beside him were already speechless.

There is no other reason, these people who just came here, any one of them, is a figure who can call the wind and rain in the imperial capital!

Even compared to them, even Qin Hu is not a character.

That's why Qin Hu consciously sat in an inconspicuous corner after he came.

Because he knew in his heart that, in his own capacity, being able to sit in a small corner was already a blessing!
Even Qin Hu is like this, let alone a little Lin Feng.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Feng knew in his heart that compared with these guests, he was like an ant, not worth mentioning.

"Son, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly? Why don't you hurry up and communicate with the bosses?"

Zhang Chunmei on the side didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so she hurriedly urged Lin Feng.

But no matter how much he urged, Lin Feng always stood there blankly, showing no intention of taking any action.

"I... I think it's better to forget it, there will be plenty of time later, don't worry!"

Although Lin Feng said so on his lips, he had another thought in his heart.

Just relying on his insignificant status, he wants to communicate with these big guys?Not good enough at all!
"Why don't you be in a hurry! Almost all the guests are here now, so hurry up and see who you want to get to know first!"

But even if Zhang Chunmei talked about this, Lin Feng still stood there, as if he couldn't move his feet.

"This child, what's the matter? It wasn't like this just now!"

"Maybe your precious son has an inferiority complex when he sees those big men!"

Wang Long's words immediately made Lin Feng's face extremely ugly.

"Who? Who is inferior! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Isn't it?" Wang Long sneered, and Lin Feng didn't know how to refute.

Although he still refuses to admit it, his thoughts have already been shaken.

Indeed, as Wang Long said, compared with these big guys, a small Lin Feng is nothing at all!
"Son, don't listen to his nonsense! This kid is trying to annoy you on purpose! We can't mess with ourselves!"

Probably seeing that Lin Feng's expression was not quite right, Zhang Chunmei also hurriedly reminded him.

"Mom, don't talk, let me be alone."

But Lin Feng's response surprised Zhang Chunmei.

how so?Isn't my son always majestic?Why did it suddenly die today?
Could it be that he really admitted that he was inferior to Wang Long?

(End of this chapter)

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