Ares out of prison

Chapter 415 Wang Long's Gift

Chapter 415 Wang Long's Gift

Now that all the guests have arrived, the banquet is about to begin.

"You two should find a place to sit down by yourself! After all, you are a guest when you come, and I, Wang Long, will not send you away!"

Lin Feng's heart was full of resentment, and Wang Long's sudden utterance was undoubtedly adding fuel to the flames!

But so what?I am not capable of being beaten by others, even if I am angry, it is just incompetent and furious.

"Don't get carried away, kid! If there is no Sun Zihan, you are just a..."

"Mom, stop talking, let's find a place to sit down!" Before Zhang Chunmei could finish speaking, Lin Feng interrupted her first.

"Okay! After the banquet is over, I'll settle it with you slowly!" Zhang Chunmei obviously didn't realize the gap between herself and Wang Long, and she kept clamoring that she would come back to trouble Wang Long later.

As for this, Wang Long just smiled coldly, simply dismissing it.

Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng wandered around the living room for a long time, but they still couldn't find their location.

It's not that there are no vacant seats, to be precise, there are no seats that match their identities.

The people at the same table are either wealthy businessmen, high officials or dignitaries, and worst of all, popular stars.

Any one of these people presented would be a big shot that Lin Feng had to look up to.

Want to sit at the same table with them?I'm afraid that even if Lin Feng develops for another ten years, he won't have the qualifications!

In the end, Lin Feng and Zhang Chunmei had to sit in a place so remote that they almost left the hall.

As the lights slowly dimmed, the noisy crowd also became quiet.

A light came on in the center of the stage, accompanied by the melodious and melodious sound of the flute, and the figure of Sun Zihan appeared one after another.

Today, she is wearing a simple and elegant Chinese-style cheongsam, with a unique beauty in every frown and smile.

That graceful figure, against the backdrop of the cheongsam, looks graceful and moving, and that beautiful face even more touches the heartstrings of everyone.

The moment they saw Sun Zihan, everyone couldn't help holding their breath and concentrating, as if the slightest sound would startle this slim beauty.

"This... this is too beautiful!" Tang Xiaolin stared blankly at Sun Zihan on the stage with her eyes wide open.

As a female star, she has a beautiful face and can easily manage any makeup.

But even Tang Xiaolin couldn't help but sigh in admiration when she saw Sun Zihan dressed up like this.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Tang Xiaolin still had to be thankful that such a person did not choose to enter the entertainment industry.

Otherwise, the title of popular goddess may have to change hands!

Not only the guests present, but also Wang Long, who was the host, was also surprised.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement, and then walked onto the stage.

I saw that he was holding a small sandalwood box in his hand, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

"Zihan, this is my birthday present for you, open it and have a look!" Wang Long said, and handed over the small box.

Sun Zihan was taken aback for a moment, and after taking the wooden box, he opened it carefully.

Although the items in the wooden box have not been officially announced, the guests in the audience have already started whispering.

"I can assure you that Mr. Wang's gift must be ingenious!"

"Of course! Mr. Wang loves Ms. Sun very much. He must have been preparing for this birthday party for a long time!"

"Stop talking, the more you talk, the more curious you become. I want to know what's in that box!"

Zhang Chunmei's mother and son heard every word of everyone's discussion, which really made her very upset.

"I really don't know what this group of people think! Isn't he just a door-to-door son-in-law? He's boasting so much!"

"Mr. Wang shouted one after another. Those who didn't know thought Wang Long was such a powerful character!"

"Mom, don't say a few words!" Lin Feng secretly knew that something was wrong, so he quickly reminded him in a low voice.

After all, those people who admired Wang Long so much were all well-known figures in the imperial capital.

Zhang Chunmei said so blatantly bad things about Wang Long, isn't that the same as an open confrontation with these big men?
Fortunately, the location of the two of them is too remote, no one pays attention to the two of them at all.

"Son, Mom advises you, don't think too much about that Wang Long! If he is really capable, why is he still just a little-known son-in-law until now? Why don't you see him start a listed company by himself?"

What Zhang Chunmei said immediately made Lin Feng feel much more at ease.

yes!Wang Long is just a soft eater, there is nothing to be arrogant about at all!
Even if he knows some big shots in the imperial capital, that still can't change the fact that he is a waste!

"Mom, you're right, Wang Long is just a waste, and he has no right to show off his power at all!"

Lin Feng only clenched his fists, and his eyes revealed his disdain for Wang Long.

"Speaking of which, what kind of gift do you think he can prepare for Sun Zihan?"

As Zhang Chunmei spoke, she gently shook the goblet in her hand, with a look of scrutiny.

"Heh, what kind of decent gift can a trash like him give? It's probably just some low-quality jewelry!"

Not to mention anything else, just seeing that wooden box, Lin Feng concluded that the contents inside must be worthless!

After all, expensive jewelry must be placed in a velvet jewelry box, who would put it in such a simple wooden box?

"Let me see, maybe it contains some inferior products sold on the street stalls! Thanks to him, Wang Long, for giving it away!"

As Zhang Chunmei said, she looked down at the shiny necklace around her neck.

"The necklace my son gave me is worth a lot! Such a necklace must cost at least several million!"

"Of course! How do you say, your son and I are more promising than Wang Long?"

When Lin Feng said this, the expression on his face looked extremely proud.

Leaving aside how majestic Wang Long was in front of him just now, at least in the matter of giving gifts, Wang Long has already lost to himself.

"Mr. Wang, tell us all about what is in that wooden box!"

"That's right, I am Mr. Wang, we are all impatient! Let's uncover the mystery!"

I don't know who in the crowd said such a sentence, which immediately attracted the approval of all the guests present.

And Wang Long also looked at them with a smile on his face, then nodded:
"Since everyone is so curious, let me reveal a little bit. In fact, what is inside is a gift made by myself!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall suddenly fell into silence.

"Pfft hahahaha..."

But at this moment, an untimely laughter suddenly came, which immediately attracted the disgusted eyes of all the guests.

Looking at the reputation, I saw that it was none other than Zhang Chunmei and Lin Feng's mother and son who were laughing!

(End of this chapter)

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