Ares out of prison

Chapter 416 Shock 4

Chapter 416 Shocked Four
"Who are you? How dare you be so disrespectful at Mr. Wang's banquet!" A burst of yelling came.

Immediately afterwards, all the guests condemned and denounced their mother and son.

But at this moment, Wang Long on the stage suddenly stretched out his hand, signaling for everyone to keep quiet.

It's strange to say that this group of powerful bigwigs are fearless in the imperial capital, but they only obey Wang Long's words.

After the venue became quiet again, Wang Long looked at Lin Feng with great interest and asked:
"What's so happy about the two of you? I don't know if you can say it and share it with us?"

Faced with Wang Long's questioning, Lin Feng naturally couldn't bear it, and stood up immediately.

Hmph, I can't afford to offend these big shots. Could it be that I'm still afraid of you, a little son-in-law?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I originally thought that the gift you gave Ms. Sun should be worth a thousand gold, but I didn't expect..."

Having said that, Lin Feng didn't say any more, but the rest of the sentence was naturally understood by everyone.

As soon as Lin Feng said this, everyone present couldn't help but start discussing.

"That's right! Mr. Wang usually loves Ms. Sun very much, so the gifts he gave should be very expensive!"

"Gifts made by myself... It sounds like a downgrade. It's not like Mr. Wang's style of doing things."

"What do you know? What women value is their heart! Maybe Mr. Wang can impress Ms. Sun even more by making it himself!"

The discussion among the people continued one after another. In short, everyone has different opinions, and everyone expresses their opinions.

For a while, the originally quiet meeting place began to fall into a noisy situation again.

But the instigator of this chaotic situation is now standing aside, looking at Wang Long on the stage with a playful face.

I told you to embarrass me just now, now it's my turn to embarrass you!
"I think everyone may have misunderstood. Although I made this gift myself, its value is still very high!"

"Oh? Really? Then I would like to ask Mr. Wang, how much is your gift?"

Lin Feng said, not forgetting to point to the necklace on Zhang Chunmei's neck, and added:
"This necklace is a birthday present I gave to my mother last year. It is made of sterling silver and inlaid with fifteen crystal diamonds from Mandalay. The cost of just one diamond is as high as 10,000+!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present gasped.

It wasn't because they couldn't afford such an expensive gift, what surprised them was that someone would dare to show off their wealth in front of Wang Long?Isn't this equivalent to playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?
And Lin Feng obviously didn't realize how stupid his behavior was, he still looked at Wang Long with a proud face, and said:

"I don't know how much the gift Mr. Wang made by hand is worth. Which one is better than this necklace?"

Facing Lin Feng's provocation, not to mention Wang Long, even the guests next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

"How dare you question Mr. Wang? I think you don't want to hang out in the imperial capital!"

"Isn't it just a broken necklace? What's there to be arrogant about? Among the guests present, which one is poor?"

But when everyone condemned Lin Feng again and again, Wang Long on the stage shook his head and said:

"Don't be impatient, everyone. I think Mr. Lin's words are quite reasonable!"


Hearing what Wang Long said, everyone was involuntarily stunned.

what happened?This person slandered Wang Long so much, but he didn't get angry?Is this still the Mr. Wang they are familiar with?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Wang Long changed the subject:
"However, I think it's really inappropriate to use that necklace as a comparison, because in my opinion, the necklace on your mother's neck is as worthless as a dog chain!"

"What did you say!" Lin Feng stared angrily at once, but in the next second, he forcefully suppressed his anger.

Those present were all big bosses who couldn't be provoked. It was obviously an unwise choice to clash with Wang Long at this time.

"Okay! Mr. Wang is so confident in his gift, why don't you show it out quickly and let us see it?"

Brat, I want to see what is in your crappy box, can it compare with this diamond necklace!

"Zihan, open it for everyone to see!" Wang Long turned his head and said to Sun Zihan.

The latter nodded in agreement, and then carefully opened the sandalwood box.


I saw a treacherous rose-red light rushing out of the box, illuminating the entire venue.

For a moment, the originally dim venue was shrouded in this strange light, making it extraordinarily glamorous and moving!
"What is that?" All the guests stood up one after another, casting curious eyes on the box in Sun Zihan's hand.

"It seems...a pendant?" Several guests in the front row couldn't help being a little surprised after seeing what Sun Zihan was holding.

"What kind of pendant is that? It can be so beautiful! I have never seen such a magical thing in my life!"

Looking at the pendant's exquisite shape, delicate texture, and translucent luster, it seems to be natural!

It can be said that even the most skilled sculptors in the world today cannot make such exquisite objects!
"What did I say, the gift from Mr. Wang is definitely not something in the pool!"

"Indeed! Only such a peerless masterpiece can be worthy of Miss Sun's alluring beauty!"

"To be honest, although I have been in the show business for many years, I have never been lucky enough to see such shocking jewelry!"

Everyone's praises came and went, endlessly.

But Wang Long walked up to Sun Zihan when he was astonished, and asked in a gentle tone:

"How is Han? Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Sun Zihan nodded again and again, with a happy smile on his face.

This is not intentionally said to please Wang Long. Sun Zihan's words of liking are completely from the bottom of his heart.

Even her hands holding the wooden box were trembling uncontrollably right now!

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Long took the pendant out of the box and carefully put it on for Sun Zihan.

In an instant, there was warm applause at the venue, and all the guests stood up at the same time, wishing the happy young couple well.

Among the crowd, there were two figures who looked extremely lonely.

" is this possible? That boy Wang Long, where did you get that thing?"

Lin Feng stared blankly at the pendant, muttering something.

Now he finally understood why Wang Long showed such disdain for Zhang Chunmei's necklace.

Compared with the emerald pendant, the necklace I gave to my mother is like rubbish!
But when he was surprised, Zhang Chunmei suddenly let go of his voice and shouted:
"Wang Long! Where did you buy this pendant? How much did it cost?"

(End of this chapter)

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