Chapter 637

"Didn't you already leave the imperial capital? Why did you call back suddenly? Could it be that you couldn't get along outside and regretted it?"

The caller was none other than Sun Xia who fled from the imperial capital some time ago.

Originally thought that the purpose of her calling this time must be to ask Sun Anmin to arrange another job for her.

But who would have thought that Sun Xia on the other end of the phone sneered, her tone full of disdain:

"Sun Anmin, don't look down on people! You really think I can't live without you, don't you?"

"Let me tell you! Ever since I left the imperial capital, I have met a big man! His family business is many times stronger than Sun Zihan's! Now I am popular and drink spicy food under his hands, how happy I am!"

Hearing this prosperity, Sun Anmin couldn't help frowning, a little confused: "Is it because you called to show off?"

"You think I'm a snob like Liu Juan? Let me tell you, I did a good thing for you by calling this time!"

"The big man I know is very interested in Sun Zihan's business and plans to cooperate with her! This is a good opportunity that you can't get even if there is smoke in your ancestral grave! Shouldn't you thank me well?"

If it was someone else who helped Sun Zihan find a partner, maybe Sun Anmin would really express his gratitude.

But this person was Sun Xia, he couldn't believe that this girl could do something serious!

"Are you sure it's a big shot, let me tell you, don't pay attention to money, you won't even know you've been cheated!"

"Damn! Sun Anmin, I think you just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour! How about it! When the time comes, I will let Mr. Huo come to the imperial capital in person to meet with you, and then you will know whether what I said is true or not Already!"

"But I have to remind you first, when they come, you must treat them well! If you dare to neglect, you will bear the consequences!"

After Sun Xia said this, there was only a busy tone on the other end of the phone, but Sun Anmin didn't respond for a long time.

"Is it Sun Xia calling? What did she say?" Wang Long asked.

Sun Anmin relayed what Sun Xia said just now to Wang Long, who naturally showed a disdainful expression after hearing it.

"What kind of big shot can she make friends with? She must have been brainwashed by that little-known scammer again!"

"But I heard her tone, it doesn't seem like she's lying. Do you think it's really her luck that some big shot fell in love with her?"

"For a person like her who wants ability but not ability, and looks but not looks, what kind of big shot would like her?"

Wang Long shook his head, not taking what Sun Xia said seriously at all.

However, after some consideration, Sun Anmin decided to tell Sun Zihan about it at dinner time.

"What? Great man! How dare you! I really didn't love Sun Xia for nothing, and I still want to introduce such a good thing to us!"

When Sun Anmin finished speaking, before Sun Zihan could answer, Liu Juan beside him was very excited.

"Mom, I'm here to find Zihan, what are you happy with here? It's like someone is here to see you!"

Wang Long's unceremonious words made Liu Juan angry immediately.

"Shut up! What do you know, you fool? If Zihan can really cooperate with this big shot this time, wouldn't we be prosperous?"

"Mom, why do you still believe what Sun Xia said? Have you forgotten what happened in the last exchange meeting?"

A stupid person like Liu Juan, who only cares about immediate interests, naturally doesn't understand what it means to gain wisdom through a fall.

"Last time? Hey! Wasn't it an accident last time? I have a hunch that Mr. Huo is definitely a real capable person!"

"Besides, people have already agreed to visit us. As hosts, we must not lose the way of hospitality, right?"

For some reason, when Liu Juan said such words, it always made people feel a little inexplicably wanting to laugh.

"Zihan, I think what Juan'er said makes sense, anyway, it won't hurt to meet each other when the time comes!"

Seeing that Mrs. Sun and Liu Juan had said so, Sun Zihan had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Early the next morning, everyone was awakened by a loud knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw that it was Sun Xia who had disappeared for many days.

It's only been a few days since I've seen her, and Sun Xia's appearance has undergone an earth-shaking change!
At that time, she dressed in rustic clothes and behaved even more vulgarly.

But the young man in front of him not only dressed brightly, but also walked with an imposing aura of wealth.

I don't know, I thought it was the daughter of some rich family!
Seeing this scene, Liu Juan was even more sure that this legendary Mr. Huo must be of extraordinary strength!
But when she was excited to welcome the guests, she found that Sun Xia was the only one at the door, and Mr. Huo was nowhere to be seen.

"Xia'er, didn't you say there is another big shot? Where's the person?"

"Just kidding, Mr. Huo is here, of course I have to come and make arrangements in advance, who knows if you people will neglect him!"

Sun Xia put on an air of condescendingness, and totally ignored Liu Juan and the others.

From her point of view, what she said now was so powerful that she could completely ignore Sun Zihan!
But what she didn't know was that in the eyes of Wang Long and Sun Zihan, her behavior was tantamount to arrogance.

Unfortunately, facing Sun Xia's humiliation, instead of feeling angry, Liu Juan showed a flattering smile.

"The eldest niece really has a heart! It's just right, you come and tell us what Mr. Huo likes, so I can let Zihan arrange it!"

"I have a meeting in my company today, so I can't be there. Arrange it yourself."

"No!" As soon as the words finished, Sun Xia refused straight away: "Why is the meeting so important that you dare not even see Mr. Huo?"

"Zihan, the eldest niece is right. I think you should postpone this meeting for a while!"

Liu Juan began to speak for Sun Xia indiscriminately.

Originally thought that if the two of them sang together, Sun Zihan would have no reason to refuse.

But who knows that the latter has a meaningful smile on his face, and said: "The mayor of the imperial city is going to come to my company for research. As the chairman, I must accompany me to participate, right? Or, do you think this Mr. Huo is worse than the city?" It's still a big face, why don't you let him call and tell the mayor, and I'll stay and see him!"

This sentence immediately made Liu Juan and Sun Xia speechless, and they didn't dare to stop them.

"Alright, Zihan, I'll take you to the company."

Just as Wang Long was about to take Sun Zihan out, Sun Xia stood in front of him.

"Stop! Since Sun Zihan is not free, I think you can accompany the guests!"

(End of this chapter)

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