Chapter 638

"Me?" Wang Long frowned: "I'm here to discuss cooperation with Zihan, what does it have to do with me?"

"That won't work! It's impossible for the two of you to be absent. Let my aunt receive the guests, right? Does she know the rules?"

Originally, at the beginning, Liu Juan felt that every word Sun Xia said was reasonable, so she kept nodding beside her in agreement.

But when she heard the last sentence, the smile on her face froze immediately, and she stood beside her with a gloomy face.

What made her even more angry was that even though Sun Xia blatantly said such words, she had no chance to refute them!
After all, what she said was right, Liu Juan only knows how to dawdle all day long, how can she know how to treat guests?
"Anyway, this matter is not discussed. One of you two must stay at home today! Otherwise, neither of you will even think about leaving!"

To be honest, if Wang Long wanted to leave, even ten more people would not be able to stop him, let alone a mere Sun Xia?

But right now, he is really curious about the background of Mr. Huo, and wants to stay and find out.

Thinking of this, Wang Long handed the car keys to Sun Zihan and said to her:

"How about it, Zihan, you go and do your homework today, I'll just stay here!"

"Is this... suitable?" Sun Zihan couldn't help frowning slightly, looking worried.

"There's nothing inappropriate! Letting him stay is enough to give him face! Where is there so much nonsense?"

Sun Xia yelled from the side, but what she got was a fierce look from Sun Zihan.

In the end, Wang Long shook his head to her and explained, "Don't worry! It's okay, you can handle the company's affairs well!"

Seeing that he had said that, Sun Zihan felt a little relieved, nodded in agreement, and turned to leave.

"Okay! The rest of the people, except grandma, act for me! Clean up this house!"

Sun Xia stood in the middle of the living room, giving orders to Wang Long and Liu Juan as if she was the head of the family.

But this time, for the first time, the two of them remained consistent and did not act.

"Hey! What do you mean? Can't you understand what I'm saying? Hurry up and clean up the room!"

"This... eldest niece, I think this room is quite clean and doesn't need to be tidied up. When Mr. Huo comes, why don't we make him a good cup of tea?"

"Nonsense!" Sun Xia scolded angrily, "Your Master Huo condescends to come to your house, and it is already your blessing. How dare you say such unkind words? If the old man finds out, he will be angry." !"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long next to him couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Old man, you are really a top-notch dog, you even changed your name!"

I think back when Sun Xia was in love with Yu's family, at most she just called him Young Master Yu. When did she ever call him old man?

"You trash! Hurry up and clean up the room, be careful that I will be rude to you later!"

Sun Xia obviously forgot the price of provoking Wang Long before, and started bossing him around again.

Naturally, Wang Long wouldn't spoil her, he turned around and whistled towards the second floor, and the long-haired dog rushed out and rushed towards Sun Xia!

The latter was so frightened that he ran around the room in a panic.

"Well, you bastard! How dare you let the dog bite me! When Mr. Huo comes, see what I can say about you!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Juan's expression changed drastically, and she quickly scolded Wang Long:
"Did you hear that? You got into a catastrophe! Get the dog away!"

Only then did Wang Long clap his hands, and the long-haired dog really turned around and ran back to the balcony on the second floor.

At this time, Sun Xia was already so tired that she was sweating profusely, sitting slumped on the ground and panting heavily.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what the eldest niece said just now? Hurry up and clean up the living room!"

Liu Juan urged Wang Long together, but Wang Long cast a cold look at her.

"Don't you have long hands yourself? Why do you want to order me?"

"You!" Liu Juan suddenly felt an unknown fire in her heart, but Wang Long ignored it at all, turned around and went upstairs.

"Auntie, what are you doing? Why don't you stop that guy?"

Sun Xia stepped forward and looked at Liu Juan with a puzzled expression, but the latter shook her head in a hesitant manner.

Just kidding, if I can stop him, do I still need you to talk nonsense?

There was no other way, seeing that Wang Long refused to help, Liu Juan and Sun Xia could only clean up the room by themselves.

However, their so-called tidying up was nothing more than wiping the coffee table and tidying up the sofa cushions.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Juan and Sun Xia scrambled to open the door.

But when the door opened, Liu Juan couldn't help but freeze in place.

I saw a fat middle-aged man with thinning hair standing outside, showing a greasy smile at her.

Liu Juan resisted the discomfort in her heart and asked in a low voice, "That... May I ask who are you looking for?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Sun Xia stepped forward in one step.

"Blind your dog's eyes! This is a well-known entrepreneur in Haijin City, Boss Huo Guangminghuo! His company in Haijin City is as good as ten Sun Zihan's companies!"

Although she felt that this person looked a bit unexpected, but after hearing Sun Xia's introduction, Liu Juan quickly showed a smile.

"It turned out to be Boss Huo! I'm really sorry, sorry for my poor eyesight, but I didn't recognize you!"

"No tie, no tie, let's not pay attention to these things, let's enter the house!"

Huo Guangming's opening made Liu Juan dumbfounded again.

Not only is this person indescribable, but his accent is also very strange. I don't know where he is with a local accent.

"Wang Long! Why are you still standing there? Didn't you see the guests coming? Hurry up and serve tea!"

Wang Long who heard the news raised his eyes and almost couldn't hold back his laughter!

Now he finally understood why Sun Xia called this person an old man before.

"Hey! Remember to make good tea! Don't try to fool people with defective goods! Mr. Huo is an expert in tea tasting. He can tell whether it is good or bad at a glance!"

Wang Long ignored Sun Xia, but walked into the kitchen on his own.

"Tea tasting expert? I want to see where you come from!"

After some searching, Wang Long finally found a can of Tieguanyin covered with dust in the cabinet.

On the other side, as soon as Huo Guangming sat down, Liu Juan began to make friends with him.

"Boss Huo, Haijin City is right next door to the imperial capital, so we can be considered neighbors! I wonder what kind of business Boss Huo is doing there?"

"It's not a big mountain idea! It's just dog real estate! It's worth hundreds of millions over the years!"

Huo Guangming's words were even more difficult to understand than foreign languages. Every time Liu Juan had to react for a long time to understand what he meant.

"Oh! So it's real estate!"

As she said that, a flattering smile appeared on her face, and she knew in her heart that this must be a local rich man!

"Hey! Wang Long, you useless, why haven't you made some tea yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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