Chapter 658
Seeing that Long Fei's parents were supporting her, Liu Shan immediately became confident when speaking, and did not give Wang Long any face.

"Dad, you don't need to say, Wang Long and I really love each other, and we will never leave him!"

"You silly girl, this kid has no money and no power, what are you trying to do with him?"

Before Wang Long could answer, Sun Zihan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said:
"Uncle, this is not right. As far as I know, Mr. Wang also runs a company, and the annual income is hundreds of millions! Is this not enough to be worthy of your daughter? ?"

The couple saw that they were people who fell into the eyes of money. When they heard Sun Zihan say that Wang Long was rich, their attitudes immediately changed 180 degrees.

"Really? It seems that people can't be judged by appearances. Xiao Wang, I'm really sorry. Uncle just blamed you by mistake!"

Seeing the faces of the two, Wang Long and Sun Zihan felt an indescribable disgust in their hearts.

If it weren't for the fact that they still have to cooperate with Long Fei in acting, they probably would have left the meeting angrily!

"It doesn't matter. Since this is the case, then I will take it as if you have agreed that I and Long Fei will be together. I hope that you two will not introduce her to any other blind dates in the future. In addition, I have another sentence..."

"Wait!" Before Wang Long could finish speaking, Liu Shan who was beside him suddenly interrupted him.

I saw him looking at Wang Long arrogantly, his eyes full of disdain.

"What's so great about starting a company? I have countless properties under my command!"

"And you know, I just recently reached a cooperation agreement with a big shot in our imperial capital. With her help, within half a year, I can officially become the number one person in the catering industry in the imperial capital! By that time, my annual income will be as high as Countless!"

Hearing these words, the eyes of the couple who were planning to give up once again flashed brightly.

"Really? Boss Liu, who is such a capable person? Can you introduce us to each other?"

"Uncle Long, I'm afraid it won't work this time. After all, who is Miss Li? How can I introduce you to me casually?" Liu Shan's tone was full of showing off, but Long Yuan didn't mind at all, even He nodded again and again.

"That's right! It's better for us husband and wife not to get involved in the circle of you upper-class people!"

"Then... how about this, daughter, we have no objection to your relationship with Xiao Wang, so how about making friends with Boss Liu?"

As soon as these words came out, Long Fei immediately became gloomy, with disgust in his eyes.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to be on two boats?"

"This child, how do you talk? How can this be called two boats? We also want you to form a good relationship!"

"It's okay! Miss Long, I think what my uncle and aunt say makes sense! Even if you can't fall in love, it's good to make friends!"

Although Liu Shan said so, his eyes were full of cunning.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he just wants to use the guise of making friends, so that one day he can sneak in!

However, just when Long Fei was about to sternly refuse, Wang Long at the side suddenly said:
"Wait, you just said that you met a Miss Li? Who is that person?"

"Tch! What does it matter who you are? Do you still want to curry favor with others? Come on! Based on your conditions, I'm afraid you don't even have the qualification to meet Miss Li!"

Faced with Liu Shan's ridicule, Wang Long did not choose to take it to heart, but exchanged a glance with Sun Zihan.

Dominating the catering industry and being able to manage so many hotels at once, could it be that his partner is Li Xiaotian?

After thinking about it, Wang Long thinks that besides Li Xiaotian, there is no one who can have such a great influence in the emperor!

"Well, I happen to know a big man with luggage, why don't I ask her out, maybe the two of us are talking about the same person!"

As Wang Long said, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

But who would have thought that as soon as these words came out, Liu Shan unceremoniously began to mock.

"It's just you? You're just a small businessman. How else can you meet big people? It's a joke!"

Wang Long ignored him and called Li Xiaotian directly.

Seeing his appearance, the middle-aged couple next to him couldn't help being a little puzzled, and quietly leaned into Liu Shan's ear.

"Boss Liu, I don't think Xiao Wang is joking, maybe he really knows some important people!"

"Don't worry! It's absolutely impossible! Usually, even for me, it's hard to see Miss Li. How can he make an appointment with just a phone call?"

Liu Shan insisted that Wang Long might know some important person at all.

But who would have thought that in less than 10 minutes, the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and a young woman who was quite elegantly dressed came walking.

"Mr. Wang, Miss Sun, long time no see!"

"What?!" Before Wang Long could greet her, Liu Shan beside him couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Miss Li, why is it really you? Do you know this guy?"

When seeing Liu Shan, Li Xiaotian also looked a little surprised.

"Boss Liu? Why are you here? I haven't heard you say that you know Mr. Wang before?"

Both of them cast their eyes on Wang Long by coincidence, but the latter smiled slightly:
"Forget about this, Miss Li, I heard that you have reached a cooperation with this person? Do you want to help him secure the No. [-] position in the catering industry in the imperial capital?"

"That... Uncle and aunt, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I will excuse you first!"

Seeing that things were not going well, Liu Shan immediately stood up and was about to run away.

Who knew that at this time, Sun Zihan stepped forward and blocked him.

"Don't rush away. From what you said just now, you and Ms. Li seem to be quite familiar. When old friends meet, shouldn't they sit down and catch up?"

"What old friend? Miss Sun, you misunderstood. This person did come to me to discuss cooperation before, but I checked and found that most of his stores are in a state of loss, and he himself has a lot of debts. He is a full-fledged old man. Lai! So I turned him down a long time ago!"

As soon as these words came out, Long Fei's parents immediately froze in place, and couldn't believe their ears!

And Liu Shan, who was arrogant and domineering just now, is like a frosted eggplant, completely gone.

"Mr. Wang, why did you suddenly get involved with this kind of person? He won't come to you to cooperate again, right?"

"To be precise, I am not cooperating with him, but competing!"

"Competition?" Li Xiaotian looked at Wang Long blankly, but the latter turned his attention to the middle-aged couple.

"You two, did you see that this is the big man you are looking for for your daughter? He is really young and promising!"

(End of this chapter)

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