Chapter 659

Ten minutes ago, Liu Shan was talking nonsense in front of Wang Long, and he didn't take this competitor seriously!

But now, he completely lost the arrogance he had before, and stood there blushing, not even daring to look at Long Fei's parents!
"Okay! You bastard dared to lie to our old couple! Thanks to Mr. Wang who came in time today, otherwise we would have been fooled by you!"

Long Yuan pointed at Liu Shan's nose and scolded him so bloody.

Seeing that Li Xiaotian was present and her lies had been exposed, Liu Shan did not dare to vent even if he was angry.

"Why? Still not leaving? Do you think you still have a chance to fight for it?"

Wang Long looked at him coldly, and then Liu Shan quickly left, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Let me just say, Mr. Wang, how could you have any relationship with that kind of person! You two are not from the same world at all!"

"Xiao Wang! I'm really sorry, we misunderstood you before!"

Until now, Long Yuan finally realized that his daughter's boyfriend is a rare talent!
Just now the couple had sneered at Wang Long, but now, their attitude has changed drastically.

"How about this! Since you and my daughter really love each other, why don't we fix the wedding date now!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaotian next to her immediately widened her eyes and looked at the two of them with a face full of astonishment.

"Marry? With your daughter? Where is this going?"

Li Xiaotian couldn't believe her ears, thinking that Wang Long didn't seem like the kind of person who would mess around outside behind his wife's back!

Even if they were really messing around, how dare they do these things in front of Sun Zihan?This is too bold!

"Miss Li, you misunderstood, Wang Long is doing my staff a favor."

Seeing that things have developed to this point, Sun Zihan also understands that there is no need for this drama to continue.

"Uncle and aunt, let me tell you the truth. I am Long Fei's boss. This is my husband and one of the shareholders of our company. We are here today to let you know the true face of that Liu Shan!"

"Wait a minute! I'm confused by what you said. Isn't Mr. Wang my daughter's boyfriend? How come he's your husband again?"

"Oh, Dad, I'm specifically asking Mr. Wang and the others to help me with this. Otherwise, how would you know what kind of person Liu Shan is?"

As soon as Long Fei said this, the husband and wife finally reacted.

Dare to be happy for so long, but in the end, he was fooled by his own daughter?
Thinking of such an excellent man who failed to become his son-in-law in the end, Long Yuan felt somewhat regretful in his heart.

"I think... how about this, Mr. Wang, you and my daughter can also try to date, our husband and wife don't mind!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We are very traditional in thinking, and we don't mind at all!"

Seeing the eyes of the two, which were full of cunning and greed, Wang Long cast a contemptuous look at them from the bottom of his heart.

"Your daughter and I are just colleagues. Except for the necessary contacts at work, there will be no other relationship, so you don't have to worry about it anymore!"

After saying this, Wang Long turned around and left with Sun Zihan, and Li Xiaotian followed closely behind and left the private room with them.

Looking at the backs of several people, Long Yuan's face was as ugly as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis!
At first, they thought that their daughter had really found a wealthy son-in-law for them, but in the end it was nothing but joy!
"Daughter, you really are too. Since your company has such good people, how can you just give up like this?"

"Unreasonable!" Facing Long Yuan's accusation, Long Fei just cursed in a low voice, and then left without looking back.

"Mr. Sun! Mr. Wang! Wait for me!"

When they turned their heads, they saw Long Fei walking towards them quickly.

"Thank you so much this time! If it weren't for you, even I wouldn't know that Liu Shan is such a person!"

"It's okay, you don't need to be so polite, after all, you have made so much contribution to our company, you should help us!"

Sun Zihan suddenly noticed that Wang Long kept his head down at this moment, as if he was thinking about something.

"What's the matter, husband? Is there a problem?"

"Oh, no problem, no problem, I just think that if Vice President Long really wants to fall in love, I know a nice guy who I can introduce to you! Not to mention anything else, he must be better than a scum like Liu Shan many!"

Long Fei looked at Wang Long curiously: "Really? Who is that man?"

"It's not very convenient during this time, how about this, if you're interested, I'll arrange for the two of you to meet again after he finishes his work for a while!"

"Okay! That's it!"

Seeing that Long Fei agreed without thinking, Sun Zihan couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Xiaolong, don't you want to stop asking more about that person?"

"What else is there to ask? Even Mr. Wang thinks he is good, so there must be no problem!"

In this way, several people finalized the matter and left separately.

On the way back, Wang Long wanted to tell Sun Zihan who he was looking for, but before he opened his mouth, Sun Zihan had already guessed: "Could it be that you want to introduce Song Protector to her?"

"Hey! How about you know me?"

"I think this is pretty good. Xiaolong and Song Hufa are about the same age, and both of them are good-looking talents. If this thing can really be done, we can count as accumulating merit."

"But how do you know that Protector Song will definitely agree?"

"That kid? Don't look at him who seems to be quite serious at ordinary times, but he is actually open-minded! Vice President Long's qualifications are good, and after we match him up like this, he will definitely be fine!"

Seeing Wang Long's confidence, Sun Zihan just smiled.

"It's not us, it's you. I still won't rob you of such a glorious task as Yuelao. You can handle it yourself!"

While laughing, Wang Long's expression became serious again.

"However, the most urgent task at the moment is to deal with the cooperation with the Yuwen family. Let's put other matters aside for the time being!"

"Speaking of the Yuwen family, when I passed by our mother's room last night, I heard her calling someone and asking about this family?"

This sentence immediately caught Wang Long's attention: "Why does she want to ask? Does this matter have anything to do with her?"

Sun Zihan also felt very puzzled, and shook his head: "I don't know, maybe our mother is just curious, so let's ask casually!"

Wang Long's eyes were a bit complicated, and he was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth.

"I hope she's just curious and not holding back some bad water!"

(End of this chapter)

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