Ares out of prison

Chapter 662 Abnormal behavior

Chapter 662 Abnormal behavior
Back at Jinlan Mansion Villa, it happened that Sun Zihan was resting at home today, so Wang Long was going to tell her what happened before.

But before he could speak, Liu Juan who was beside him did step forward first.

"Zihan, Mom has something to tell you!"

"Let's talk." Sun Zihan looked at his phone and replied casually.

Unexpectedly, Liu Juan stretched out her hand directly: "Give me some money, Mom is going on a long trip tomorrow."

"What? Why are you going on a long trip?" Wang Long's words immediately caught Sun Zihan's attention.

"What do you mean? Have you really agreed to cooperate with the Yuwen family?"

Wang Long nodded: "They hope that Feilong will help them escort a batch of goods to Yunan and leave next week. This time I come back to tell you about it."

Sun Zihan was obviously worried, but just as he was about to say something, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

After all, she knew in her heart that if Wang Long had agreed, she would not be able to persuade him to come back.

What's more, Wang Long is not the kind of person who is ignorant of current affairs. Since he can accept this commission, he must have already thought of a countermeasure.

"Yunan is so far away from the imperial capital, so how long will it take you to go this time?"

Wang Long shook his head: "I'm not sure either. If things go well, it might take ten days and a half a month!"

"But you don't have to worry too much, I've already arranged the manpower to be on guard against the Yuwen family at any time, everything will be fine!"

Seeing that Wang Long had already said that, Sun Zihan naturally didn't ask too much, just nodded and told him to be more careful.

"Hey! Have you finished talking? Hurry up and go aside! Didn't you see me standing here for a long time?"

Liu Juan still kept asking Sun Zihan for money, and just stood beside her motionless.

Only then did Sun Zihan cast his gaze on her again: "Mom, you usually have nothing serious to do, why did you suddenly go away?"

"Who says I'm not serious anymore, this time I'm going out to..." Liu Juan stopped suddenly, as if there was some ulterior secret: "Anyway, this matter is very important, maybe I'll take ten and a half days You won't be able to come back until a month later, and you have to give me some living expenses!"

"Didn't you just give you so much money last month? Why are you asking me for money again?"

"Last month... It's been so long, how can that little money be enough!"

Liu Juan's greedy expression immediately aroused Sun Zihan's disgust.

Without even thinking about it, she just shook her head and refused: "No, I can't let you spend money like this without restraint, otherwise, in the future, no matter how much family business you have, you will be sitting on it!"

"Zihan, how can you say that? I'm also doing business this time, and I want to spend the money on key points!"

But no matter what Liu Juan said, Sun Zihan had no intention of changing his mind.

Seeing this, she turned to Wang Long next to her: "Son-in-law, you have been eating at our house for so many years, shouldn't you also make some contributions to the family?"

Liu Juan looked at Wang Long with a charming smile on her face, which immediately made his face darken.

"leave me alone!"

Wang Lung refused sharply, turned around, and went upstairs without looking back.

Now Liu Juan was so angry that she looked at the two of them and silently clenched her fists.

"Okay, this is because you are not kind, so don't blame me for being rude!"

She turned and left without making a sound, came to the courtyard and took out her mobile phone, not forgetting to look back.

She finally dialed a number when she was sure there was no one behind her.

"Hey, good sister, it's me. How is the matter I told you last time? Have you connected with the Yuwen family?"

"Great! I'm going to Haijin tomorrow, and this time, I'm going to let that trash go forever!"

Early the next morning, Liu Juan took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and went out first.

"It's strange. Mom usually takes a lot of luggage with her when she travels. Why did she leave without bringing anything this time?"

Wang Long frowned slightly, feeling something strange, and immediately came to Feilong Building.

"Mr. Dong, how is the manpower arrangement going?"

"Don't worry, President, the Yuwen family is already under our close surveillance, and the ones I send out are all first-class masters, and they will definitely not be discovered by them!"

"Okay, let me know as soon as you have any news!"

After fully deploying the affairs of the imperial capital, Wang Long rushed to the branch to join Song Yuyuan and others.

"President, are you here? The Yuwen family has sent someone to explain the details of this transaction to us before. Their goods can only be shipped by land, and we need to send someone to follow them all the way."

"Otherwise, for this mission, Song Hufa and I will go there, and you and Master Gu will stay and preside over the overall situation!"

Duan Yunbao's proposal will naturally be rejected by Wang Long, after all, he is not the kind of person who will only send his subordinates to suffer, and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai by himself.

"Just leave the affairs of the meeting to Lao Gu. I have to go with you this time. Otherwise, how would I know what this Yu Wenshou is planning?"

Despite Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan's repeated dissuasion, Wang Long still refused to change his mind. In desperation, they could only nod in agreement.

In this way, after some preparations, Wang Long finally selected ten members and went with them.

The strength of these few people can be said to be among the best in the Flying Dragon Society. With them following, Wang Long can rest assured.

However, just when they thought everything was well prepared, news suddenly came from Dong Yuan's side.

"President, the person I sent out to monitor the Yuwen family said that your mother-in-law secretly went to see Yuwenshou two days ago!"

"What?" As soon as these words came out, Song Yuyuan immediately exclaimed.

"Why did she go to see Yu Wenshou for no reason? These two people are not plotting something, are they?"

However, Wang Lung seemed to have expected it, and was not too surprised by the news.

In short, no matter what her purpose is when she sees Yu Wenshou, as long as she knows that where Liu Juan is, there will be absolutely no good things.

"In addition, the person in charge of monitoring also said that since Liu Juan entered Yuwenshou's mansion, she has never come out again. President, I suspect that Yuwenshou is deceitful. Why don't we stop the operation and rescue her first?" Come out?"

Dong Yuan was worried that Yuwenshou would use Liu Juan as a threat, and Feilong would be passive at critical moments.

"No need." Wang Long shook his head and refused without thinking.

"If we terminate the operation at this juncture, it is tantamount to telling Yu Wenshou that we have secretly arranged someone to monitor him."

"Also, I want to see what Liu Juan is plotting with Yu Wenshou!"

Wang Long's tone became cold, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

I and Liu Juan have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, maybe this time, it is really time to make a reckoning!

(End of this chapter)

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